Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:14 p.m. No.9981319   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Essentra Fze Admits to North Korean Sanctions and Fraud Violations, Agrees to Pay Fine

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:17 p.m. No.9981349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1405

‘Not the Onion’: US top doctor Fauci lands glossy fashion magazine cover as Covid-19 rages on


US chief virologist Dr. Anthony Fauci has taken some time off his coronavirus-busy schedule for a photo shoot with a fashion magazine. Some loved the splash, but others argued it was a “bad look" during a pandemic.


Fauci landed a digital cover of InStyle magazine, along with a lengthy, if somewhat self-congratulatory, interview. “With all due modesty, I think I’m pretty effective,” the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said, as US Covid infection numbers continue to break records.


Presented as a casual conversation about the pandemic, the interview also veered into topics like Fauci’s love of “power walking,” his three children and home life with his wife. He also took the opportunity to assure readers that his relationship with President Donald Trump was “collegial” despite rumors that the pair clashed — particularly after one of Trump's top advisers penned a USA Today op-ed this week claiming the top doctor had been “wrong about everything” during the pandemic.


Many on Twitter were less concerned with the political infighting, however, and more irritated by the lighthearted tone of the piece in the midst of a massive health crisis. One even compared it to a satirical article in The Onion.


The cover photo accompanying the piece grabbed even more attention than the contents of the interview. Fauci is shown chilling out in a relaxed pose beside his home pool, wearing sunglasses and a shirt with rolled-up sleeves.


“Not a great look to be posing poolside during a pandemic and probable [economic] depression,” one person said of the risky optics.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:41 p.m. No.9981546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1787 >>1922 >>2019

Graham Looking To Declassify FBI Interviews With Steele's Key Source


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is seeking to declassify a 40-page memo describing the FBI’s interview with the main source that former British spy Christopher Steele used to compile his infamous dossier


The senator said the FBI interviewed Steele’s source for three days in January 2017 and again in March. During the January interview, the sub-source contradicted some of the key claims in Steele’s dossier, including those the FBI included in its applications to surveil former Trump 2016 campaign associate Carter Page.


“There is a memo about that interview,” Graham said in an appearance on “The Trey Gowdy Podcast” that aired on July 14.


“My staff has finally got to look at it; it’s classified. I’m going to try to get it unclassified. The Horowitz report suggests that the result of the Russia sub-source interview put great doubt into the reliability of the dossier in terms of being able to get a warrant.”


Despite learning of significant contradictions between the claims in the dossier and those by the sub-source, the FBI went on to apply to renew Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants to continue spying on Page. The renewal applications simply stated that the sub-source was “truthful and cooperative” and left out the fact that the source had contradicted Steele.


Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz highlighted this omission as one of the 17 most significant errors contained in the four FISA applications used to surveil Page.


“The Horowitz report suggests that the result of the Russia sub-source interview put great doubt into the reliability of the dossier in terms of being able to get a warrant,” Graham said.


“Here’s the question: Is it possible, [with] an interview of that magnitude that basically shredded the key document to get a warrant, that the people at the top—McCabe and Comey—were never told, ‘Oh by the way, our entire case has collapsed’? I’m looking at that.”


Graham’s office didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times to confirm whether the senator has made a formal declassification request.


The declassification of the notes may shed more light on the identity of the sub-source, who is referred to as the “Primary Sub-source” in Horowitz’s seminal report on the FBI’s spying on the Trump campaign. While the source is described as “Russian-based” in the Horowitz report and “Russia-based” in the Russia report by the House Intelligence Committee, credible evidence suggests that the source resided in the United States at the time of the FBI interviews.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:48 p.m. No.9981594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1787 >>1922 >>2019

Priest Sex Abuse List: Roman Catholic Church Clergy Members Accused of Sexual Abuse or Sexual Assault


Catholic Church Clergy & Priest Sex Abuse List


Merson Law has compiled a list of Roman Catholic Priests and Clergy members (priest sex abuse list; priest list of sex offenders; catholic priests molestation list) accused of sexual abuse and/or sexual assault of minors.


The Sexual Assault team at Merson Law specializes in Catholic Clergy and Priest Sex Abuse and Sexual Assault cases.


