GEEZ, so many class action lawsuits possible.
Israel gives up its syria agenda and in return POTUS gives them what they want in Iran.
Russia wins its pipelines through Syria and when Iran is dealt with Russia will be able to export more natural gas.
I'm feeling ya, the incoming drop will be information that shows how facebook, google, twitter, and IG share information via a centralized algorithm via a bridgeโฆ
Bridge could be oracle, IBM, Cisco, etc.. or a government agency.. OR SHIT MAYBE THE DNC SERVERS!!!!!!
Ya, their natural resource rents and its emergency fund are pretty damn close to running out. Think of it as the russian equivalent to US QE ability via the FED.
That is the only way the russian government can fund its budget.
ITS A GIANT financial SQUEEZE and they MUST be able to return to a decent level of oil and natural gas exports or else they will collapse.
Has facebook deleted any information that would be important to any government investigation.
Are you complicit in allowing other people to sell information?
Do you have the ability to follow my interactions on the web after i've logged out on facebook?
MZ: Non answerโฆ followed by a quasi-yes.
DIGITS confirmโฆ also probably the reason why googles minions visited the obama white house so often.
I think there is a meaning here tho.. just like Trump's tweet about Kimโฆ Little Rocket Man..
Rocket Man by elton john is one of Trumps favorite songs and he identifies with it.
I think Trumps tweet about Little Rocket Man was actually a veiled compliment.
That's what I thought last night.. Syria is already solved just like Korea was..
What's going on now is about IRAN
Already asked for it and they neglected to provide a synopsis.
Don't click it. I think its bait.
Ummm that is a very hard question to answer. there is no centralized location of resources.
I studied official government documents and applied my ANON filters and political experience to read between the lines and put the pieces together.
And I did that for years and i'm still learning new dynamics or possibilities all the time.
A. "Enjoy the show"
B. Trump admin never telegraphs.
What we are seeing now is distraction..
Playing her role. Deal making 101.. gotta have a good cop and bad cop. She's playing the bad cop role.
Yes, it is hard but if you seek the truth you will find it. That is a law of nature just like gravity.. I believe that with every fiber of my being.