Watch the water - cures exist - sea water and salt contain many health benefits, INCLUDING REDUCING RESPIRATORY INFLAMMATION AND PHLEGM, more health benefits:
The French biologist Quinton, born in France 1866, realized that sea water bears a striking resemblance to the extracellular fluid bathing every cell in our body.
Rene Quinton argued that seawater was very similar in composition to the blood of vertebrates. That is why, among his many tests, he emptied the blood of a street dog and injected it with isotonic sea water. The animal was cured. More animals tested were cured after, and also humans were cured by the treatment he called 'Marine method'.
His assertion that “The marine serum gives biological force to the cell to oppose most diseases”, certainly contrasts with the theory of Louis Pasteur in his work on the attack on invading microbes, which for some, is considered the start of the use of vaccines and antibiotics.
In the composition of seawater, we find about 83 (among 118) elements of the periodic table. On the other hand, it is stated that seawater is more effective than artificial serum.
He also applied his seawater benefits knowledge in diseases such as typhus, diarrhea, cholera and tuberculosis, among others, by using seawater properties.
Through his Laws of Constancy, he explained that the interior of the human being is similar to seawater composition. Likewise, if we maintain in our interior the existing elements in the ocean (ph, salinity, temperature, etc.), we will have good health.
Seawater is isotonic and has the same mineral composition as human blood plasma.
The plasma is replaced periodically and if it is clean the immune system works better.
Additionally, seawater has micronutrients that have not been imitated. It is alkaline and is perfect for acidifying diseases, since it balances excess acidity.
It is also antiseptic, anti-infectious, does not become infected, does not survive any pathogenic gene in it and it is the best natural disinfectant that exists.
The therapeutic effect provided by seawater is based on 3 main axes:
Hydroelectrolytic recharge: It provides water and minerals.
Rebalance of enzymatic function: Contribution of vitamins and nutrients.
Cell regeneration: It cleans the extracellular matrix, the internal environment where our cells live.
The seawater has a beneficial effect on the following disorders: Dermatitis, fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot; psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, prostate, obesity and malnutrition, among others.
In addition, the magnesium content of seawater is strong enough to have a nourishing and soothing effect on the nervous system.
Reasons to drink sea water
At the digestive level, salt water begins to activate the salivary glands of the mouth, releasing amylase. This initial step in the digestive process is very important.
In the stomach, natural salt stimulates hydrochloric acid and a protein digestion enzyme, which help break down food. It also stimulates secretions in the intestinal tract and liver, which help with digestion.
Regarding to nervous system, salt minerals calm the nerves by reducing cortisol and adrenaline, two dangerous stress hormones.
With respect to bones, a popular theory in relation to osteoporosis and other bone disorders is that the body uses calcium and other minerals from bones in order to survive and neutralize the acidity in the blood.
Because seawater is naturally full of minerals beneficial to us, and has an alkalizing effect, it helps improve bone health.
Also, natural salt has minerals that help the skin look fresh and shiny. For example, sulfur keeps skin clean and soft, while improving the scalp health.
Additionally, it acts against eczemas and rashes, which often are the result of a deficiency of sulfur and zinc. It also promotes the rapid healing of wounds, stimulates the immune system and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Another positive aspect of drinking seawater, is related to the respiratory system.
Sea salt is effective in reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. Thus, phlegm production slows down.
It is said that spraying sea salt on the tongue after drinking a glass of water is as helpful as using an inhaler. But the good thing about sea salt is that, it has no side effects when taken in moderation.
The ideal ratio for drinking seawater is: 20 ml of seawater (clean, not beach water) + 50 ml of mineral water. Those 70 ml drunk provide a clean plasma.
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