Anonymous ID: 67ec06 July 16, 2020, 3:43 p.m. No.9981555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1664 >>1668 >>1705 >>1787 >>1922 >>2019

The White House wanted a vehicle to strike back,” said the second former official. “And this was the way to do it

The CIA has wasted no time in exercising the new freedoms won under Trump.


-In September 2018, Bolton announced that Trump had signed a presidential directive easing Obama-era rules governing military cyber operations. Although the administration disclosed the existence of that directive — known as National Security Presidential Memorandum 13 — the underlying rules of engagement for military cyber operations remain secret. The administration also kept secret the CIA finding, which gave the agency its new authorities.



-Removing NSC oversight of covert operations is a significant departure from recent history

Vindman, etal. Career swamp


-The CIA and the Pentagon have long tussled over authorities in cyberspace, and these coordination issues will only become more critical now, according to former officials — especially when U.S. military operatives online unknowingly run up against their counterparts from the CIA. Removing NSC oversight of covert operations is a significant departure from recent history

'''Need for Oversight NSC [OUT]NSA/Potus [IN]'''


-The secret authorization, known as a presidential finding, gives the spy agency more freedom in both the kinds of operations it conducts and who it targets, undoing many restrictions that had been in place under prior administrations.

Solemeini, No Leaks, Restrictions=Oversight=Leaks, Freedom = [Op Control]


-this directive, driven by the National Security Council and crafted by the CIA, focuses more broadly on a capability: covert action in cyberspace.

NSC drove itself out, limited it's Oversight: [Reconcile]


-they open the way for the agency to launch offensive cyber operations with the aim of producing disruption

Offensive=Proactive=Future Proves Past?


-It has also freed the agency to conduct disruptive operations against organizations that were largely off limits previously, such as banks and other financial institutions.

Organizations: Charities, NGOs [Cabal Shadow Gov strcucture; Dark>Light


-lessened the evidentiary requirements that limited the CIA’s ability to conduct covert cyber operations against entities like media organizations, charities, religious institutions or businesses believed to be working on behalf of adversaries’ foreign intelligence services, as well as individuals affiliated with these organizations, according to former officials.

evidentiary requirements=leaks=OpSec breaches


  • “Our government is basically turning into f****ing WikiLeaks, [using] secure communications on the dark web with dissidents, hacking and dumping,” said one such former official.

Digital Soldier=Modern Battefield Equal Playing field with Cabal/MSM intel network


-Mike Pompeo made that point clear after Trump made him CIA director in January 2017. Pompeo’s message, the former official said, was: “We don’t want to hold you up, we want to move, move, move.”



-The CIA, the National Security Agency and the Pentagon “have been able to play like we should be playing in the last couple years,” the current official said.

Cabal/MSM had the Game Rigged>Weaponized Intel: Equal Playing Field NOW


-strengthening the U.S. government’s “clandestine capabilities” in cyberspace against “nonstate actors” and others

Global Cabal=Nonstate Actors=World Shadow Government [Rigging Game]


bottom line: Cabal Operates a global shadow gov:

they insulate themelves via legal global pacts and msm/1A, weaken nations ability to identify [Them] a enemy. They created a system and warmachine immune from retaliation.

Admin: NGOs, shadow diplomacy, co-opting Nation State Dept's

Intel: Big Tech, Traitor in Nations intel apparatus (leaks)

Mil: mercs, ISIS, ms13 (co-opting Nations Mil via FFs and Politics)

Social control/Education/PR: Big Tech narrative push, censoring

Anonymous ID: 67ec06 July 16, 2020, 4:14 p.m. No.9981829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1922 >>2019


sorry fren right now i cannot embed pscp vids from twitter?


We’ve begun the most far-reaching regulatory reform in American history.


President Donald J. Trump


LEADING HISTORIC REGULATORY REFORM: President Donald J. Trump has led a historic effort to eliminate unnecessary and costly regulations that hurt American businesses and families.


Under President Trump’s leadership, Federal agencies have taken more than 7 deregulatory actions for every significant regulatory action.

President Trump’s deregulation efforts have already reduced regulatory costs by $50 billion and are on track to reduce regulatory costs by at least that much in fiscal year 2020 alone.

