>Why do we need a class action lawsuit if q team has it all.
Because "having it all" is not the same thing as having actionable evidence for a public court case. NSA data is not in the public domain. In order for the evidence to be actionable, there has to be a prosecutable crime and evidence uncovered in the public sphere.
>the Hillary video?
All in due time.
> Q come on [wanking about Q gibs]
If you think nothings been dropped, then you are either blind, haven't been here as long as you brazenly declare, or you're a fucking shill. Pick one.
> I don't need any crap from anyone on here either..I have been here from the start and feel I can ask Q something If I want
Too fucking bad. you are writing this post as if you haven't even been here 3 fucking weeks. Nobody cares if you've "been here for yeeeears". You're anon and you have no fucking proof of that because of it.