Anonymous ID: 2e656e July 17, 2020, 11:57 a.m. No.9989147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9158 >>9642

READ: Bill Barr’s Full Throwdown on the Chinese Communist Party and ‘Collaborator’ US Corporates




Attorney General Bill Barr delivered a barnstorming speech on the infiltration of the United States by the Chinese Communist Party, as well as the open collaboration by America’s big corporates. He mentioned by name the big tech companies, as well as Hollywood, and financial firms.

Anonymous ID: 2e656e July 17, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.9989257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9265 >>9278 >>9468 >>9573 >>9706

Iranian dissidents rally for regime change in Tehran


Iran’s theocracy is at the weakest point of its four-decade history and facing unprecedented challenges from a courageous citizenry hungry for freedom, Iranian dissidents and prominent U.S. and European politicians said Friday at a major international rally calling for the downfall of the dictatorship in Tehran. The annual “Free Iran Global Summit,” held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, brought together Iranian resistance groups and their allies around the world behind the common cause of pushing to replace Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s regime with a nonviolent democracy. The summit — organized and hosted by the multinational umbrella organization the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its associate group, the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran (MEK) — was something of a technical marvel, uniting via Zoom tens of thousands of participants from 102 countries and 30,000 separate locations around the world.


Some Iranian resistance activists were even broadcasting into the summit from inside Iran at tremendous risk to their own safety, given the Khamenei regime’s history of violently cracking down on internal opposition. Behind the logistical triumph was a simple message from the NCRI organizers that Iran’s clerics and terrorist sympathizers are living on borrowed time, facing unprecedented anger from within and crushing external pressure as the Trump administration’s financial sanctions campaign against Tehran continues to squeeze the Iranian economy. “This generation is a constant nightmare for the mullahs. Indeed, the clerics have come face to face with a rebellious generation against which they are vulnerable,” acting NCRI President Maryam Rajavi said during a passionate address Friday morning. “Today in Iran, one of the greatest battles and one of the greatest tests of our time rages on between freedom and religious fascism, between democracy and religious fundamentalism. This is a battle intertwined with the destiny of contemporary humanity and global peace and security.”


Mrs. Rajavi delivered her address from the Ashraf-3 complex in Albania, which has become the headquarters of the movement and is home to MEK dissidents and resistance fighters dedicated to overthrowing an oppressive government that has ruled Iran since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. Leaders of the NCRI, which is comprised of multiple other organizations, say the council has seen its stature grow to the point that Iranian officials can no longer deny its influence. The NCRI has many American supporters, including some with close relationships to Mr. Trump, such as former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, one the president’s personal lawyers. They say the organization not only has galvanized tens of thousands of Iranians behind its cause but also has fashioned itself into something of a shadow government that could potentially step into power in Tehran if the regime falls.


“We know the truth and they know the truth: They know this organization is a total threat to them,” Mr. Giuliani said during a speech delivered to Friday’s virtual summit. “When they see today, this gathering of people taking advantage of Zoom and the new modern methods of communication,” he said. “They realize they have a formidable foe. They realize and can foresee how this group could easily stand up an interim government that could be a bridge to a permanent, democratic, free, prosperous and wonderful Iran.” Other prominent American figures from both political parties participating represented a who’s who list of American “formers,” including former Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, retired Marine Commandant James T. Conway and others. Several current U.S. officials also delivered remarks, including Sen. Martha McSally, Arizona Republican, and Rep. Brad Sherman, California Democrat. Mrs. Rajavi, Mr. Giuliani and other speakers said the wave of popular protests inside Iran over the past three years prove that the time is ripe for dramatic change. In 2017, 2018, 2019, and again in January, swarms of protesters took to the streets to demonstrate against Iran’s leaders and their policies.

Anonymous ID: 2e656e July 17, 2020, 12:48 p.m. No.9989581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Terry Crews to Nick Cannon apologists: 'I was never afraid of the KKK. It was people like you'


Terry Crews has a message for critics who are upset at his calls for racial unity and spotlighting of Nick Cannon’s racist rhetoric: “I was never afraid of the KKK. It was people like you.” The former NFL player turned actor told his Twitter followers this week that legitimately scary “threats” throughout his life came from individuals accusing him of “acting white.” Mr. Crews faced a barrage of negative feedback in June for warning: “We must ensure #blacklivesmatter doesn’t morph into #blacklivesbetter.”


