Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:11 a.m. No.9988330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8351 >>8461 >>8626 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

Democrat Fundraising Machine ‘ActBlue Texas’ Caught Paying Out Small Sums to Hundreds of Individuals for Unknown Purposes


The Gateway Pundit reported on May 30th the recent riots in Democrat-led cities around the country were coordinated and related to three main groups: 1) US based Islamist Organizations, 2) Domestic terrorists, and 3) Others related to the Democrat Party.


There clearly was no reason for the mass riots taking place around the country after the death of the individual at the hands of the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Everyone who saw the police brutality was appalled and outraged at the sight of the policeman kneeling on the victims neck for an incredibly long period of time. The man died. But nothing warrants the wholesale destruction of property, the murder and and riots around the US since that event.


We also were the first to report that BLM was raising money using ActBlue as a resource.


The Daily Caller confirmed this and reported that BLM is not a non-profit organization and nonprofit organization (Thousand Currents) said it provides ‘fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to BLM.


Candice Owen reported on the BLM – ActBlue relationship and was targeted by a bogus fact-checker. Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch jumped in and stated that the findings confirmed what we and Candice Owen reported:


It’s clear that the recent riots around the country are not spontaneous. They are coordinated and planned. These riots are related to the same individuals involved in similar activities for years. These people hate America.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.9988337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8357 >>8485

Google Will Ban Ads On Sites Publishing "Debunked" Coronavirus Theories


Google is about to take one giant step into directly shaping the prevailing media narrative.


One month after Google made news by banning ads on websites - such as this one - for violating its terms of service when it comes to "derogatory" material (a purposefully amorphous concept), the world's leading search engine and internet advertising monopoly which controls 70% of online ad spending, will take an even more aggressive step. According to CNBC, starting on August 18, Google will "ban publishers from using its ad platform next to content that promotes conspiracy theories about Covid-19." Additionally, "in cases where a particular site publishes a certain threshold of material that violates these policies, it will ban the entire site from using its ad platforms."


In short, anyone who deviates from the conventionally accepted narrative, or as CNBC puts it challenges the "authoritative scientific consensus" on the coronavirus pandemic will be promptly demonetized.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.9988350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8437 >>8815

They’re Lying to You… FLORIDA: Motorcycle Crash Listed as Coronavirus Death


They’re lying to you.

The Orange County Health Officer admitted this week that on of the coronavirus victims listed on their website — died in a motorcycle crash.

And yet they are pushing these numbers to the public to cause a panic?


Dr. Raul Pino told FOX 35: “You could actually argue that the covid had something to do with the crash. I don’t know… We are offering you the best data that we have.”


A person who died in a motorcycle accident was added to Florida’s COVID-19 death count, according to a state health official.


FOX 35 News found this out after asking Orange County Health Officer Dr. Raul Pino whether two coronavirus victims who were in their 20s had any underlying conditions. One of his answers surprised us.


“The first one didn’t have any. He died in a motorcycle accident,” Pino said.


Dr. Pino was asked if the man’s data was removed.


“I don’t think so. I have to double-check,” Pino said. “We were arguing, discussing, or trying to argue with the state. Not because of the numbers — it’s 100…it doesn’t make any difference if it’s 99 — but the fact that the individual didn’t die from COVID-19…died in the crash. But you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash. I don’t know the conclusion of that one.”

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.9988363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8392

Questions Swirl Over Ghislaine Maxwell's Wealth, Suspected 'CFR Member' Husband


As Ghislaine Maxwell prepares to spend a long twelve months at a New York detention center while awaiting trial on charges of sex-trafficking minors and other crimes, questions are swirling over the British socialite's wealth and marital status after claims made by US prosecutors during a virtual court hearing this week.


According to Assistant US Attorney Alison Moe, Maxwell's claims that she has less than $1 million in the bank and no monthly income is "implausible," according to Bloomberg. Her lawyers have suggested that the 58-year-old is far less wealthy than people believe, despite the fact that she was an integral part of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's life - who left an estimated $630 million estate behind after he was found dead in a Manhattan jail cell last year.


At the bail hearing, prosecutors said they’d identified more than 15 different bank accounts associated with Maxwell from 2016 to the present with balances ranging from hundreds of thousands of dollars to more than $20 million. She sold a Manhattan townhouse for $15 million in 2016 and still has one in London that she offered as a bail guarantee.


It’s also unclear whether Maxwell has access to funds from an unidentified spouse mentioned by prosecutors Tuesday. She previously toured the secluded New Hampshire estate where she was arrested July 2 with a man who said he was her husband. According to prosecutors, the property was actually purchased by Maxwell for $1 million in cash using a limited liability company. After she was arrested, she told authorities she didn’t know the name of the company that owned the house and that she merely had permission to stay there. -Bloomberg


According to prosecutors, over $20 million was transferred from Epstein-linked offshore accounts to Maxwell - of which millions were later transferred back. Maxwell sued Epstein's estate in March to cover her legal costs, asserting that the financier promised to financially provide for her.


Meanwhile, a Swiss Trust holding over $4 million may be at her disposal as well.


"It is very unclear whether the defendant is receiving proceeds from trust accounts or an inheritance or means of other kinds," said the US prosecutor, Moe, at Tuesday's hearing.


"I would venture to say 20 is probably what they found so far and that the net worth would be substantially more," said Jordan Waxman, managing partner of New York-based Nucleus Advisers wealth management. "The other thing is Jeffrey Epstein allegedly was worth $570-or-so million. What was she doing as his No. 2 and only with $20 million?"

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.9988377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8626 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

Supreme Court Declines to Reinstate Vote of 1 Million Florida Felons


The Supreme Court on Thursday declined to reinstate the vote of nearly one million felons in Florida.


