Anonymous ID: 113286 July 17, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9988610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8628 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

HEY DOCS, NURSES, EARLY HEADS UP ON THE HCQ: KEEP a LOOK OUT for Hydroxychloroquine retinopathy


Biofag, researching the many uses of HCQ on viruses, parasites, cancer. The more I read, the more I see why they would hide this drug. For instance, CQ is a natural HDAC (1) which means (2) it kills cancers while leaving normal cells in tact:



"The antiparasitic clioquinol (CQ) represents a class of novel anticancer drugs by interfering with proteasome activity. In the present study, we found that CQ induced blood cancer cell apoptosis by inhibiting histone deacetylases (HDACs)."


The Antiparasitic Clioquinol Induces Apoptosis in Leukemia and Myeloma Cells by Inhibiting Histone Deacetylase Activity -


(2) "HDAC inhibitors promote growth arrest, differentiation, and apoptosis of tumor cells, with minimal effects on normal tissue."


Histone deacetylase inhibitors in cancer therapy


Yeah… so,

Loss of $$$$.


Given the number of medical personnel using HCQ to ward off COVID illness, I need to get this out there. There is a small (very small long term use) risk to the eyes with chronic use over 5 years


If you are using HCQ, and you are seeing "floaties" in your eyes, be aware that in SOME people (genetically speaking) the drug can cause destruction of the eye retina over time.

"Floaties" would be likely to show up as retina degrades I would think.

—- For non scientist, what you would see is something like a fuzzy out of focus dust particle floating and moving around obstructing your vision. On a gloss of the literature, I think they are reporting that the damage does not reverse?


In the case of COVID most are using HCQ short term, no worries.

However…. floaties….if you have them already?


I'm no doc, but, I would recommend using strong full leaf green tea as your zinc ionopore to defend yourself against the COVID and possibly other viruses instead of HCQ. This is what I would do, personally, after reading the research.


The EGCG molecule in strong green tea like "gunpowder" green tea is a great substitute zinc ionopore, and the tea is packed with antioxidants to boot. Quercetin works about half as well as EGCG as a zinc ionopore, according to the research posted here back sometime in March if I recall.


Just a heads up to our medical community.

HCQ has a good safety record, but, we need to watch the retina of the eyes if medical personnel start using this combination every year to keep the virus attacks down during flu season. There are about 6 research articles covering this I found so far. Risk is small, but, noteworthy if using as preventative for years. Sending link and pic related to one of them. Have not read them all in full yet.


Pic related sauce is


Here are the others. Apparently genetic sensitivity too. Asians sensitive. In third study down, it took 6 years to show up in one patient, so I think this is a long term use thing, unless you are genetically sensitive somehow. Seems to be something to watch for anyway.


[Variability of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine retinopathy among various ethnicities]


Revised recommendations on screening for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine retinopathy -


"Results: No HCQ retinal toxicity was noted in any of the 526 patients during the first 6 years of treatment. Two (3.4%) of the first 58 long-term (>6 years) treated patients developed HCQ-related maculopathy at 8 and 6.5 years of treatment, despite regular ophthalmologic evaluation."


The incidence of irreversible retinal toxicity in patients treated with hydroxychloroquine: a reappraisal -


Frequency and Clinical Characteristics of Hydroxychloroquine Retinopathy in Korean Patients with Rheumatologic Diseases

"Among the patients with HCQ use ≥ 5 years (n = 174), the frequency was 5.2%. Only 1 (11.1%) of the 9 patients was symptomatic. "