Anonymous ID: 86b023 July 16, 2020, 5:27 a.m. No.9978164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8205 >>8533

Well, POTUS?


"…Where’s your Army? Is the 82nd Airborne practicing distancing, and mumbling to each other through medical masks? Are they busy spraying their parachutes with gallons of disinfectant? Are they paying fines for jumping out of planes too close to one another during practice runs?


Do you actually believe the 50 million Americans put out of work by the lockdowns are suddenly going to snap back, because businesses are gradually reopening? The shuttered collapsed businesses are going to return from the dead?


Let me pen a presidential proclamation for you, Mr. President: “Today, I sent in US troops to take America back from the traitorous governors and mayors. As I speak, they are surrounding government office buildings in cities across the land. The economy is reopening. For good. Permanently. My aide, Mister Fauci, is relieved of his position and dismissed from his federal job…”


You have to tell the American people and all those who voted for you that a war is being waged against them.


A devastating economic war. Under the pretext of what amounts to a flu season, citizens are facing incalculable financial and human losses. You will not let this tragedy continue. FREEDOM will be reinstated.


You don’t care what CNN or The New York Times or anybody else has to say about your decision. You wouldn’t be a president if you didn’t take this action.


The news media are to blame for refusing to cover the grotesque and tragic effects of the lockdowns. They’ve tried to put the American people in a fantasy dream world, where happy families play on the floor in a stay-at-home get-reacquainted studio act out of Leave It to Beaver.


“If you want to wear a mask, wear one. If you don’t want to, don’t. Anyone who tries to enforce masks will do prison time.” Issue that statement, Mr. President.


Do you think the limits of the surreal will be stretched too thin by the wartime actions I’m recommending? Go to your city, New York. Walk the desolate boarded-up streets. Look at the pod people shuffling along here and there in their masks. Go down into the empty subways. Is that surreal enough for you? In the once greatest city in the world?


Remember the neutron bomb? It destroys people but leaves the buildings intact. And now, a STORY about a virus is having a similar effect. Is that surreal enough for you?


Is there is a risk in calling up the Army and sending them in? Of course there is. Many risks would be on the table. Through setting a precedent, turning America into a military dictatorship is one that springs to mind. But what happens if you leave the destiny of the country in the hands of the Faucis and the Globalist psychopaths they front for?


One of your greatest risks, if you rise to meet the challenge, is the Nice and Polite and Normal and Passive that has been ground into the hearts and souls of people. Many of them will do anything, go along with anything, to avoid sudden shocks to the system.


And yet, they absorbed the lockdowns.


A century of brainwashing about GERMS explains that.


A once proud nation of individuals folds up when somebody on television says VIRUS.


So you’ll have to try to resurrect that pride. That spirit of resistance.


Nobody said it would be easy…"