This Database of Publicly Accused Priests does not state or imply that individuals facing allegations are guilty of a crime or liable for civil claims. The reports contained in the database are allegations.


The U.S. legal system presumes that a person accused of or charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty.


Similarly, individuals who may be defendants in civil actions are presumed not to be liable for such claims unless a plaintiff proves otherwise.


Admissions of guilt or liability are not typically a part of civil or private settlements.


You can search through the priest sex abuse list (priest list of sex offenders; catholic priests molestation list) by using your browser’s search function, simply by pressing “ctrl + f” for PCs, “command + f” for Mac’s.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:51 p.m. No.9981619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1787 >>1922 >>2019

Liberty University Files $10 Million Defamation Lawsuit Against New York Times Over Covid Fearmongering Story


Gateway Pundit readers may recall the covfefe that ensued after Liberty University announced they would be re-opening for spring classes as normal, in spite of Covid-19 fears. This of course sparked controversy throughout the leftist media, including an article by the New York Times which allegedly made several false and defamatory claims about the university and students that may or may not have gotten sick.


Liberty University and its president, Jerry Falwell Jr., have now announced a $10 Million defamation suit against the formerly reputable newspaper. The 94 page complaint includes 171 points of argument and 9 exhibits, which consists largely of the NYT’s own articles. Liberty is represented by attorneys from Gentry Locke in Roanoke and Brown Rudnick in New York.


The official Liberty University press release reads:


On July 15, Liberty University filed suit against The New York Times, its reporter Elizabeth Williamson, and a photographer alleging defamation and other claims arising from their intentionally false reporting that, among other things, misrepresented that (a) Liberty University suffered a COVID-19 outbreak when it “re-open[ed]” its campus after spring break; (b) it had “nearly a dozen” students sick with COVID symptoms; and (c) it had ignored government guidelines in reopening. These intentionally false and defamatory claims were unmistakable and reflected in The New York Times’ headlines, including “Liberty Brings Back its Students, and Coronavirus, Too” and “A University Reopened, and Students Got Sick.”


The facts, however, were just the opposite and the defendants knew this because they were told that there were no known cases of COVID-19 at the University and there were not “nearly a dozen” students with COVID-19 symptoms, and they knew Liberty University was in full compliance with all government directives, as evidenced by two publicly disclosed inspections. Indeed, ultimately, even by the close of the school year, not a single resident student had contracted COVID-19, and Liberty University’s response to the pandemic stands as a model for other institutions to follow in balancing the needs of protecting and educating their student bodies.


The complaint presents overwhelming evidence that the New York Times and reporter Williamson intentionally published their false and defamatory claims. This evidence includes them misrepresenting that their only medical source had stated that nearly 12 students had COVID-19 symptoms when he said the opposite, misrepresenting this source’s position and knowledge, and avoiding contacting the medical personnel at the school who actually had direct knowledge of the facts despite being told to do so by the sole source they misrepresented instead.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.9981645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1662 >>1787 >>1817 >>1922 >>2019

15 female ex-Redskins employees allege sexual harassment, bombshell report says


Fifteen former female employees who worked for the Redskins told The Washington Post that they were sexually harassed while working for the organization


Fifteen former female employees who worked for the Redskins told The Washington Post that they were sexually harassed while working for the organization, the newspaper published in a bombshell report Thursday.


According to The Post, the team declined a request to release 15 of the former female employees from non-disclosure agreements so they could speak on the record.


Washington owner Daniel Snyder also declined several interview requests, according to the newspaper.


Last weekend, The Washington Post detailed these accusations to the team, and they found out that three employees were involved in these inappropriate behaviors, the newspaper reported. Washington's longtime radio voice Larry Michael, who retired abruptly on Wednesday, and team director of pro personnel Alex Santos who was recently fired were two names mentioned in the allegations Thursday.


The team announced in a statement that it hired Washington D.C. attorney Beth Wilkinson "to conduct a thorough independent review of this entire manner and help the team set new employee standards for the future."


None of the 15 women accused Snyder or former team president Bruce Allen of inappropriate behavior, according to the newspaper. However, the women believed that they must have known that these behaviors were happening


"The Washington Redskins football team takes issues of employee conduct seriously," the team said in a statement. "While we do not speak to specific employee situations publicly, when new allegations of conduct are brought forward that are contrary to these policies, we address them promptly."

