What is Chrissy Teigen trying to hide?
>What is Chrissy Teigen trying to hide?
>Chrissy is toast. I want Sarah now.
YES, I got perma-banned on twatter cuz of that whore! kek
The Five just showed a pic Kanye twatted of his face on Mount Rushmore! lmfao what an idiot!
>Here's the video.
Gdammit THAT made my day!
2nd only to Q back to posting today!
That little old lady giving the double thumbs up! top kek
>White House portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush moved from prominent space to rarely used room
For once I'm hoping Commies Not News got it right!
>Don Lemon hates President Trump but has sympathy for Pedophiles.
What are the chances both Lemon & that "Doctor" are both pedophiles?