ID: 4a1426 July 16, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.9980199   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Barr's speech laid it out re CHY-NA, unrestricted warfare, espionage, influence operations, extortion, bribing academics and corrupting institutions. He names Big Tech and Hollywood, a gives multiple examples of instances where Chinese carrot and stick policies caused US media and tech companies to act in ways detrimental to US interests.


At one point Barr reminisces about the thousands of hours of US G public service films produced by Walt Disney himself in WWII as opposed to the lap dog management at Disney now. He also refers to the US 'liberal democratic allies" as if such existed - which suggests an innocence the chief prosecutor of a nation state is unlikely to possess.


Recommend this speech to anons. War with China, "unrestricted war" is more easily grasped by people exposed to heavy MSM programming than is (for example) cultist pedovore predation, reptoids etc.


Some archived feeds.