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:56 p.m. No.9981655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1787 >>1922 >>2019

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Has Earned $40 Billion On Apple Stake Since March Market Bottom


Berkshire owns about 5.5% of Apple

Berkshire purchased its first 10 million Apple shares in May 2016

Since Mar. 20, Apple shares have soared almost 71%


Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-A) has earned $40 billion on its stake in tech giant Apple (AAPL) since the market bottom in March.


High-flying Apple shares now account for more than 40% of Berkshire’s total equity portfolio – in stark contrast to Buffett’s reputation as a value investor.


Berkshire’s heavy concentration in Apple has allowed it to flourish during the pandemic as its holdings in other sectors, including insurance and energy, have suffered declines.


“Had [Buffett] stuck to his guns and only bought value stocks, that portfolio would not have done as well,” said Cathy Seifert, a Berkshire analyst at CFRA Research. “At the end of the day, shareholders are going to applaud this move.”


Berkshire purchased its first 10 million Apple shares in May 2016. Over the past four years, Berkshire kept adding to its Apple holdings to reach 245 million shares, now valued at more than $95 billion.


Berkshire is now Apple’s second largest institutional shareholder with a 5.5% stake, behind only the Vanguard Group mutual fund behemoth.


Since Mar. 20, Apple shares have soared almost 71% through Wednesday. On that day, the company received more good news by winning a court case in Europe concerning a dispute over $15 billion in unpaid Irish taxes.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.9981666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1673 >>1695 >>1715 >>1730 >>1826 >>1889 >>2026

He just picked a side


Ottawa Working With Beijing To Begin Testing of Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine, Trudeau Says


Ottawa is working with Beijing to facilitate the start of testing of a Chinese vaccine candidate against the novel coronavirus disease in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said during a briefing.


Chinese biotechnology firm, CanSino Biologics Inc. (CanSinoBIO), received Canadian regulatory approval to begin testing in Canada in May but the process has been reportedly delayed by China’s customs authorities.


“We’re obviously continuing to work with the Chinese government to ensure that this work can continue in an uninterrupted fashion,” Trudeau said on Thursday.


There are also reports that Russia is among the countries being considered for CanSinoBIO’s COVID-19 vaccine phase III testing.


The Ad5-nCoV candidate was developed in a joint venture by CanSinoBIO and the Chinese military’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has repeatedly stressed the daily constraints that much of the population is adhering to will be the new normal until a vaccine is developed.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.9981687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1699 >>1714 >>1725 >>1754 >>1787 >>1789 >>1922 >>2019

North Korea’s New Missiles Can Evade Air Defense Systems, US Report Warns


A new report by the US Congressional Research Service (CRS) has called attention to a trio of missiles recently developed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which it says are designed to evade air defense networks and deliver a tactical strike.


The report on DPRK nuclear and ballistic missile systems released by the CRS on Tuesday postulates the socialist country’s recent missile testing “may seek to achieve more than a simple political statement, and that it may be intended to increase the reliability, effectiveness, and survivability of their ballistic missile force.”


“The recent advances in North Korea’s ballistic missile test program appear to be directed at developing capabilities to defeat or degrade the effectiveness of missile defenses deployed in the region: Patriot, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD), and Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD),” the report states.


“In addition, North Korea’s progress with submarine-launched ballistic missiles suggests an effort to counter land-based THAAD missile defenses by launching attacks from positions at sea outside the THAAD’s radar field of view, although local Aegis BMD systems could likely still track these projectiles.”


The report focuses on three new missile systems tested by the DPRK in recent years: the KN-23, KN-24 and KN-25. The similarity of the short-range ballistic missiles led to the confused belief when they were being tested in 2019 and 2020 that they might be the same weapon.


IS this DS saying it has got these in NK????

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:04 p.m. No.9981734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump health officials to recommend against retesting COVID-19 patients


Top Trump administration officials are preparing guidance that will recommend people who test positive for COVID-19 do not need to get retested to prove they no longer have the disease.


The move, previewed in a call with reporters by the administration's testing coordinator Brett Giroir, comes as the U.S. testing system faces severe strains and a national backlog of results.


The guidance will represent a major change in ensuring people with COVID-19 don't spread the disease.