The President’s Governors’ Initiative on Regulatory Innovation is working to reduce outdated regulations, advance occupational licensing reform, and align Federal and State regulations.

The Administration continues to take action to modernize and accelerate environmental reviews in order to complete infrastructure projects in a timely and efficient manner.

The President is rolling back regulations that harm American workers, including providing relief to farmers by repealing the burdensome Obama-era Waters of the United States Rule.

In 2019, the President signed two executive orders to increase transparency in Federal agencies and protect Americans and their small businesses from administrative abuse.


LIFTING UP AMERICANS: President Trump is driving down costs for consumers and helping low-income Americans, who are disproportionately burdened by overregulation.


Deregulation is lowering costs for all Americans, particularly benefitting low-income individuals who are disproportionately burdened by overregulation.

The Administration cut red tape in the healthcare industry, providing Americans with more affordable healthcare and saving Americans nearly 10 percent on prescription drugs.

Deregulation of both prescription drugs and internet access helped the poorest fifth of households eight times more than the wealthiest fifth of Americans.

The Administration replaced costly Obama-era fuel standards with the Safer Affordable Fuel Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles rule, making cars more affordable for low-income Americans.

This rule is expected to lower the price of new vehicles by $2,200, according to the Council of Economic Advisers.

The President established a council to reduce regulatory barriers to affordable housing.


SUPPORTING FAMILIES AND BUSINESSES: The Administration’s historic deregulatory efforts are putting money in Americans’ pockets and helping businesses prosper.


The President’s deregulatory actions will increase household income annually by at least $3,100 in the coming years.

President Trump has signed 16 pieces of deregulatory legislation that are expected to result in a $40 billion increase in annual real incomes.

Once fully in effect, 20 major deregulatory actions undertaken by the Administration are expected to save American consumers and businesses over $220 billion per year.

The implementation of the SAFE Vehicles rule is estimated to increase the real incomes of Americans by $53 billion per year over the 2021-2029 period.

Deregulation is helping small businesses invest and expand by saving them from dedicating time and money on compliance costs.

The President’s deregulatory actions are also increasing the competition, productivity, and wages of American workers.

Anonymous ID: 67ec06 July 16, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.9981919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Periscope Video Download Tool

sharing w/my frens

was trying to use twitter vid doanloaders for Potus speech but tried several with no luck.

found this which identified video and let me ave a mp.4

Anonymous ID: 67ec06 July 16, 2020, 4:33 p.m. No.9981989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rothschild Family Sells Large Austrian Hunting Estate

The wooded property, known as Langau, is nearly as large as Manhattan


The Rothschilds have sold an Austrian hunting estate almost the size of Manhattan that the storied European banking family has owned for 143 years.


The 5,412-hectare parcel, known as Langau, was part of a massive swath of mountainous, densely wooded property Baron Albert von Rothschild, of the family’s Austrian line, bought in the southern part of Lower Austria in 1875. He set about restoring the forests depleted by Viennese loggers while building up his own forestry and gaming enterprises, according to the Rothschild family archive.


Rothschild heirs Nancy Clarice Tilghman and Geoffrey R. Hoguet, who live in the United States, sold Langau—which includes two power plants and a grand Tyrolean-style lodge—to the owners of a paper manufacturing firm, Prinzhorn Holding, in what is being heralded as a historic European land sale, Austrian brokerage Bischof Immobilien GmbH announced on Wednesday.


While the brokerage has not released the final sales price, Austrian media reported the Rothschild heirs sold the property for €90 million (US$112.35 million).


Cord Prinzhorn, chief executive of the eponymous paper and packaging company, beat out a number of other bids for the wooded property, as the family intends to hold the estate for the long-term, according to Bischof Immobilien CEO Klaus Bischof, who handled the deal. An email sent to Prinzhorn Holdings was not immediately returned.


Mr. Bischof told Bloomberg that it was the biggest deal he’d closed in his 25 years in the real estate business.


Over the past century, world events have buffeted Langau and its ownership. Nazis confiscated the land in Lower Austria from the Rothschilds during WWII, during which the family’s homes and palaces in the area were destroyed, according to the Rothschild archives.


Langau, the size of which is one square mile smaller than Manhattan, was kept in the family though Russian occupation, which meant they could not access the property until 1952.