The court declined to revisit a lower court ruling that stops felons with outstanding court-imposed debt from registering to vote.


It’s safe to say Democrats believe the felon vote will help their chances in the Sunshine State.

MSN reported:


The Supreme Court on Thursday let stand a lower court ruling that could strip voting eligibility from up to 1 million Florida felons who have completed their sentences but have yet to pay outstanding fines, restitution and other fees.


In an unsigned opinion, the conservative-majority court declined to revisit a federal appeals court ruling that permits Florida to stop felons with outstanding court-imposed debt from registering to vote as a July 20 primary election registration deadline approaches.


Three of the court’s more liberal justices, Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan, dissented.


“Under this scheme, nearly a million otherwise-eligible citizens cannot vote unless they pay money,” wrote Sotomayor, who called the policy a “voter paywall.”


The dispute concerns a 2018 amendment to Florida’s constitution that restored voting rights to those with felony convictions who had completed “all terms” of their sentences.


In April 2019 Jared Kushner announced that more ex-felons registered as Republicans as Democrats in Florida.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.9988390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8626 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

South Dakota Governor: There Were No New Outbreaks After Trump July 4th Event – Coronavirus Numbers are Dropping


South Dokota Governor Kristi Noem was blasted by the liberal mainstream media for holding a 4th of July celebration at Mount Rushmore with President Donald J. Trump.


The media warned Noem that coronavirus numbers would explode following the event where most of those in attendance chose not to wear masks at the historic event.


On Friday South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem joined FOX and Friends to give an update on the situation in South Dakota.


Governor Noem told Steve Doocy there were no new outbreaks following the Independence Day celebration.


Governor Kristi Noem:


Last week Governor Kristi Noem opened the Professional Bull Riders competition on Saturday, July 11, 2020, at the Denny Sanford Premier Center in Sioux Falls, SD. Governor Noem rode into the rodeo on a horse with the American flag. Nicely done!

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.9988404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8626 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

UK health minister calls for ‘urgent review’ after scientists expose ‘over-exaggeration’ of Covid-19 death toll


UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock has ordered an “urgent review” into how Public Health England (PHE) calculates coronavirus death figures. It comes after two UK-based scientists highlighted the serious flaw in PHE’s statistics.


Hancock called for an investigation on Friday after confirmation that Covid-19 fatality figures for England include people who tested positive for the deadly virus months before they died. However, in other UK nations such as Scotland and Northern Ireland, they only include deaths in their daily count if someone died within 28 days of testing positive for the disease.


The critical difference in how deaths are recorded may explain why England’s death toll has remained higher than its neighboring nations.


It follows an astonishing article published on Thursday by University of East Anglia professor Yoon K Loke and Carl Heneghan, a professor of evidence-based medicine at Oxford University.


The analysis conducted by the two scientific statisticians showed that PHE has been recording the deaths of people who have previously tested positive for the disease as a coronavirus death – no matter if they had fully recovered from the virus before they died.


A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a Covid death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.


In their damning assessment, the pair insisted that it was “time to fix this statistical flaw that leads to an over-exaggeration of COVID-associated deaths.”


These Covid-19 fatalities refer specifically to people that have died in a hospital setting. It’s not yet clear how many deaths in the community may have been recorded this way.


It comes as the latest UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures published on Friday show the death toll involving Covid-19 breaking the 50,000 barrier.


Between March 1 and June 30, there were 50,335 deaths involving coronavirus in England and Wales. 46,736 of those deaths had Covid-19 assigned as the underlying cause of death. ONS’s data is not based on the same apparent anomaly as the PHE figures.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.9988424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8626 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

BlackRock alert: New malware can steal passwords and card info from over 300 different Android apps


Analysts have uncovered a new strain of malware that hides itself from Android users and poses as Google updates, in yet another example of increased hacking activity during the pandemic.


Discovered by mobile security firm ThreatFabric in May, the new malware, dubbed ‘BlackRock’, shares a common ancestry with previous banking trojan malware LokiBot.


LokiBot, considered a dead malware for some time now, infiltrates systems and harvests their information.


In the same vein, BlackRock, which shares a common source code ancestry with LokiBot and affects Android devices, invades victims’ devices once downloaded onto a system.


One of the key differentiating factors is that, instead of only targeting banking apps like previous trojans, BlackRock targets a variety of social networking, communication and dating applications.


It is thought that the change in target could be down to the fact that, with the world locked up because of Covid-19, hackers have noticed new opportunities for nefarious activity.


“It therefore seems that the actors behind BlackRock are trying to abuse the growth in online socializing that increased rapidly in the last months due to the pandemic situation,” ThreatFabric’s statement states.


The malware works via ‘overlays’, fake windows placed over legitimate apps that collect login and card data.


Users who download a BlackRock-infected app are then asked to grant it access to the phone's Accessibility feature, which allows it to automate and perform its heinous behaviors.


But that’s not all: such access can also allow the malware to intercept SMS messages, spam contacts, log key taps and even sabotage mobile antivirus apps. The full list of actions can be found in the report.


BlackRock currently disguises itself as fake Google update packages offered on third-party sites, and has yet to be seen on the Google Play app store.


It is usually only a matter of time before such malware migrates, however, as has been documented with past threats.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9988430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Canada's First 'Mask Murder'? Ontario Police Kill 73-Year-Old Man After He Refused To Comply With Local Mandate


Is this Canada's first "mask murder"?


Those who keep up with coronavirus-related news in the US probably remember an incident that transpired a few months ago where a security guard at a Family Dollar store in Michigan was shot and killed after asking a customer to put on a mask. But a similar incident that occurred more than a month later, where police shot and killed a man after he refused to wear his mask, got much less attention outside of the local press.


