Anonymous ID: b4f6d9 July 16, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.9980117   🗄️.is 🔗kun Our Guy could use some love from Twitterfags just started the page yesterday[ exact same time as hack] like exactly to the minute he is running against Culp who is a mainstream republican I was going to vote for him because I fig he was better then a dem, But after looking into this guy I am afraid the Main stream Republicans are just the same as dems, so are entire movement will just elect the other side of the swamp, so if the 2 mainstream candidates are There guys, our state is fucked the day after the Primary 8/4/20 its there guy either way then, the war is here now and about to get real or end[bad for us] I hope people are awake to this ++++++++