Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 1:30 a.m. No.9985611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5616 >>5618 >>5722 >>5730

NRA Endorses Trump for Reelection, Thanks President for Protection of Second Amendment


The National Rifle Associaton (NRA) is endorsing President Donald Trump’s reelection, with its political action committee praising the president’s actions to defend the Second Amendment.


“You have protected the rights of hunters and sportsmen across the nation—and ensured their traditions can be shared with future generations,” the letter said.


“On behalf of our millions of members, we thank you for your continued support of the Second Amendment and all of the constitutional freedoms in which we believe.


“We are proud to support you and the promise of your second term.”

Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 1:44 a.m. No.9985660   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For 17th Straight Week More Than 1M Americans Seek Job Aid


WASHINGTON—More than a million Americans sought unemployment benefits for the 17th consecutive week as infections began surging in some of the nation’s most populous states. Layoffs in places like Florida, Georgia, and California rose by tens of thousands of people.



Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump


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Never been a more critical time to explore new opportunities

Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 1:53 a.m. No.9985695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5700 >>5722 >>5730

Fewer ICU Patients Dying From COVID-19, Study Suggests


As cases of the CCP virus continue to surge around the world, new data suggests that fewer intensive care patients are dying from COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.


The study, published Wednesday in the journal Anaesthesia, suggests that the increase in survival rate for ICU patients could be due at least in part to improvements being made in the healthcare response as medical professionals continue to learn more about how to best treat the virus.


Overall, the average mortality rates for COVID-19 intensive care patients followed in the study fell to just under 42 percent at the end of May from almost 60 percent since the end of March.


Study authors also suggest that hospital ICUs might have been under greater pressure early in the pandemic. The rapid spread of the CCP virus, coupled with the large volume of patients requiring breathing support, placed “unprecedented demand” on ICU services, researchers wrote.


Authors of the study also suggest that there is a possibility that mortality rates were overestimated in earlier, smaller studies.


“The important message, however, is that early reports of in‐ICU mortality appear to have over‐estimated mortality as now calculated,” they said.

Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.9985715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5720 >>5730

Chinese Virologist Reveals WHO Colluded With the CCP in COVID-19 Cover-Up


Chinese virologist Yan Limeng, who secretly fled to the United States from Hong Kong in April, revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) worked together to conceal evidence of the potential spread of the novel coronavirus among humans when the outbreak first emerged in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in late 2019.


Yan was a researcher in virology and immunology at the University of Hong Kong’s school of public health. Fearing that her life may be in danger, Yan fled to the United States on April 28.


Article contains video worth watching:

Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 2:06 a.m. No.9985725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK to Purge Huawei From 5G by 2027, Angering China and Pleasing US


Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered Huawei equipment to be purged completely from Britain’s 5G network by 2027, risking the ire of China by signaling that the world’s biggest telecoms equipment maker is no longer welcome in the West.


The seven-year lag will please British telecoms operators such as BT, Vodafone, and Three, which had feared they would be forced to spend billions of pounds to rip out Huawei equipment much faster.

Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 2:19 a.m. No.9985759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5804

TikTok Being Monitered ‘Very, Very Closely’ Says Australian PM Amid Calls to Ban the App


Prime Minister Scott Morrison says his government is keeping a very close eye on popular video-sharing platform TikTok, amid a recent firestorm of scrutiny and calls to ban the app just one month after it set up a local presence in Sydney.


TikTok has also been accused of censoring content deemed sensitive to Beijing.


A wide reading of the law opens the possibility that private organisations in China will share data and information with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) if requested.

Scott Morrison told 3AW radio on July 17: “We are always very mindful of those risks and we are always monitoring them very, very closely.”

“If we consider there is a need to take further action than we are taking now, then I can tell you we won’t be shy about it,” he added.


Rising Tide of Discontent Against TikTok


Liberal Senator Jim Molan told The Guardian Australia on July 6: “There are claims by people who have reverse-engineered TikTok that it’s a data collection service disguised as social media.”


Molan said the app conducts regular “GPS pinging” and the Australian Defence Force has banned the use of the app.


TikTok’s recently hired General Manager Lee Hunter has gone on the offensive to defend TikTok saying its data is not stored in China and is stored in Singapore.


“TikTok does not share information of our users in Australia with any foreign government, including the Chinese government, and would not do so if asked. We place the highest importance on user privacy and integrity,” he said.


On July 13, the company sent letters to politicians across Australia saying: “It is critical you understand that we are independent, and not aligned with any Government, political party or ideology.”


TikTok’s Struggles Abroad


Despite its popularity around the world, with over 800 million users, the app has been under the microscope from numerous governments.


