Anonymous ID: b15b96 July 15, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.9973104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3134 >>3226 >>3382

MSNBC’s Joy Reid is facing a legal battle amid her new job as a primetime host after the Second Circuit Court of Appeals revived a libel suit against her Wednesday.

Reid was sued by Roslyn La Liberte, a Trump supporter, in 2018 after she said the MSNBC host falsely accused her on social media of screaming racist slurs at a 14-year-old boy. Reid sent multiple tweets regarding a viral photo appearing to show La Liberte yelling at the young boy.

The MSNBC host tweeted that the Trump supporter “needs to be put on blast” and claimed that La Liberte came to “a rally” and “screamed” that the boy is “going to be the first deported.” Reid also claimed that La Liberte referred to the child as a “dirty Mexican,” according to a past Fox News report.

“Make the picture black and white and it could be the 1950s and the desegregation of a school. Hate is real, y’all. It hasn’t even really gone away,” Reid added on both Instagram and Facebook according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Joseph Luevanos, the 14-year-old, said that the conversation was civil, Fox LA reported in 2018. Despite this, a district court judge originally ruled in Reid’s favor last September, saying that La Liberte could not prove that Reid proceeded with malice with her apparently false claims.

La Liberte appealed the decision, saying that the suit was dismissed wrongfully and arguing against California’s anti-SLAPP statute – which tries to limit litigation that would potentially overthrow the First Amendment, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

In turn, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals revived the claims Wednesday. Following this decision, the federal appellate circuit deemed that laws such as California’s anti-SLAPP statute don’t count for federal court.

“Reid urges us to follow the Ninth Circuit, which holds that California’s anti-SLAPP statute and the Federal Rules can exist side by side . . . without conflict,” Judge Dennis Jacobs wrote according to Hollywood Reporter. “We disagree.”

MSNBC did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the Daily Caller.

Anonymous ID: b15b96 July 15, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.9973139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3371

15 Jul 2020

Stars and Stripes | By Steve Beynon

WASHINGTON Governors for 31 states and territories are seeking federal funds to keep National Guard troops deployed on coronavirus missions into the fall possibly to Christmas, Pentagon officials said Wednesday.

The Defense Department has not made a determination whether the Title 32 orders, which grant troops federal pay and benefits but keeps them under state control, will extend beyond Aug. 21, when the military's federal coronavirus relief mission is set to end.

Master Sgt. Michael Houk, a Pentagon spokesman, said defense officials are continually assessing governors' needs during the pandemic.

"As in all national-level emergencies, the Secretary of Defense makes the final decisions regarding the length of time National Guard members are activated under federally funded orders, while the soldiers and airmen remain under the operational control of the governors," he said in a statement.

As of mid-July, there are about 29,700 Guard troops deployed across the country for coronavirus relief, which started in early March in most states, according to the Defense Department. In early June, the Guard's deployments for coronavirus missions and racial justice protests increased the number of troops on the ground to a peak of 75,000 soldiers and airmen. It marked the largest domestic use of the Guard in noncombat operations.

In addition to coronavirus and protests missions, there are an additional 2,400 Guard troops along the U.S.-Mexico border and more than 28,000 deployed overseas, according to the National Guard Bureau.

Governors can keep Guard troops deployed after the federal government pulls back financial support, but the states must pay for it. For troops, this could mean a reduction in pay, and it terminates soldiers' or airmen's eligibility for benefits such as health care and access to the GI Bill. Troops also cannot seek disability through the Department of Veterans Affairs if injured on state orders.

States and territories seeking extended federal funding for Guard troops include: Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Guam, Hawaii, Iowa, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, the Virgin Islands, Vermont, Washington state, Wisconsin and West Virginia, according to Houk.

It was unclear Wednesday what the specifics are for each governor's request for federal funding extensions. But on Friday, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer sent a letter to President Donald Trump requesting he authorize the use of Guard troops through Dec. 31.

"The uncertain nature of this global pandemic makes the National Guard a critically important asset as we keep up the fight against [the coronavirus] together in the coming months," Maj. Gen. Paul Rogers, adjutant general, and director of the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: b15b96 July 15, 2020, 4:25 p.m. No.9973198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 2:13 PM PT — Wednesday, July 15, 2020

South Carolina’s governor is pushing for schools in his state to reopen for in-person learning in the fall. On Wednesday, Governor Henry McMaster said schools should be ready to begin classes on September 8th.

He added it’s critical students have the option for in-person learning. According to McMaster, teachers have lost track of more than 10,000 students since the beginning of shutdowns in March.

The governor also noted a lot of students who live in rural areas don’t have access to the internet. He has encouraged schools to reopen safely and carefully.

“Parents need to have a choice,” stated McMaster. “They need to say to their districts whether they want their children to go in class five days a week or whether they want a virtual education at home.”