Well, this week, Canada one of its first samples of mask-related violence when police shot and killed a man in Ontario after he refused to put on a mask.


According to the CBC, Ontario's police watchdog unit is investigating an incident where two officers shot and killed a 73-year-old man in Haliburton County on Wednesday morning. Right before the killing, the man had refused to wear a mask and allegedly assaulted a grocery store employee before driving off, according to a statement from the Ontario police that leaves out most of the details about how the shooting transpired.


Initially, police were called to a Valu-Mart in Minden, Ontario, just after 8am local time, according to OPP Sgt. Jason Folz, who spoke with the CBC.


When the suspect left the scene after officers arrived, police refrained from trying to stop him after he drove off "in the interest of public safety". Instead, they took down his license plate, and showed up at his house later.


Two officers later visited the man at his home in Minden on Indian Point Road, the SIU said.


Outside the home, an unspecified "interaction" ensued, and two police officers fired their guns at the man. The Ontario Police SIU (the unit that handles press) said that after the shooting, the officers called in "additional resources", which were brought to the area near Eagle Lake, by the village of Haliburton.


The shooting victim was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead a couple of hours later. Officers recovered a pistol and a semi-automatic rifle from the scene, but it's not clear whether the man had brandished them at the police, or whether he was unarmed during the encounter.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.9988442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8583 >>8626 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963 >>9017

Seattle City Council Member Suggests Firing White Officers In Massive Reduction Of Police Department


The Seattle City Council is facing something of a dilemma in its popular pledge of the Seattle City Council to cut the police budget by 50 percent. To do so would require firing a significant number of police officers, which is also popular. The problem is that the firing would be done by seniority and many of the less senior officers are black.


The solution according to City Council member Lisa Herbold is simple: fire officers based on their race.


While that would be the definition of racial discrimination, Herbold clearly believes that it is discrimination for a good cause. The federal courts are likely to disagree. Most notably, Herbold’s call for racial discrimination against white officers would seek to undue the work of Justice Thurgood Marshall who insisted that racial discrimination unlawful and evil regardless of the race you want to disenfranchise or discriminate against.


Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best released a video calling the plan of Herbold and others “completely reckless.” She also sent a letter to Mayor Jenny Durkan warning that dramatic cuts would require the layoff of hundreds of officers. The Police Department also warned that the firings would include many minority officers.


The Department has made a conscious effort to hire employees, both sworn and civilian, who represent the diversity and values within our community. 3/4

— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) July 10, 2020


It was only the last risk that concerned Herbold who promptly suggested discriminating on the basis of race:


In the case layoffs are necessary, one threat is firing BIPOC officers first. Chief can request the Public Safety Civil Service Commission ED for permission to lay off “out of order” when doing so is in “the interest of efficient operations of his or her department.”

— Lisa Herbold (@Lisa_Herbold) July 13, 2020


Herbold insists that this would be perfectly legal despite the prohibitions under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.9988476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8491 >>8544 >>8578 >>8623 >>8626 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

‘Sickening, if true’: Ex-NY police chief says 27 cops reportedly assigned to protect BLM mural as violent crime soars


As New York grapples with a wave of deadly shootings and violent lawlessness, Mayor Bill de Blasio has reportedly devoted three shifts of nine police officers to protecting the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Trump Tower.


Bernard Kerik, who was police commissioner of New York under former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, said he heard Thursday that de Blasio has one sergeant and eight other officers assigned to guarding the Fifth Avenue mural during each of three daily shifts. “Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING,” Kerik tweeted.


Black conservative Derrick Gibson, who is running for governor of New York, appeared to confirm Kerik’s report, tweeting that he “was just there and spoke to the cops,” who, he claimed, were “not happy” about “getting paid to baby sit paint.”


Kerik is a frequent commentator on policing issues and retains ties to New York law enforcement circles. De Blasio and his wife helped paint the mural on July 9, and after a vandal splashed red paint on the mural on Monday, the mayor responded by saying, “The Black Lives Matter movement is more than words, and it can’t be undone.”


The notion that the city would devote heavy resources to defending the BLM mural after cutting next year’s police budget by $1 billion amid a crime wave struck a nerve with de Blasio’s critics.


“He is spending his reduced police budget on guarding his arts and craft project instead of New York lives,” Houston lawyer Howard Steele tweeted.


Some pointed to the irony in having scores of police officers protect a mural in support of a movement that has backed calls to defund police.


New York has been plagued by a surge in shootings and other violence since anti-racism protests sprang up across the US following the killing of unarmed black man George Floyd in police custody on May 25. On Monday alone, 18 people were shot in 14 separate incidents. On Wednesday, department chief Terence Monahan and six other New York police officers were injured in clashes with protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.9988526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8572 >>8676

Suspect accused of attack on NYPD chief released from jail without bail


Three of the suspects who attacked cops in the bloody Brooklyn Bridge attack have been arrested.


A Bronx man who allegedly punched NYPD Chief Terence Monahan and two other police officers during a protest that turned violent has been released from jail without bail. A senior New York City police official reportedly called the release "stunning."


A bloody brawl broke out on the Brooklyn Bridge between violent protesters and New York City Police Department officers on Wednesday.


During the melee, eight officers were injured, including a sergeant, lieutenant, and Chief of Department Terence Monahan, who is the NYPD's highest-ranking uniformed officer. One police officer lost consciousness during the incident.


Lieutenant Richard Mack, of the department's Strategic Response Group, was struck several times in the face during the fracas. The suspects reportedly broke both of Mack's orbital bones, and he was taken to the hospital, where he required 12 stitches on his face.


Quran Campbell, 25, and Banks Shaborn, 25, are accused of physically assaulting Mack, Monahan, and another officer. On Thursday night, Campbell was arraigned on assault charges in Manhattan criminal court and was released without bail.


