Anonymous ID: cd16a1 July 17, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.9987849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7954 >>7967 >>8105

Been thinking about this for a while.

All the things that are happening right now are "too perfect".

Not just right now, but everything that led to this time frame.


  1. Attempted southern border flood of immigrants (free votes, children, virus spreaders, economic destruction, violence, etc.)


  1. Trying so hard to get rid of POTUS, and failing time and time again. That's [them] playing nice (civility, trying to hide the illusion from the sheep).


  1. The media lying to our faces is protected under 1A.

3a. In order to stop them, Patriots have to say 1A is bad, which plays into their hand. Ain't happening.


  1. The virus being world-wide (unlike other diseases that tend to localize)

4a. Hard to combat, allows State govt's to dissent against POTUS, puts POTUS in a tough spot due to emergency situation

4b. Masks easily show who's a sheep and who's not.


  1. Back to back to back to back to back FFs >riots >> anarchy >> local businesses destroyed >> massive social unrest >> police regulation changes, once again puts the State govt's in control over Federal >> anti-POTUS all day every day (see #2)

5a. By the way, Project Veritas showed us that this was pre-planned.

5aa. It's always been all about dissolving our Constitutional rights.

5b. Memorials destroyed, police not stopping rioters.

5c. Criminals afforded special rights, upstanding civilians lose a LOT of their rights.


  1. Civilians quelled; can't defend what's right without breaking the law in a MAJOR way.

6a. All internet-based places are so controlled, Patriots cannot organize to stop any of this.


  1. Vote by mail (see #1, #3, #4)


This is fucking WAR. Not just a cold war, a HOT one. I wouldn't necessarily say that if one or a couple of the things happening were able to be combated by us or our gov't.

But NONE of them are. They're all perfect little occurrences.

This whole thing was planned, and just the fact that these things are occurring simultaneously is hard proof there are people behind all this.


This is probably why POTUS was so hard on Iran having a nuke.

Instead of the George Floyd riots, we might have just been nuked or something.

There are probably more cards in [their] hand. It's all a movie.


I know all this is common knowledge- but anyone that doubts any of this isn't intentionally aimed at us, the American people, is not paying attention or is ignorant of our Constitution.

Shit's heavy, sistas and brothas.

I wish there were more we could do.


This is the response to the Great Meme War a few years ago.

They're not playing this time.