Thank you, kind sir.
May Goodness and Mercy follow you the days of your life and may you always dwell in the house of the Lord.
Thank you, kind sir.
May Goodness and Mercy follow you the days of your life and may you always dwell in the house of the Lord.
Hillary's got that title sewn up. And she's proud of it, too. Just ask her.
>You want to know who's helping POTUS?
>GOD is, that's Who.
God is helping all of US. He knows I'm a rabid patriot, barely contained.
Good has to win once in a while, to make the choice worth the effort.
The same people that would keep us masked like cattle are the same people disappearing the kids off the streets and from CPS.
The same people.
The same people that would keep us masked like cattle are the same people disappearing the kids off the streets and from CPS.
The same people. >>9987047
Yeah, masks do no damage, except to our civil rights. Since I have to tolerate abortion and choice, I'm not giving up a smidgeon of my body, my choice to anybody, especially some assholes pushing masks who like to fuck and eat kids.
Am I clear enough?
Personally, I think everyone who opposes masks should just stay home from work and quit supporting this ridiculous crap, but not a lot of people saw this coming so they didn't get a lot of time to prepare. Some of us trusted our government, some still do. I trust God only.