MASSIVE outage hits Cloudflare, sends Discord & other service-powered sites DOWN
A major outage has reportedly struck Cloudflare, a website-security company that caters to an array of websites, shutting down a large chunk of the Internet, including the popular chat service Discord.
Users of Discord, Riot Games, Patreon, Gitlab and various others websites have reported problems with accessing the platforms after Cloudflare, the US-based company that offers DDoS protection to its customers, reportedly came under a distributed denial of service cyber attack itself.
In a statement released shortly after disgruntled users started flocking to Twitter, which itself is still reeling from a major security breach, Cloudflare has confirmed that it had been having an “issue.”
"The issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.”
Cloudflare is down right now! This is causing an outage on several websites including- Discord- Downdetector- Riot- Gitlab- Patreon- Authy- Medium- Digital Oceanand many others!
— GhostfromTexas (@GhostfromTexas) July 17, 2020
It’s unclear what caused Cloudflare to malfunction. However, the incident has immediately triggered speculations of a possible cyber attack or a major internal failure.
JPMorgan CEO gets all the money in the ‘most corrupt scheme ever,’ amid Covid-19 misery – RT’s Keiser Report
The US’ biggest bank, JPMorgan Chase, together with other lenders, managed to take a big slice of the coronavirus relief program pie through fees, while reporting record quarterly profits.
Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how the banks managed to get such a large cut of the funds, having made a fortune in the last financial crisis after the government bailed them out. Keiser, a former Wall Street stockbroker, notes that professional banks enjoy almost zero risks by using hedging strategies, but, at the end of the day, get bailouts sponsored by the “losers in retail trading.”
Brexit: Freeports could turn Britain into world’s ‘money laundering capital’
The tax-free zones allow goods to be manufactured, stored, imported and exported without normal checks and paperwork. Freeports have been championed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak who intend to create 10 to boost Britain’s post-Brexit economy.
Former EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was told he was “morally and ethically” obliged to crack down on Le Freeport Luxembourg after it was accused of money-laundering.
And Dr Wolf Klinz, a German MEP, said the site – in which Mr Bouvier was a major shareholder – had “been alleged to be a fertile ground for money laundering and tax evasion”.
Another freeport created in 2009 by Mr Bouvier in Singapore was found to be at risk of money laundering and financing terrorism, according to the Financial Action Task Force.