To appease the traitors and planned parenthood fanatics of this country? I'm of the opinion since a year ago, that we need to stop playing strategic defense and slam the deep state, politicians, judiciary, intelligence community, DNC, media, and corporations with never ending offensive evidence drops, Trump press conferences, followed by arrests, seizure of criminals' property, and restoration of the Bill of Rights.
It will never be exoneration enough for the many who simply hate or are paid/blackmailed. They hate this country, righteousness, and Trump. You can't change sociopaths.
And, disturbingly, his service merely consisted of making millions for himself and sucking off Soros on retainer. Trump might be making a tongue-in-cheek comment about thanking him for his service, but the media and liberal pleb fools certainly won't interpret it that way. Hope Ryan enjoys tanning on the beach of his private home(s) while Americans continue to struggle. I voted for a patriotic revolution, not this nonsense.
What a harsh warning and lesson this sends to other GOP thieves and traitors.