"Quran Campbell is captured on video for the nation to witness him viciously assault 3 cops in uniform - 1 who lost consciousness. Judge Robert Rosenthal's reckless decision to release Mr. Campbell WITHOUT BAIL endangers every NYer and the officers who risk it all to protect them," Monahan tweeted on Friday morning. "My thanks to the @ManhattanDA's Office for recognizing the seriousness and strength of this case by requesting $75,000 bail."

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.9988552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8801

Kabbalah Explains Scamdemic & New World Order


WHY KABBALAH IS SATANIC from How Sex Became Our Religion


First, it denies our connection to God who speaks to us through our Divine spirit (soul).


Cabala preaches that God is formless and unknowable.


The whole point of religion is to worship (obey) God. How can you obey something “formless” and “unknowable”?


Naturally, the Satanist will convince the unwary that God is unknowable.


Cabalists believe that only they know God’s will. Thus they are God.

This is Satanism.


Second, by making the sex act a means for reaching God, the Cabalist sets up a false God. According to the Cabalist, sexual intercourse is tantamount to mystical union. Orgasm is a revelation.


In fact, unity with God is reached by grace, worship, devotion, selfless service, and spiritual discipline, not by copulating. But just as homosexuals use sexual excess to compensate for the loss of healthy intimacy between a man and woman, heterosexuals use it to compensate for the loss of God. Naturally, the Illuminati want us to imitate homosexuals.


Third, the “God” of the Cabala combines good and evil. Somehow, good will come from doing evil. This is salvation through sin. Again, this is nonsense. God is Moral. He is perfection. “Be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) God speaks to man through our spiritual ideals such as Truth, Beauty, Justice, and Love.


Thus the Cabala is typically Satanic: making evil appear good, lies appear true; sick appear healthy, and vice-versa.


Finally, a Jewish scholar writes: “Never in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a religious value.” (272) This alone disqualifies Judaism as a religion. All true religions require control over lust.


Far from ascetic, the Talmud and Kabbalah are degenerate, opening the door to pederasty and incest. The Cabala also holds that man is bisexual, which explains Illuminati’s promotion of homosexuality and androgyny. Anything to overturn the natural order and spit in God’s eye.


The Illuminati used Sigmund Freud, a Cabalist, to convince the world that sexual restraint leads to neuroses and sickness.


In a speech to the B’nai Brith on his 70th birthday, Freud emphasized his Jewishness. He said he joined the Masonic Jewish lodge because of “many dark emotional forces” that made “Jews and Judaism irresistible.” He was drawn to “the clear consciousness of our inner identity the intimacy that comes from the same psychic structure.” (Bakan, p. 305)


Most Jews have hardly heard of the Talmud and Cabala, let alone read or understand them. They don’t know that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. The same applies to those dupes known as Christian Zionists.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.9988559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8616

Oklahoma family says the government is lying about their grandpa's death: He 'didn't die from COVID'


Could there be others, too?


A family in Oklahoma says the government is lying about COVID-19 being the cause of their grandpa's death and warning that similar lies may be spreading about others, too.


Jack Dake Sr., a loving father, husband, and military veteran, passed away in early May after battling Alzheimer's disease for 13 years, his family says. But when his death certificate came in a week later, the coronavirus was listed as his cause of death. His family was shocked.


"Alzheimer's was the cause of death, and COVID-19 was not even a contributing condition," Dake's son, Jack Dake Jr., told the Oklahoman. "Yet it's recorded as the only cause of death."


Dake Jr. told the outlet that by the time his dad had been diagnosed with COVID-19, he had already entered one of the last stages of Alzheimer's and would soon enter hospice care.


He had been tested for the coronavirus after being taken to the hospital when nursing home staff said he had a "decreased appetite" and "generalized weakness." At the time of the test, he presented with a fever and cough but no shortness of breath, and he didn't require supplemental oxygen.


Hospital records from a second visit days later — due to a fall that cut his hand — noted that Dake Sr.'s possible COVID-19 symptoms had reduced even more. He presented no fever, no cough, no shortness of breath, and "no other complaints or modifying factors."


Yet when hospice care workers prepared a list of emergency contacts for the family, they listed COVID-19 as the terminal diagnosis. From that point forward, that was the official determination.


"On the day he died, one of the people at the care facility said that his was a COVID-19 death, to which we immediately objected," Dake Jr. recalled. "COVID-19 had nothing whatsoever to do with his death, nor was it an underlying cause. In fact, since he had already been through the symptoms, he was probably negative for the coronavirus and now had antibodies."


"The government is lying about my wife's grandfather's death, and I bet they're lying about many more."

— (


Could there be others?


Now, the family is warning that the government's reporting could be wrong about others, too.


"On June 22, the state Department of Health record[ed] 369 COVID-19 deaths," Dake Jr. said. "We know that number is false, misleading and not true. It's less than that, maybe significantly less than that. Yet government officials at all levels, including at the Legislature, are making very poor decisions based on this information."


In an op-ed on on Thursday, Larry O'Connor wrote: "The government is lying about my wife's grandfather's death, and I bet they're lying about many more."


"The State of Oklahoma insists that Jack Dake Sr. died of the coronavirus, when he simply did not," O'Connor added.


The family says a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guideline is the cause of the problem in their case and potentially in the cases of others.


In April, the CDC issued a report to medical providers on certifying COVID-19 deaths, saying: "In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely … it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as 'probable' or 'presumed.'"


Elsewhere in the document, CDC officials added that "if COVID–19 played a role in the death, this condition should be specified on the death certificate."


It could also be that hospitals are incentivized to list COVID-19 diagnoses, the family said.


