Anonymous ID: c5a253 July 16, 2020, 8:53 p.m. No.9984052   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Move Counter Move.


  1. NSA and Homeland security have protected electronic voting systems. No hacking or tampering. Q and Gen. Naskone have confirmed. MOVE

  2. Deep state knows that they need to stuff ballot boxes to cheat to win. They are printing fake ballots in China right now with the intent to import them into the US before the election. Under the guise of "Mail in Voting" they will attempt this. COUNTER-MOVE

  3. US Mil, monitoring DS comms, knows when, where, and how they will attempt to bring these fake ballots into the US. They will be intercepted and stopped. The vote will be legit. COUNTER-COUNTER MOVE

  4. Post election, the evidence of how China [DS] attempted to interfere on behalf of the [D] party and certain [R]s will be exposed. Treason. Charges filed. CHECKMATE.