Chinese Copy Pasters Baker's Gatekeeping Still Edition
FEATURED IGNORABLE, >>9967890 (pb) Nominated for three breads.
>>9973069 (pb) Member when Adam Schiff's kid was seen wearing a Media Object Server MOSSAD Since 1948 t shirt?
>>9969750 (pb) Traitor Adam Schiff with Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak
>>9969731 (pb) Former Israeli PM Ehud Barak connections to current affairs
>>9967376 (pb), >>9967605 (pb), >>9973261 (pb) Ehud Barak leads a full blown Antifa insurgency in Israel in an attempt to spin the Maxwell hearing
>>9976392 (pb) Article written by Scott Borgerson.
>>9976282 (pb), >>9976301 (pb), >>9976323 (pb), >>9976333 (pb) Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski is an honorary board member of Arctic Circle, which is connected to Scott Borgerson and GMax.
>>9975587 (pb) Kim Dot Com pretends he'll deliver again
>>9975344 (pb) AI unleashed on data, probably warrants discussion
Yesterday >>9975729 (pb)
Day Before >>9968076 (pb)
Reminder: Why the CCP?, >>9931314 (pb), >>9931321 (pb),The History of how Israel covered up the fact it's Independence was won because of Robert Maxwell and the Communist Axis faction during WW2 and why they had to kill FIRST Secretary of State James Vincent Forrestal to cover it up