It is true, after all, that under the CARES Act, hospitals receive a 20% reimbursement from the federal government for treating patients diagnosed with the coronavirus, according to a USA Today fact-check.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.9988593   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8606 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

Berlin District Government Video Promotes ‘Antifa Is Love’


A video produced by the district office of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg features a sticker promoting the far-left extremist Antifa group as part of a presentation for an anti-right-wing extremism award.


The video, which promotes the Silvio-Meier Prize, features a sticker that states “Antifa is Love”.


According to the Berlin government website, the prize is awarded to those who take “a clear position against right-wing extremism, racism, exclusion, discrimination, and wants to encourage active, non-violent advocacy for freedom, political and cultural emancipation regardless of origin, religion, social position, or sexual identity, and support and honour appropriate action”.


Antifa Extremists Allegedly Cut Power to Street Lights in Berlin Before Rioting


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 1, 2020


“With the award, the district takes a clear stand against right-wing extremism, against antisemitism and racism. It is particularly important to me that we show solidarity with one another and show that we are not alone,” local Green Party politician Clara Herrmann states in the video.


Named after Silvio Meier, an activist stabbed to death by neo-Nazis in 1992, the prize claims to champion non-violent advocacy. But Antifa, particularly in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district, has been known for acts of violence for decades toward police and political opponents.


Last weekend, a mob of around 50 Antifa extremists destroyed 19 cars in the district near the Liebigstrasse 34 and Rigaer Strasse 94 buildings which have been squatted and occupied by Antifa for years.


The violence, which included at least 13 local buildings being damaged, was in response to raids by local police at the “Riga 94” building last week.


TOMLINSON: Europe’s Antifa History Should Serve as a Warning to America


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 4, 2020


On Monday, a property manager, construction workers, and a lawyer for the owner of Riga 94 attempted to enter the building but were attacked by Antifa militants. Police later arrived and allegedly used tear gas on the far-left occupiers.


Antifa violence has escalated in Germany in recent years, with a German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) report released last month claiming that it was not unthinkable far-left extremists may engage in targetted killings of political opponents in the near future.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.9988596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8619 >>8649 >>8707 >>8887 >>8963

UK Defence Minister: Space Will Be Next Battleground, Must Prepare for Satellite War with China, Russia


Britain’s defence minister has said that the UK must evolve its defence capabilities to respond to new threats from the skies from hostile actors like Russia and China.


Addressing the Air and Space Power conference on Wednesday on the future of combat air systems, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said that to prepare for modern warfare, defence strategy “requires a rebalancing from Industrial Age to Information Age capabilities – investing in cyber, space, electronic warfare, AI, robotics, and autonomy – coupled with their integration with the best of what already exists”.


“The global picture has changed. Threats are coming from all different angles,” Mr Wallace said, adding that the country will have to prepare for what the “air and space environment of 2030, 2040 or even 2050 will look like” and consider “what will the role of our air and space forces” be.


Cyberwarfare, as well as the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for intelligence and tactical strikes, pose a threat to national security, as does failure to remain “as nimble as our rivals” in reacting to the “disruptive capability” of the “aggressive application of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and quantum computing”.


In terms of defending the West’s fragile communications system, the defence minister said that “we know, all the while, that Russia and China are developing offensive weapons in space, [which is] a major cause for concern given that satellites don’t just provide our global communications, critical intelligence, and surveillance and navigation, but underpin our critical national infrastructure from mobile phones, to cashpoints, to the stock market.


“That’s why, in the future, what’s above you will be often more important than what’s in front of you.”


Polish PM: Europe Must Stand with U.S. on 5G to Protect World from ‘Authoritarian Regimes’ Like China


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 16, 2020


Alexandra Stickings, a research fellow for space policy at the Royal United Services Institute, told The Times on Thursday that hostile actors are capable of using lasers to “blind” satellites. Satellites are also vulnerable to hacking and high-power microwave frequencies that can disrupt internal electronics. Russia is reportedly performing tests to determine how close they can get to a satellite to “interfere with it or intercept information”, Ms Stickings said.


A U.S. military commander told TIME magazine in February that a pair of Russian satellites were following an American military satellite. Russia had launched inspection satellites in 2017. In 2007, China had successfully launched a missile from Earth that took out one of its own weather satellites.


The United States’s Space Force also reportedly has the capability to jam enemy satellite transmissions.


The newly-formed Space Force, the sixth branch of the U.S. military, was signed into being in December 2019. President Donald Trump said at the time: “Space is the world’s newest warfighting domain… American superiority in space is absolutely vital.”


The United States and the United Kingdom are not the only Western nations arming themselves for future warfare. France’s Emmanuel Macron announced in July 2019 that he would launch a “high command for space”, calling the new military focus on space a “true national security issue”.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.9988608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8707 >>8717 >>8752 >>8887 >>8963

More Than 73K Missing in Mexico


More than 73,200 people in Mexico are now missing without a trace.


This number represents a symbol of escalating violence, according to new data released by the National Registry of Missing and Unlocated Persons.


The data show that disappearances began to escalate during the Felipe Calderon administration (2006-2012) when it pursued cartels with military force. During that time, 37,601 people disappeared and 15,986 are still missing.


During the Enrique Peña Nieto’s years (2012-2018), 34,110 vanished after continuing the Calderon policy on cartels.


In December 2018, President Andres Manuel Obrador (AMLO), halted the strategy and created the National Guard in its place. According to official figures, another 27,871 disappeared under AMLO.


“Ambiguous loss” is a term used to define the experiences of families coping with missing persons. It is enhanced by the dearth of information even years later.


Mexican cartels continue to use effective techniques to dispose of murder victims. One favorite method is “guiso” or “stew.” Corpses are placed in acid until they are broken down to a soupy consistency. When acid is not available, bodies are cut to pieces and burned in metal barrels using diesel. Burning appears to be far more common due to cheap access.


