Angela Stanton King, running for congress in Georgia, is twatting about pedos kek
Angela Stanton King Flag of United States
US House candidate, GA-5
Hey @chrissyteigen can you explain “The OBAMA thing” to us, and then tell us why @johnlegend is so terrified? #AskingForAFriend
7:49 AM · Jul 15, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
12.8K Retweets and comments 21.2K Likes
Angela Stanton King, running for congress in Georgia, is twatting about pedos.
Angela Stanton King 🇺🇸
US House candidate, GA-5
Don Lemon hates President Trump but has sympathy for Pedophiles. Listen folks we’re in a real battle. This isn’t Republican vs Democrats, this is Good vs Evil! Pick a side 🇺🇸 #DonLemon #Politics #Pedophilia
8:50 AM · Jul 17, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
9.6K Retweets and comments 14K Likes