>>9996653 (lb) - Nantes Cathedral on FIRE
>>9996095 (lb) - Black Forest in the news
Q664, Q665 [Feb 5 2018] mention "Black Forest" and "FIRE". Q also says "BLUNT statement", which is a connection Q325 where Q demonstrated foreknowledge of [and possibly thwarted] 2017 NYC bombing attempt FF.
Was Q also demonstrating foreknowledge of this current news cycle — Black Forest and Nantes Cathedral Fire?
Q also mentioned Dopey in Q664, which is relevant now in the sense that we're currently [As of Q4588, at least] investigating Disney stories [Pinocchio] for disturbing content. Dopey — perhaps we should also examine Snow White and Seven Dwarves for disturbing messaging with our current perspective/lens
Snow White: Evil Queen asking Magic Mirror who is fairest of all -Hillary Clinton, Looking Glass, 2016 Election -> Never thought she would lose