Clandestine graves are the third choice among cartel operatives. More than 3,000 graves containing missing persons have been located across the country, according to the first-ever official tally.


Roughly 4,874 missing persons were at least partially located across the 3,025 sites.


In 2019, the National System of Public Security reported that 35,588 people were victims of homicides, the highest number in one year ever recorded. That includes 1,006 women. Mexico has no clear winning strategy to counter the violence orchestrated by the cartels against innocent civilians.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.9988637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>8963

Starmer’s ‘New’ Labour: Minister Quits Amid Anti-Israel, JK Rowling Trans Remarks


Lloyd Russell-Moyle, a former ally of socialist Jeremy Corbyn, has resigned from the shadow cabinet after having to apologise twice in recent weeks over his uncovered anti-Zionist remarks and his attack on left-wing children’s author JK Rowling. However, the Labour MP blamed the “right-wing media” for forcing him out.


The Times on Sunday had revealed that Mr Russell-Moyle had posted on Facebook anti-Israel and anti-Zionist comments in 2009, before he was elected to represent the ultra liberal-progressive constituency of Brighton Kemptown.


Considered antisemitic dog whistles disguised as criticisms of the Jewish state, Russell-Moyle had written that Zionism, Jewish people’s right to return to their historical homeland, as a “dangerous nationalist idea” and branded Jewish claims to historical connection to the holy land as “not progressive”.


He further compared Israel to apartheid South Africa, and insinuated that Israel had brought Palestinian terror attacks upon itself. He said: “Terrorism feeds of [sic] violence, that is why it is only Israel that can stop the violence, it was the National Party in South Africa that had to make the first steps.”


The Jewish Labour Movement called for the MP’s resignation, saying on Sunday in comments reported by Jewish News: “Lloyd Russell-Moyle has, in his short time in Parliament, managed to attract constant controversy in relation to antisemitism, which has caused deep upset and distress within the Jewish community in Brighton and Hove.”


“In isolation, each event would have at best pointed to a blind spot on anti-Jewish racism. Taken together they appear to be a pattern of behaviour that is simply not acceptable for a front bench member of the Parliamentary Labour Party,” the statement added.


Russell-Moyle later apologised and deleted the posts.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9988670   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Voice Of Christian Israel – 03-29-2020 – Operation Armageddon, Covid-19, And The War Against The West – Pastor Eli James explains how the fake pandemic, called COVID-19, or Snifflegate, has been planned for a long time to take down America and the West. The primary executioners are the Rothschilds and the international banksters. Pastor Eli James reads from the book of Richard Kelly Hoskins, one of the best Christian Identity teachers.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9988691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8868

American People Suffering and Billionaires getting richer. Yeah nothing to see here….move along


As Billionaires get richer, American People are still suffering in terms of rent, losing their jobs, and failing to pay taxes.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.9988709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Hoping to Start a War With Iran Before US Elections


Sabotages meant to provoke an Iranian reaction


Recent rounds of sabotage attacks against Iranian targets have been consistently blamed on Israel. It’s not just Israel being Israel, according to some officials familiar with the situation, but rather, Israel trying to start a war while Trump is still in power.


Israel sees war as a tougher sell if Biden gets elected, while Trump would be easier, especially ahead of the vote. EU officials were reportedly concerned Israel would try to provoke something soon. Israeli officials refuse to comment on specific sabotage operations.


Israeli officials concede it is “common knowledge” they are behind some of the Iran attacks, but they don’t want to specify which ones when there are so many candidates. Officials also say their policy on Iran is clear, without confirming or denying trying to suck the US into a war.


Trump’s own administration has some officials very keen on provoking fights with Iran, but so far Trump has resisted launching a war. It’s not clear, with his “most pro-Israel ever” label on the line, he could resist joining an Israeli war.


Israel has been keen on a war with Iran for decades, and is always trying to pick a good time to sucker the US into the conflict. While Iran focuses on defensive preparedness, it’s likely they’ll be advised by allies to try to resist any reaction to the provocations through November hoping that as this window closes, Israel will dial back attacks.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9988722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8853

Pentagon Bans Confederate Flag on Military Bases Without Mentioning It by Name


After two services and a handful of commanders created their own policies banning the Confederate flag on military installations, a new Pentagon memo now blocks its display on Defense Department bases worldwide.


Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Friday signed a policy specifying the flags that are cleared to be displayed publicly on military installations. The Confederate flag is not on the list of those cleared to fly.


"With this change in policy, we will further improve the morale, cohesion, and readiness of the force in defense of our great Nation," Esper wrote.


Military leaders have been pressing Esper to put in place a DoD-wide ban on the Confederate flag, The Associated Press reported Friday. President Donald Trump has expressed support for all Americans' right to fly the flag, which is why the policy doesn't mention the Confederate flag by name, the AP reported.


One official told the outlet that the workaround is a creative way to ban the Confederate flag in a manner that may not raise the president's ire. Trump previously said he would block attempts by the Army to rename bases that honor Confederate leaders.


Flags are powerful symbols, especially for the military community, Esper wrote in the new guidance.


"We must always remain focused on what unifies us: our sworn oath to the Constitution and our shared duty to defend the Nation," he wrote. "I am committed to fielding the most powerful military force the world has known by strengthening the bonds of our most valuable resource – our people.


"The flags we fly must accord with the military imperatives of good order and discipline," Esper added, "treating all our people with dignity and respect, and rejecting divisive symbols."


