Welcome to the QRmemes Board
After Memefarmer's Meme Warehouse was taken offline, the time seemed right for a dedicated meme board / garage to store all our ammo for pickup and drop off.
8kun seemed the natural choice, and with big thanks to Codemonkey, it's become a reality.
The board is being populated just now and we'll be working on doing that over the next days and weeks.
There's a lot to add but soon we'll have a comprehensive resource.
The idea is to have dedicated threads for each subject / person so that memes can be found quickly and easily.
We'll also have a 'meme camo' thread where templates, frames and covers can be added and found.
Once a few threads are made we'll have links to post in the QRGeneral asking anons to drop by and drop what they've got.
With everyone's help, QR will have a bad ass meme warehouse within a week.
Any and all help is appreciated so if you've got some time to lend a hand, shout out in this thread and we can organize together.
All ideas welcome.
Thanks for dropping by, and for your support.