Giroir said the change is meant to reduce unnecessary testing.


“This is a remnant of very early on when we had cruise ships and people in quarantine that said the first way to get out of quarantine was to have two negative tests 24 hours apart,” Giroir told reporters Thursday. “That is no longer needed, and it is medically unnecessary.”


Giroir said the guidance, which will be released in the coming days, will apply to people who are isolating at home after testing positive.


"If you are an individual who is not hospitalized and have COVID and are isolating at home, you do not need to be retested, period," Giroir said.


Giroir said most people can leave isolation if they have been symptom free for three days, provided it's been at least 10 days since their symptoms started.


Critically ill or immunodeficient patients may need to be retested, Giroir said.


“Those are the ones you consult your health care provider,” he said.


For "the great majority of people who are diagnosed who are just sick at home," getting retested is "clogging up the system," Giroir said.


Giroir said the guidance is not being issued as a way to prevent a shortages of tests, even as the system is being strained.


Quest Diagnostics, one of the main companies doing coronavirus testing, said Monday that “soaring demand” due to the surge in cases across the South and Southwest had pushed back their average turnaround time for getting results of a coronavirus test to at least seven days for all but the highest priority patients.


"There is no tactic about it," Giroir said. "It is not a result of shortages, it is unnecessary. If we thought it was necessary to retest people, we would say so."

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.9981771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1851

Donald Trump reveals AG Bill Barr is seeking federal death penalty for alleged MS-13 murderer of two New York teenage girls in major escalation of 'law and order' rhetoric


President Trump revealed Wednesday that Attorney General Bill Barr was seeking the federal death penalty for MS-13 gang member Alexi Saenz, who faces multiple murder changes including for the 2016 killings of two New York teenage girls.


'The DOJ has also announced that it will seek the death penalty for a blood-thirsty MS-13 leader responsible for the despicable killing of seven Americans, including two teenage girls,' Trump said in the Oval Office, surrounded by Barr and other law enforcement officials. 'We think the monsters who murder children should be put to death.'


Saenz was originally brought into custody in March 2017 and charged with murder for the September 13, 2016 killings of Brentwood, New York high school students Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:10 p.m. No.9981806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834 >>1868 >>1966

The Chinese governments makes it illegal for individuals or companies - anywhere in the world - to support democracy in Hong Kong.


In other words – If you want to keep your business in China, Hollywood, Nike, Google, don’t you dare speak against the authoritarian regime in Beijing or voice support for those fighting for freedom in Hong Kong.


(From Axios)


(China is)— potentially forcing people and companies around the world to choose between speaking freely and ever stepping foot in Hong Kong OR CHINA again.


Article 38 of the national security law states, “This Law shall apply to offences under this Law committed against the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region.”

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:12 p.m. No.9981816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1869 >>1896 >>1898 >>1911 >>1922 >>2019 >>2071

Lawyer: Ghislaine Maxwell Won’t Name Powerful Figures Involved in Epstein Pedo Ring


Will try to have entire case dismissed instead


Victim’s lawyer Lisa Bloom says that Ghislaine Maxwell is unlikely to “sing like a canary” by naming other powerful members of Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile ring and is more likely to try to have the whole case dismissed.


Despite lawyers arguing she was a coronavirus risk, Maxwell was denied bail yesterday and now faces a July 2021 trial on four counts of sex trafficking and two counts of perjury.


According to victim’s attorney Lisa Bloom, any plea deal Maxwell is able to obtain will almost certainly carry serious prison time anyway, meaning she will probably try instead to have the whole case dismissed.


“Ninety-five percent of cases end in plea bargains, so that would not surprise me, but I don’t think at this stage, prosecutors would give her a deal if it did not include very serious prison time, and I don’t think she would accept that at this point,” said Bloom.


This means there is no real incentive for Maxwell to expose other elite co-conspirators involved in Epstein’s sex trafficking network.


“I know a lot of people think Ghislaine Maxwell is going to ‘sing like a canary’, and talk about other powerful people, and that that’s why she was arrested,” said Bloom.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.9981836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1922 >>2019

Netanyahu trial’s second hearing set for Sunday


Bribery case against sitting PM continues in shadow of coronavirus


Absent a last-minute coronavirus-related delay, on Sunday morning the country will once again witness a hearing against its sitting prime minister in the bribery case against Benjamin Netanyahu.