In addition to the U.S. flag, those cleared to be displayed on military installations include:


Flags for U.S. states, territories and Washington, D.C.;

Military service flags;

General or flag officer flags;

Presidentially-appointed or Senate-confirmed civilian flags;

Senior executive service and military department-specific SES flags;

The Prisoner of War/Missing in Action flag;

Flags of other countries, for which the U.S. is an ally or partner, or for official protocol purposes;

Flags of organizations in which the U.S. is a member, such as NATO;

Ceremonial, command, unit or branch flags or guidons.


The guidance applies to any public display or depiction of a flag by service members or Defense Department civilians in workplaces, and public or common-access areas, the memo states. That includes in office buildings, naval vessels, aircraft, government vehicles, hangars, breakrooms, restrooms, open-bay barracks, schoolhouses and outside any government-operated housing.



Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.9988763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>8963

Senate GOP proposing five-year shield from coronavirus lawsuits


Senate Republicans are preparing to offer a five-year shield from coronavirus lawsuits as part of a forthcoming relief proposal.


The proposal would be retroactive from December 2019 through 2024, or the end of an emergency declaration issued by the Department of Health and Human Services if that is later, according to a draft summary obtained by The Hill.


The proposal, which is currently being reviewed by the White House, would give federal courts jurisdiction over lawsuits related to personal injuries or medical liability tied to coronavirus infections, preventing lawsuits in state courts, where business groups have warned about uneven laws.


Institutions including businesses, colleges, schools and churches would only be legally liable if they didn't make "reasonable efforts" to follow public health guidelines and "committed an act of gross negligence or intentional misconduct," according to the summary.


Health care facilities and workers would also only be legally liable for "gross negligence and intentional misconduct."


Liability reform is considered a top priority for Senate Republicans, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), in the upcoming negotiations over Congress's fifth coronavirus package.


McConnell is expected to unveil the GOP proposal next week and "socialize" it with members of his conference, who have been scattered across the country during the last two weeks.


McConnell, speaking in Kentucky over the recess, repeatedly warned that coronavirus legislation will not pass without liability protections in it.


"It must have, must, no bill will pass the Senate without liability protection for everyone related to the coronavirus. …. Nobody should have to face an epidemic of lawsuits on the heels of the pandemic that we already have related to the coronavirus," McConnell said during a stop in Kentucky this week.


Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a member of GOP leadership, added that the GOP proposal would be "relatively narrow and relatively short."


"It's not just a business protection, it's also school protection, a health care provider protection," Blunt said.


But Democrats have appeared skeptical of the forthcoming GOP proposal, questioning if it would prevent workers from being able to sue over unsafe working conditions as more businesses begin to reopen.


"We think there's a path to talk about protecting businesses and workers and customers who come in, and that is our OSHA provision. But again, let's hear what everybody has to say," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters last week.


Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) called the GOP proposal, which he noted he had not seen, a "liability shield for CEOs."

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.9988792   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For third time this week, hundreds demonstrate against Netanyahu outside home


Many show up in swimwear and with beach towels after decision to shut beaches next weekend, saying government not only corrupt but also chaotic and inept


Hundreds of people demonstrated outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s official residence in Jerusalem on Friday, demanding that he resign over his indictment on corruption charges.


It was the third such demonstration this week at the junction of Gaza Street and Balfour Street, the road where the Prime Minister’s Residence is located. A previous protest, attended by several thousand people on Tuesday, turned violent and dozens were arrested during clashes with police.


Many of the protesters turned up in bathing suits and with beach towels in a dig at Netanayhau’s widely criticized decision to shut beaches from next weekend, saying his government is not only corrupt, but also chaotic and inept.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.9988806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>8963

Senate GOP set to ramp up Obama-era probes


Senate Republicans are preparing to ramp up their Obama-era probes, pushing the controversial investigations back into the spotlight as the 2020 elections heat up.


The efforts have sparked high-profile tensions with Senate Democrats and public rebukes from former Vice President Joe Biden’s orbit. They view the efforts as an attempt to meddle in the 2020 elections, where Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee.


But with the Senate coming back to Washington on Monday, and the number of legislative days quickly dwindling, Republicans are preparing to step up their efforts.


"In July we will be having some public hearings. … There's a lot to be done between now and September,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said during a social media Q&A, adding that he would “investigate the investigators.”


Graham specifically singled out former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, saying he wants her to testify about a Jan. 5, 2017, White House meeting, which has been an area of interest for Republicans. At the meeting, then-President Obama and then-FBI Director James Comey discussed sharing national security information related to Russia with incoming national security advisor Michael Flynn.


Yates did not respond to a request for comment about whether Graham, or his staff, had reached out about testifying. Asked if they had reached out to Yates or her representatives, a spokesman for Graham sidestepped the question, saying, “Stay tuned!”


Meanwhile, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), the chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, told The Hill that he wants to release an interim report on an investigation linked to Biden's son Hunter Biden by the time the Senate leaves for a four-week break on Aug. 7. His staff is already drafting parts of the report.


“We’ve got a very detailed timeline. … I’ve told staff I certainly want to get something out before the August recess, as incomplete as it is,” Johnson told The Hill. “At some point in time we’ve got [to say,] ‘OK, here’s what we’ve got. Here’s the remaining questions that need to be answered.’”


The two chairmen, as well as Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), are months into wide-ranging investigations that touch on some of the biggest grievances President Trump and conservative allies have, including the origins of the Russia investigation, the court established by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and Hunter Biden.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.9988808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8862 >>8887 >>8963

Russian fighters shadow Norwegian spy plane over Barents Sea


No violations of Russia’s state border were allowed, the National Defense Control Center stressed


MOSCOW, July 17. /TASS/. The Northern Fleet’s fighter jets shadowed a Norwegian Air Force P-3C Orion reconnaissance plane over the Barents Sea, Russia’s National Defense Control Center reported on Friday.


