The problem isn't US. are his Allies (NATO/Turkey)
The problem doesn't US. are his Allies (NATO/Turkey)
Maybe Murdoch become to have a lot of problems with the Pipeline..
Hothing.., And with Help of Hezbollah?. Ugh..
Now, the interesting point is. that was for a RINO or trump supporter?.
I feel that The Mr. Trump is forced
PS: I'm Foreign
> seems pretty good indication of q being fake to me. trump is blackmailed and impotent to stop israel . . .way obvious
And you're waiting?, Stop israel before?, C'mon, that's a good point.
Someone Wants War to swear..
Murdoch and his black hats helped?
Already The Mr. Trump did the Message. Now to wait..
Plus Ultra?
Hmmm.., France giving a Message to Algeria?
that smells as a Espace of Suckerberg soon..
And what can be?
Says Something logical, please. it's the war for the Pipeline.
Trojan Horse the FOSTA/SESTA?
heil hitler says?
400 Nukes.
that Suck must know a lot of things. Just look yesterday with Palantir.. He was very muted when the congressmen asked that..
that has more sense.