Just as the indictment against Netanyahu– represented by Amit Hadad and recently added Yossi Segev – was a major cause of the 18-month election deadlock, the trial will hover as a cloud over virtually all major government decisions for the foreseeable future.

Picking up from the opening hearing on May 24, this hearing is supposed to be decisive in setting the schedule for when the Jerusalem District Court will start hearing witnesses.

The trial schedule could have a huge impact on Netanyahu’s transfer of power to Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz in November 2021, as well as what Netanyahu’s status will be after that transfer.

The other defendants are Bezeq and Walla owner Shaul Elovitch and his wife, Iris, (represented by Jacques Chen), as well as Yediot Aharonot owner Arnon “Noni” Mozes (represented by Navit Negev.)

Netanyahu himself physically attended the May 24 hearing to respond to the indictment, but is not required to attend the hearing, which is more about scheduling and resolving legal disputes between the lawyers over evidence.

There is still a question mark about whether lawyer Boaz Ben Tzur will join Netanyahu’s defense team, since he has been representing a key witness in Case 1000 for the prosecution until now.

The lead judge for the case – who will run Sunday’s hearing – is Judge Rivka Friedman-Feldman.

The remaining judges for the trial are Moshe Bar-Am and Oded Shaham.

Deputy State Attorney Liat Ben Ari, Tel Aviv Economic Crimes Division Deputy Chief Yonatan Tadmor and Securities Crimes Chief Yehudit Tirosh represent the prosecution, while at least one defense lawyer for each additional defendant besides Netanyahu will also be present.

Due to social distancing rules, there is limited space in the main courtroom, so there will be additional defense lawyers for the defendants, media and other related professionals involved in adjacent rooms with closed-circuit TV.

Netanyahu’s legal team has not formally announced whether Hadad or Segev will take the lead at the hearing, but until now Hadad has been the junior lawyer on the team.

In May, Micha Fettman argued on Netanyahu’s behalf.

However, Fettman, like a long list of prior Netanyahu lawyers, quit the team last week over conflicts regarding payment.

The payment controversy blew up after Netanyahu’s request to receive NIS 10 million in donations from tycoon ally Spencer Partrich was rejected by the State Comptroller Committee in charge of vetting gifts to public servants.

Hadad has been with Netanyahu since the start of the case back when the lead lawyer was Hadad’s then-boss, Jacob Weinroth, but many other lawyers have been on and off of the team since Weinroth died in 2018.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:17 p.m. No.9981855   🗄️.is 🔗kun



‘A Looming Catastrophe’: UN Official Warns Oil Tanker Could Spill Four Times More Oil Than Exxon Valdez


United Nations Executive Director Inger Andersen warned the U.N. Security Council Thursday that a spill from an abandoned oil tanker in Yemen could produce a “catastrophe.”


In her briefing given to the U.N. Security Council Thursday, Andersen stated that a spill from the FSO Safer, an oil tanker moored off the coast of Yemen carrying 1.1 million barrels of crude oil, could produce a crisis four times as devastating as the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989.


“Time is running out for us to act in a coordinated manner to prevent a looming environmental, economic and humanitarian catastrophe,” Anderson said to the U.N. Security Council. Anderson also said the FSO Safer has not been maintained since 2015 and that the spill could affect “the lives of potentially 28 million people who rely on these ecosystems for their livelihoods.”


Houthi rebels have stopped U.N. inspectors from assessing the damage done to the tanker, per CBS. The U.N. reportedly said that the rebels had recently agreed to allow a U.N. mission to the ship.


Internal documents obtained by The Associated Press revealed that seawater has entered the engine compartment of the ship, causing damage and increasing the risk of sinking. Rust has reportedly covered parts of the tanker and inert gas, meant to prevent tanks from collecting inflammable gas, has leaked out. Experts said the damage is irreversible, according to AP.


“We are fully mobilized and we’ll move as quickly as as possible,” U.N. Spokesman Stephane Dujarric told CBS, “We have been flagging this issue for quite some time to make sure that it is not on the back burner but it is on the front burner and everybody is paying attention to it, but I can assure you that our colleagues are working as quickly as possible.”