The criticism continued this week after the “Brooklyn 99” star pointed to entertainer Nick Cannon’s racist interview with former Public Enemy member Richard “Professor Griff” Griffith. “We have to include this white voice, this Hispanic voice, this Asian voice. We have to include it RIGHT NOW, because if we don’t … it’s going to slip into something we are really not prepared for.” - Terry Crews ‘THE TALK interview’ June 16th, 2020,” Mr. Crews tweeted Tuesday while linking to footage of Mr. Cannon’s interview. ViacomCBS parted ways with Mr. Cannon for anti-Semitic racist comments like, “the only way that [White people] can act is evil. They have to rob, steal, rape, kill in order to survive. … They’re acting as animals, so they’re the ones that are actually closer to animals. They’re the ones that are actually the true savages.”


Fox said earlier this week that an apology issued on Twitter by Mr. Cannon (although juxtaposed with re-tweets by the entertainer defending the racist interview), allowed him to keep his role on “The Masked Singer.” “When I was young, I was never afraid of the KKK,” Mr. Crews told Mr. Cannon’s online apologists. “It was people like you. The threats, the intimidation, discouraging free thought, and ‘the insult of acting white.’ My heart breaks because your behavior only reveals you don’t know how powerful you are.”

Anonymous ID: 2e656e July 17, 2020, 12:56 p.m. No.9989635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9706 >>9771 >>9815

FBI Crossfire Hurricane unit watched Trump the day he took oath of office


FBI Agent Peter Strzok and his FBI Crossfire Hurricane unit were focused on the White House during President Trump’s inauguration celebration, so much so that the “angry” agent complained he was kept out of the loop on a bureau counter-intelligence briefing there. Mr. Strzok, who would later be fired for his anti-Trump messages to FBI lawyer Lisa Page, erupted the day after Mr. Trump became president, according to newly released emails obtained by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog in Washington. Mr. Strzok said in an email to his boss, counter-intelligence chief Bill Priestap, he could have folded the FBI briefing into his strategy for investigating Trump associates. “I heard from [redacted] about the WH CI briefing routed from [redacted],” Mr. Strzok said. “I am angry that Jen [colleague Jennifer Boone] did not at least cc: me, as my branch has pending investigative matters there, this brief may play into our investigative strategy, and I would like the ability to have visibility and provide thoughts/counsel to you in advance of the briefing. This is one of the reasons why I raised the issue of lanes/responsibilities that I did when you asked her to handle WH detailee interaction.” The afternoon and night before the inauguration, a bevy of heavily redacted emails were exchanged by Mr. Strzok and other high-ranking counter intelligence officials.


“These documents suggest that President Trump was targeted by the [then-director James] Comey FBI as soon as he stepped foot in the Oval Office,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. By inauguration day, the FBI had reversed its decision to close a case on retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser. Agents were examining his phone calls during the transition with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Three days later, Mr. Strzok would travel to the White House to interview Mr. Flynn, who would pled guilty in December 2017 to lying. The Trump Justice Department moved in May to drop the case, citing undisclosed FBI files that would have helped Mr. Flynn’s case.


Judicial Watch said the Strzok conversation was among 136 pages of emails–––some heavily redacted––– released by the FBI based on an original December 2017 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) submission for all Strzok-Page messages. The release contains other Strzok missives. He disputed a story in January 2017 in the British Independent that said Christopher Steele, author of the influential and ultimately discredited dossier, suspected there was an FBI “cabal” which prioritized the Hillary Clinton email probe over the Trump-Russia matter. “Of course not accurate (the coverup/cabal nonsense),” Mr. Strzok wrote to agent Michael Kortan, assistant director for public affairs, and Ms. Page. “Is that question gaining traction anywhere else.” Mr. Strzok headed the probe into Mrs. Clinton’s email abuses, then switched to directing Crossfire Hurricane. Mr. Steele, a former British intelligence officer paid by Democrats, leveled over a dozen conspiracy claims against Mr. Trump and aides. None proved true, yet Mr. Strzok and other agents relied heavily on the document to guide their inquiry. Amid the Flynn probe, Mr. Strzok sent an email to Ms. Page joking about Mr. Kislyak’s heft. “Andy [deputy FBI Director McCabe] wasn’t kidding about Ambo’s size,” he said. That May, Mr. Trump fired Mr. Comey. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein then appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel. In March 2019, he reported he did not find a Trump-Russia election conspiracy.