The Russian airspace control capabilities detected a Norwegian Air Force P-3C Orion reconnaissance plane on July 17, 2020, the Center said.


"The fighter aircraft of the Northern Fleet’s Air Force and Air Defense Army carried out its shadowing," it said.


No violations of Russia’s state border were allowed, the National Defense Control Center stressed.


On July 14, the Russian airspace control systems detected a Norwegian Air Force P-3C Orion reconnaissance plane over the Barents Sea flying towards Russia’s state border. The Northern Fleet’s fighter aircraft were also scrambled to identify and intercept the target.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.9988812   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Proverbs 4

A Father’s Wise Advice

1My children, listen when your father corrects you.

Pay attention and learn good judgment,

2for I am giving you good guidance.

Don’t turn away from my instructions.

3For I, too, was once my father’s son,

tenderly loved as my mother’s only child.

4My father taught me,

“Take my words to heart.

Follow my commands, and you will live.

5Get wisdom; develop good judgment.

Don’t forget my words or turn away from them.

6Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you.

Love her, and she will guard you.

7Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do!

And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.

8If you prize wisdom, she will make you great.

Embrace her, and she will honor you.

9She will place a lovely wreath on your head;

she will present you with a beautiful crown.”

10My child, listen to me and do as I say,

and you will have a long, good life.

11I will teach you wisdom’s ways

and lead you in straight paths.

12When you walk, you won’t be held back;

when you run, you won’t stumble.

13Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go.

Guard them, for they are the key to life.

14Don’t do as the wicked do,

and don’t follow the path of evildoers.

15Don’t even think about it; don’t go that way.

Turn away and keep moving.

16For evil people can’t sleep until they’ve done their evil deed for the day.

They can’t rest until they’ve caused someone to stumble.

17They eat the food of wickedness

and drink the wine of violence!

18The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn,

which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.

19But the way of the wicked is like total darkness.

They have no idea what they are stumbling over.

20My child, pay attention to what I say.

Listen carefully to my words.

21Don’t lose sight of them.

Let them penetrate deep into your heart,

22for they bring life to those who find them,

and healing to their whole body.

23Guard your heart above all else,

for it determines the course of your life.

24Avoid all perverse talk;

stay away from corrupt speech.

25Look straight ahead,

and fix your eyes on what lies before you.

26Mark out a straight path for your feet;

stay on the safe path.

27Don’t get sidetracked;

keep your feet from following evil.

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.9988838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>8963

Iraqi PMF leader: Operations on US forces to escalate day by day


Original link:




Deputy Secretary General of the Al-Nujaba Movement, a faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), says that ‘resistance operations against U.S. occupation forces in Iraq will escalate day by day’.


In an interview with Al Mayadeen TV, Nasr al-Shimmari added that the country’s ‘resistance forces’ had previously given time for dialogue in order for American forces to leave Iraq, however, it was clear that the ‘US only understands the language of force’.


Source: Al-Alam TV (citing from Al Mayadeen TV)


Date: 16 July, 2020


(Important note: Please help us keep producing independent translations for you by contributing as little as $1/month here)




Iraq: Nasr al-Shimmari, Deputy Secretary General of the Al-Nujaba Movement:


– the Americans cannot change the equations in Iraq


– the Americans have no choice but to withdraw from Iraq or stay and endure the losses that will be inflicted on their forces


– we bless the operations targeting the Americans and the resistance is devising the appropriate methods that will force them to leave


– the U.S. forces in Iraq are occupying forces and targeting them by the resistance will escalate day by day


– the operations of the resistance are characterized by secrecy, and there is a unified decision among the resistance forces (factions) to confront the American forces


– the government is an executive – and not a legislative – entity, and (thus) cannot prevent the resistance from targeting the American (forces)


– Iran is a friend of all the resistance forces, but the main (side) concerned with confronting the American obstinacy in Iraq are the Iraqis (themselves)


– Washington did not take the initiative to help Iraq confront ISIS by using the pretext that this is was an ‘internal matter’ and not an external attack


– the Americans and the British want to put their (military) forces in areas (of Iraq) where they think the resistance will not (be able to) target them


– Turkish forces invaded Iraqi territory and bombed positions in Iraq and we did not see any American action (in response)


– Neither the prime minister nor the government has the authority to bring foreign troops to Iraq, especially after the parliament’s decision


– We hope that the actions of Al-Kadhimi and his government will be in the interest of Iraq, and we affirm that the future of the country depends on (it attaining its) freedom


– The Americans only understand the language of force and resistance is the only weapon capable of getting them out of Iraq


– resistance had given way for (the path) of dialogue and the implementation of the parliament’s decision for U.S. forces to leave (but that failed)

Anonymous ID: b52286 July 17, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.9988910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8970 >>9007

Fauci Says COVID-19 Has Potential to Be As Serious As 1918 Flu Pandemic


Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, suggested recently that the COVID-19 outbreak has the potential to approach the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic in terms of seriousness while expressing hopes that the administration’s interventions would prevent such an outcome.


Fauci made the remarks during a Georgetown University Global Health Initiative webinar on Tuesday, during which he called the COVID-19 outbreak a “pandemic of historic proportions.”


“The numbers are quite sobering. We’ve had over 135,00 deaths in this pandemic for the United States. We have over 3 million cases. If you look globally, there’s close to 600,000 deaths and about 13 or 14 million infections. So this is a pandemic of historic proportions, we can’t deny that fact,” Fauci said.


“It’s something that, when history looks back on it, will be comparable to what we saw in 1918,” he added, referring to the influenza pandemic that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calls “the most severe pandemic in recent history.” It is estimated that around 500 million, or around one-third of the world’s population at the time, became infected with the disease, which was caused by the H1N1 virus of avian origin.