Micheal Aron, the British ambassador to Yemen, warned of the similarities between the situation in Yemen and a reported fuel leak in Siberia.


“The recent spillage of 20,000 tonnes of fuel in Russia is causing massive environmental damage in Siberia,” Aron wrote on Twitter, “The SAFER tanker in Yemen has 150,000 tonnes of crude which would devastate the Red Sea and its coast if it leaked.”

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:18 p.m. No.9981872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1922 >>2019

Netanyahu looks to delay trial with lockdowns, new lawyers - analysis


If there was no Blue and White Party in the government, that might be enough for a Likud justice minister to shut down most of the courts before Sunday.


As of late Thursday, it looked like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s second hearing in his bribery trial would take place on Sunday as scheduled.


Yes, the government is talking about new coronavirus restrictions for Friday and a potential national lockdown any day.

If there was no Blue and White Party in the government, that might be enough for a Likud justice minister to shut down most of the courts before Sunday, the same way that then-justice minister and Netanyahu-loyalist Amir Ohana did in mid-March.

Ohana’s emergency shutdown order allowed the High Court of Justice to remain open, but pushed off Netanyahu’s first hearing from March 17 until May 24.


By May 24, Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn had replaced Ohana, and made it clear he would not shut down the courts to get delays for Netanyahu.


The Jerusalem Post checked this with a Blue and White spokeswoman leading into the expected lockdown, and she reaffirmed that the courts would remain open even if there was a lockdown.


On top of the above, High Court President Esther Hayut sent a letter to the whole judicial branch on Thursday urging them to keep their heads held high.


Though she did not mention Netanyahu’s hearing, the clear upshot of the letter was that the courts will not shut down this time and will struggle on, despite having around 225 judges and staff in quarantine and around 10 infected judges and staff.

But no one should hold their breath until the hearing actually happens.


When Ohana closed the courts in mid-March, it was only days after the Jerusalem District Court refused Netanyahu’s lawyers request for a postponement due to taking new lawyers on to the team – meaning the judges were taken by surprise.


This brings us to another form of Netanyahu potential delay – trying to use changes on his legal team to buy time.


Sunday’s hearing itself is not terribly important. No witnesses will be called and Netanyahu will not even have to attend.


But the court will decide the trial schedule on Sunday. And whether it starts in September or as late as spring 2021 will have huge implications for whether Netanyahu will need to hand over the premiership to Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz in November 2021, as well as a range of other issues.

Anonymous ID: e02083 July 16, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.9981903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2062

Five-year-old boy is 'brutally gang-raped on a remote Australian beach by a group of CHILDREN all aged under 13' - before alleged victim is rushed to hospital with horrific injuries


Five-year-old boy allegedly gang raped on a remote beach in North Queensland

His accused attackers are all under 13 and have now been taken into custody

The boy had to be airlifted to Cairns Hospital for emergency medical treatment

Locals say the situation has reopened wounds from a previous sex crime nearby


A five-year-old boy has allegedly been gang raped by a group of children - all aged under 13 - on a remote beach in an Aboriginal community in Far North Queensland.


The attack unfolded at Napranum, on the north-west coast of Cape York in Queensland on July 1, police allege.


The four boys accused of the rape have been taken into custody, while the 800-strong community has banned them from returning to the town, The Australian reported.


The alleged attack was so violent the five-year-old required emergency medical treatment and was airlifted to Cairns Hospital, some 800km away.


Community members said the disturbing allegations have torn several families apart and reopened wounds from a shocking sex crime that happened 15 years earlier.


'There are big arguments about how this happened,' one local said.


'It is creating big problems in the town. It is not the first time something like this has happened.'


The neighbouring community of Aurukun, about 40km south of Napranum, was at the centre of nationwide outrage in 2006 when a 10-year-old girl was gang raped by nine men aged between 13 and 25.


The young girl was born to an alcoholic mother and suffered from a mild intellectual disability.


Although the men all pleaded guilty to a litany of sexual offences, the judge spared them jail time and said the victim 'probably agreed' to have sex with them.


She ruled the men were also victims themselves after growing up deprived and subjected to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of others in their community.


No convictions were recorded in the horrifying case, sparking fury across Australia.