Anonymous ID: bc45ac Sept. 27, 2020, 12:37 p.m. No.1078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1085

Free online Overlay sites





Add meme image

Add overlay image

Adjust transparency (other adjustments)

Save and use


Be sure to test on


Anonymous ID: bc45ac Sept. 27, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.1079   🗄️.is 🔗kun

:: Archived camo thread link

:: Code from thread below


:: mod_img.bat

:: Install dependencies:

:: During install chack "Install legacy uitilities (eg convert)"

:: Usage:

:: 1. copy the images in an empty folder

:: 2. copy the bat there - it must be called MOD_IMG.BAT

:: 3. Run the BAT file either from a CMD window or just double-click in explorer


:: – this will overwrite the originals in the folder, thats why you copy them

:: - can be started multiple times on same images to make more complex patterns


@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

SET strength=12

SET /a blocksize=%RANDOM% %% 10 + 10

SET /a angle=%RANDOM% %% 90

SET /a scale=100/%blocksize%

SET /a str=100-%strength%


:: Discover the full path of the batch file

set filepath=%0%

for /f "useback tokens=*" %%a in ('%filepath%') do set filepath=%%~a


:: You must change this next line to match your BAT filename if it's not called mod_img

set frog=%filepath:mod_img.bat=%


:: If run from a CMD prompt, lose the path prefix

echo %cmdcmdline% | find /i "%~0" >nul

if errorlevel 1 set frog=


echo Using Strength %strength%, Blocksize: %blocksize%, Angle: %angle%, Scale: %scale%



FOR %%i IN (%frog%*.jpg) DO magick "%%i" -format %%wx%%h info: %frog%tmp.txt & Set /P imgsize=<%frog%tmp.txt & del %frog%tmp.txt & echo Executing: magick convert %%i -scale %scale%%% +noise Poisson -scale !imgsize! %%i -compose Blend -define compose:args=%str% -composite %%i & magick convert "%%i" -scale %scale%%% +noise Poisson -scale !imgsize! "%%i" -compose Blend -define compose:args=%str% -composite "%%i" & echo.


:: If run from explorer, pause so you can see what happened

echo %cmdcmdline% | find /i "%~0" >nul

if not errorlevel 1 pause


::Example stand-alone command for reference

:: magick convert input.jpg -scale 10% +noise Poisson -scale 1280x1024 input.jpg -compose Blend -define compose:args=88 -composite output.jpg


::Original sources here-



Anonymous ID: bc45ac Sept. 27, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.1080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Excel macro (with paint and/or paint 3D ) instructions



Open a new Excel document


Press Alt + F11 keys at the same time (This opens "Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications")


Copy and paste the following macro code snippet of macro code into new window "Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications"


‘This is the macro code snippet

Sub RandomShape()

Dim a As Integer

Dim b As Integer

Dim c As Integer

a = 0 ' leave 0

b = 175 ' Adjust how many curves to add

c = 400 ' Adjust how big the shape should be

With ActiveSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, 25, 25)

Do While a < b

.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, Rnd() * c, _

Rnd() * c, Rnd() * c, Rnd() * c, Rnd() * c, Rnd() * c

a = a + 1


.AddNodes msoSegmentCurve, msoEditingAuto, Rnd() * c, _

Rnd() * c, Rnd() * c, Rnd() * c, 25, 25


End With

Selection.ShapeRange.ShapeStyle = msoShapeStylePreset11

End Sub

‘This is the end of the macro code snippet


Alt+Tab back to the Excel Window


In Excel click the "View" option at the top to see the "View" toolbar


Click the arrow under the "Macros" icon and select "View Macros"


Select "Sheet1.RandomShape" in the "Macro Name" box and Click the "Run" button


Click on the newly created shape.


If desired, Click the "Format" option at the top to see the "Format" toolbar (you must select the shape first)

Click the arrow next to the "Shape Fill" icon and select desired color

Click the arrow next to the "Shape Outline" icon and select desired color


Right click on the shape and choose "Copy" to copy it to your other project (Like Paint and Paint 3D)


Be sure to save the Excel file as a

“Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)


This will keep the code snippet in the excel spreadsheet.



Copy new Shape from Excel


Paste into Paint


Click off pasted item


Click on tiny square on bottom and right edge to resize area.


Click ‘File’ from the top menu and choose ‘Save as”


Name your file and Click the “Save” button




Open Paint 3D


Choose the Menu icon at the top left


Choose Open, Browse, (navigate to the NEW shape file)


Click the “Open” button



Choose the Stickers icon at the top left


On the right choose the “Folder” icon (Choose your own sticker)


On the right choose the “+” plus sign (Add sticker)


Navigate to the image File to Update, Select it, and click the “Open” button


Resign the added image using the squares at the corner or edges


At the right Drag the “Sticker opacity” bar or update the percent.



Once you are done editing


Choose the Menu icon at the top left


Choose “Save as” then choose the “Image” icon


Navigate to where you will save the new image and click the “Save” button

Anonymous ID: bc45ac Sept. 27, 2020, 12:49 p.m. No.1083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1084

FREE Downloadable Camo file


See images

REF 1. Create Q corner overlay

REF 2. Create 3 random overlays (customizable)

  • a. General Flynn Digital Soldier Camo overlay

  • b. Matrix style overlay

  • c. Random curved image overlay

REF 3. Blend your meme with any overlay with transparency

REF 4. Sample Camo

REF 5. Sample Matrix