Anonymous ID: 467dbe July 17, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.9988553   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I've been slow to get to this, the snowball of this logic, so much heat maybe infamous slush-ball.


Few days back, 6-14, I lurked kun. I do little these days because my time is better spent elsewhere. I must admit this platform appears to have improved a bit. Certainly, improvement I appreciate most comes from those who spend little time here because they are obviously busy elsewhere, looking, thinking, reporting things of value. I certainly do not mind endless… mindless… chatter… on any platform, I never report or turn off any. kun appears to have turned most of it up a notch or two, better I mean, with far less mindless belly aching, my perception. Lurking appeals more but then there is always so much more to chase, assimilate, report and we all only have so much time. Dedicated here has not been my norm for over a year, even notables are not worth chase. Don't bother to tell me what you think, because I will be gone. I simply… drop by-e.


So I lurked on 6-14 noticing POTUS must have just dropped a presser:

6:40 on qmap


Response here was less than stellar and having since listened, I relate. But the thing nagged me as I emailed contacts my most recent impressions and suddenly the well warmed heart of the presser hit me. What nagged me most was POTUS somberness, funeral like is hardly stretch. Some here commented as much, so I looked and found.


However, in listening to it a couple times, I could not help but notice the 'hot' leading remark, as Q+ stood in DC shade looking cool. It looked honest enough but I got to thinking about the heat he somberly brought to the lot. Got it then did I, he heaped on the blisters. The funeral like mood perfectly applied, or was it cremation… ? Yes, another PERFECT flash from bark of 45.


Roughly, the marker is 49 to 51 minutes, sting, burn, roast. At 48ish he is boasting how his folk arrested bad actors by the hundreds, of course Federal charges for vandalizing Federal property. Then heat heaps on crowd immediately in front. IDing the jerks was easy because, they, his audience, provided all the good pictures, snap, blaze, sizzle. This he did after over searing the idiotic Dem planks which his audience, MSM, has obviously sworn oath to both present and defend to the world as the official propaganda arm of disaster-in-the-making.


See the perfect triangulation of strangulation, making heads boil, flame, pop, like corn they are. Straight shooting, loaded 45, hit them all RIGHT between eyes. Bang, bang, bang, boom, boom, boom. See smoke hang in air. Call fire department. First POTUS broils pyramid Dem top, they all come out crispy, crunchy, charred. You know, AOC, Biden, Barry, Pelosi, Schumer, oh yea, and that bartender too. All the heavy hitters. Then POTUS drops down to scorch second corner, 48 marker, and by the way, we got your street thugs rounded-up and locked up feeling the heat. They are going down hard and long, just like I promised. Another promise made and kept. Then he torches audience, 49-51, to complete tri-ang-gu-lation, 'Thanx all you sweating masked news thugs for making it all very easy for us with all the great pictures. You do help to make America Great Again. We found your street thugs with ease, thanks to you. We now grill them under our lamps', dry and fry.  Don't you feel rope burn? Solemn was the only way to deliver this rampaging inferno.


Only thing missing was good dirge playing background, but then that may have made furnace too obvious. The subtle insinuation was ideal incineration. 


A minute and a half latter he opened up to the obligatory question putting on them One final singe, by OANN brand. 


Was it last and final warning, or was it, 'too late, your gooses are all well done?' Don't know, time will tell.


Tracking monies up from the professional street thugs to Dem toppers should prove easy, typical Q stuff. Got to speculate, maybe some of the news crews moved early, too early, I mean earlier than CNN/Stone insider early. Did any move early to get best seat, to stage, news thugs triangulating with street thugs, practice and rehearse, and then lie about it all giving cover-up, whitewash? That may have made them accomplishes to destruction of America. Microphone in hand does not make one innocent when the furry of hell is all about.


Fireworks Mount this July, 2020. Will More Rush? I'd say, mark the presser, Turn On Burn. Dark sky above brightens.