On June 29, The Indian government made headlines when it outright banned TikTok just two weeks after deadly border clashes between CCP and Indian military forces in Ladakh on June 15.

The ban encompassed 59 apps developed by Chinese firms including WeChat, TikTok, and Baidu Map.

The authorities said the data mining and profiling conducted by these apps was “hostile to national security and defence of India.”


In the United States, White House Trade Advisor Peter Navarro told Fox News on July 12 that he expects “strong action” against TikTok and WeChat for engaging in “information warfare” with the United States.

Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 2:25 a.m. No.9985783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Must Champion Human Rights in Foreign Policy, State Department Panel Concludes


The United States should vigorously promote human rights around the world as part of its foreign policy, the State Department Commission on Unalienable Rights concluded in a draft report released on July 16.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tasked the commission in July 2019 to assess and advise the State Department on how America’s unique rights tradition can inform its foreign policy work. The panel found that the human rights advances of the past century are in crisis and recommended that the United States must leverage its foreign policy to advance the cause.


“Our fellow Americans are not of one mind on many issues where there are conflicting interpretations of human rights claims—abortion, affirmative action, and capital punishment, to name a few,” the commission’s draft report states. “But with hundreds of millions of men and women around the world suffering extreme forms of deprivation under harsh authoritarian regimes, we are of one mind on the urgent need for the United States to vigorously champion human rights in its foreign policy.”


He said that while “the great and noble human rights project of the 20th century is in crisis,” the institutions entrusted with the task of defending and promoting the cause of human rights are failing.


He suggested that many human rights advocacy groups have sacrificed principles for politics.


Pompeo placed particular emphasis on human rights violations by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and specifically called out Nicaragua, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Iran, Russia, Burma, and North Korea. He also laid blame on the “incurious media,” which “rarely examines any of these failings.”


The commission and Pompeo bluntly reject the comparison.


“Just as the Soviet Union did in 1948, China, Iran, and Russia have been quick to charge that our country’s domestic failures destroy its standing to defend universal human rights today,” the report states.


“There can be no moral equivalence, however, between rights-respecting countries that fall short in progress toward their ideals, and countries that regularly and massively trample on their citizens’ human rights.”

Anonymous ID: 32e2bd July 17, 2020, 2:35 a.m. No.9985820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5841

All About Nuts: 8 Healthiest Varieties


Nuts are nutritional powerhouses that can keep you fueled up without having to cook


If you are interested in maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, nuts are, quite simply, a food group you need in your life. Compact and convenient, in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and flavor profiles, nuts are an easy way to boost nutrition and energy levels without any preparation required.


Besides being portable and easy to consume, eating nuts has been shown to improve heart health and reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease. Consumption of tree nuts and even peanuts (technically a legume, but nutritionally similar) has been significantly associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers and a reduced risk of all-cause mortality. These nutritional powerhouses are so potent, eating just a handful of nuts per day has been associated with a 20 percent reduced risk of death.


Eight Healthiest Varieties of Nuts:

  1. Walnuts

Walnuts not only look like bihemispheric“brains”in miniature, they have been scientifically linked to better brain health. Walnuts are a significant source of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, a nutritional requirement for optimal neurological functioning.


  1. Hazelnuts

According to, “Hazelnuts have one of the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scores of any nut,” signifying high levels of antioxidants. They also contain the highest proanthocyanidins concentration of any tree nut, with antioxidant capabilities that are 20 times more potent than vitamin C and 50 times more than vitamin E.


  1. Almonds

Besides being good for your blood and your physical fitness, almond consumption may even reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, one of the best things you may be able to do for yourself is to simply eat 15 almonds per day.


  1. Macadamias

Macadamia nuts are one of the more precious nut varieties on our list, depending on where you live and shop. Large, velvety and exotic, macadamias are rich and flavorful with U.S. suppliers based almost exclusively in the Hawaiian Islands.


  1. Pecans

Like most nut varieties, pecans are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. (Georgia is one of the top-producing states in the U.S.)

Pecans have significant antioxidant activity, possibly due to their high vitamin E content, a powerful antioxidant that protects against cell damage.


  1. Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are large tree nuts native to the Amazon rainforest. Besides their satisfying taste and texture (did I mention size?) brazil nuts are one of the best sources of the vital nutrient selenium.

Eating Brazil nuts can also improve your mood.


  1. Cashews

Cashews have the honorable distinction of also being anti-cancer: cashews contain an anticancer catechol, which has demonstrated activity against drug-resistant cancer cell lines.


  1. Pistachios

Pistachio nuts may come in a shell, but they are worth the effort. (True.kek)

Pistachios are a potent source of essential B vitamins, including B6, which is vital to a healthy central nervous system.