Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 3:51 a.m. No.9986070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6078

>>9985387, >>9985473 Anon ties Q posts >It will be biblical >Flood >Watch the water >Think bridge to the potential collapse of the 3 Gorges Dam.


Interesting, a poster on 1/2ch said the same thing last night

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 3:57 a.m. No.9986088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6138

>>9984659, >>9984709 Massive construction underway at Gitmo


I had an office next to an energy/generators engineering firm for two years and made friends with two of them, they had a major contract with Gitmo (probably still do it was huge), they told me there was constant and massive construction going in there. Both of them went to Gitmo many times. All of power grid was being upgraded in a major way, lots of buildings etc. So I can confirm there is massive work going on starting in 2017 I think. The last time I saw them was May of 2019 it was still going on

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 4:13 a.m. No.9986143   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This asshole should really stfu, he’s just digging his grave deeper, and no one will be allowed to go to his funeral


Cuomo: ‘We’re Not Celebrating’ New York’s Handling of COVID

Ian Hanchett16 Jul 2020



On Thursday’s “CNN Newsroom,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) denied that he is celebrating New York’s handling of the coronavirus, but is noting that the people of New York flattened the curve and stated that “what happened in New York didn’t need to happen. It was a clear federal failure.”


Cuomo said, “The CDC is a federal agency. It’s the president’s agency. And they admitted in their report today, clearly, that the virus came, the federal government missed it. They were all looking at China. The virus had gone from China to Europe, it mutated in Europe, it came to New York. They traced the strains back to Europe. And the president talks about his travel ban against China and the travel ban against Europe. It was too little, too late. He closed the barn door after the proverbial horse was gone. And what happened in New York didn’t need to happen. It was a clear federal failure.”

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 4:14 a.m. No.9986152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6195 >>6377


I hesitated to include Trump in this book because I believe that far too many people on both sides of the aisle are too emotionally invested in him as a political figure to judge him impartially. However, the truth is that Trump HAS done good things for African Americans!


The “lowest ever black unemployment” touted by right-leaning political figures is a great thing, but the truth is that these numbers had been trending downward for a very long time. However, the fact that they’ve hit record lows during an exploding economy that Trump’s policies are very much responsible for says something.


But I’d like to point to two very big wins for African Americans that get very little attention from the mainstream media: the passage of the First Step Act and the Trump administration’s Senate passing a bipartisan bill to permanently fund HBCUs (historically black colleges and universities).


So about those HBCUs: a lot of my conservative fans like to downplay any mention of “black” this or “gay” that and like to silence any mention of difference by stating that “We are all Americans.” Look, while that is true, the experiences of minorities just aren’t the same as those of white Americans. That’s not to demonize white people. I love ya’ll! I even married one of you! But black Americans have, to put it gingerly, a VERY different experience as Americans—which is where the HBCUs come in.


HBCUs were created in response to racist exclusion of African Americans from mainstream colleges and universities back in the days of segregation and open societal racism against African Americans. They remain an integral part of the culture and expe- rience of African Americans in this country, and when the Trump administration-led Senate passed a bill to PERMANENTLY FUND HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES, I thought you’d hear the same black celebrities who profess to LOVE HBCUs screaming about this from the rooftops! According to CNN:

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 4:17 a.m. No.9986158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6224

Nigerian Lawmakers Debate ‘Chopping Off the Genitals’ of Rapists


Nigeria’s legislature on Wednesday advocated for stricter penalties for perpetrators of sexual assault, including “chopping off the genitals” of convicted rapists, Nigeria’s Premium Times reported on Thursday.


The number of sexual violence cases reported across Nigeria has surged in recent weeks. Lawmakers convened at the national assembly in the capital, Abuja, on Wednesday to discuss solutions for the crisis while receiving a delegation of Nigeria’s Movement Against Rape and Sexual Violence.


Nigeria’s Speaker of the House of Representatives, Femi Gbajabiamila, “advocated for severe punishment for rapists as a way of fighting the rising cases” that could involve “chopping off the genitals” of convicted rapists, the Premium Times noted.


Nigeria documented 717 rape cases and 7,170 unreported rapes across Nigeria within the past five months, according to the report.


“The statistics are very alarming on the issue of rape. You hear figures in terms of rape and gender-based violence that are mind-boggling. It’s only a deprived mind that can engage in rape. I consider the issue of rape as a pandemic. In my estimation, it’s a pandemic,” Gbajabiamila said.

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 4:20 a.m. No.9986167   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Sues Atlanta over Mask Requirement


Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) filed a lawsuit Thursday against Atlanta after the city issued a mandate for residents to wear a mask in public.


The lawsuit, filed by Kemp and Georgia Attorney General Christopher Carr, accuses Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) of operating outside her authority by requiring people to wear masks. Fifteen local governments across the state issued similar orders regarding face coverings. On Wednesday, Kemp voided and banned those governments from ordering individuals to wear masks in public.


However, a Kemp spokesperson, Candice Broce, maintains that the governor still encourages people to wear face coverings.


“Previous executive orders – and now this order – state no local action can be more or less restrictive than ours. We have explained that local mask mandates are unenforceable. The Governor continues to strongly encourage Georgians to wear masks in public,” she tweeted.


Kemp’s order was met with defiance Thursday by Bottoms and some other mayors, who said they would continue enforcing the order and were prepared to go to court. The lawsuit will force that showdown, resolving what had been an ambiguous situation with Kemp denying local governments could order masks, but local governments arguing it was within their power.


Bottoms last week issued what initially appeared to be orders that people had to return to sheltering at home and forcing restaurants to return to only offering takeout and delivery. Kemp quickly swatted that down in public statements, and Bottoms on Thursday described them as guidelines. But Kemp’s lawsuit says the court should set Bottoms straight on those orders as well.


Georgia has 127,834 confirmed virus cases and 3,091 related-deaths.

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 4:22 a.m. No.9986171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Steve Schmidt: Trump’s Base Is a ‘Mindless’ Cult That Has Devolved into Cheering Water Drinking


He was the campaign manager for McCain

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 4:38 a.m. No.9986233   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don Jr., GOP House Judiciary and Rep. Jim Jordan Still Locked Out of Their Twitter Accounts After ‘Hack’ – Twitter Won’t Say Why


Donald Trump Jr., his spox Andy Surabian, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and the GOP House Judiciary are still locked out of their Twitter accounts after the massive ‘hack.’

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 4:48 a.m. No.9986262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moar dog comes, didnt another person have a dog named Bailey


WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Says Her Dog Will Definitely Vote for Biden


While talking on Thursday to a coalition of leftwing activists hellbent on making Joe Biden president, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) announced that her dog Bailey "is definitely going to vote in November," and Warren said Bailey is "voting Democrat all the way."

Anonymous ID: dc2bd6 July 17, 2020, 5:51 a.m. No.9986502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6558

Reparations is another form of black welfare to keep blacks voting for dems, don’t they get it yet


North Carolina City Votes To Offer ‘Community Reparations’ For Black Citizens