by Michael Hichborn • ChurchMilitant.com • July 15, 2020
USCCB cozies up with revolutionaries
"This June witnessed a massive explosion in violent crimes in major urban areas such as Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City, each of which bowed to major pressure from revolutionary organizations to defund or outright abolish their police departments. Since the Fourth of July weekend alone, hundreds of people have been shot and dozens killed. One victim was an 8-year-old girl, who was murdered in front of her mother by Black Lives Matter protesters. Her death was a direct result of the diminished police presence brought about by the demands of organizations receiving Catholic funding by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) through its Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).
Last month, the Lepanto Institute reported on several CCHD-funded organizations that openly support rioting and looting and whose members chant slogans calling for the death of police officers. In this report, we warned of the inherent danger to human life that would result from the rhetoric being used by these groups. Despite the fact that the USCCB rushed to denounce racism and police brutality shortly after the death of George Floyd, the USCCB has yet to respond to this report."
Moar Here:
Anon Opines
Please See 2nd image.
So let me see if I have this straight.
1: The USCCB gives money to the people who are trying to destroy America?
2: The RCC is going broke because of all of the Abuse Claims?
3: The USCCB are moving funds around and declaring Bankruptcy to avoid paying abuse claims?
4: The USCCB/RCC received "up to" 3.5$ Billion from the PPP program?
5: 12,000 Churches applied and 9,000 received Small Business Loans?
6: Even Diocese' now in Bankruptcy were allowed to take loans? Which is against normal practice and they received this only because of a special exemption that the USBBC lobbied for?
7: While much of the recent claims which led to the current wave of financial woes came after the passing of the Child Victim's Act which the RCC lobbied hard against but lost?
I cannot help but feel that taxpayer funds are now paying for RCC child/other sexual abuse. Millions of PPP funds went to just RCC administrative offices.
Very little shocks me anymore yet this or rather, the non reaction from otherwise concerned Citizens, Patriots even, never ceases to amaze me.
Final note: Most MSM went with the milder headline of 1.4$ Billion when the real headline should have been "at least 1.4$ Billion up to 3.5$ Billion".
Also odd that Breitbart ran the original AP story yet if you look closely at that article, which should have garnered 1000's of replies, it shows 0 replies.
Breitbart "ran" the story but they did not run the story.
0 comments so this story was probably never put on the front page where it would have received a hyper link and a war of words would have followed in the comments section.