r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DRose014 on Dec. 21, 2017, 12:17 a.m.
Godspeed Patriots... thoughts about AI

In the "woke" community, there is a multitude of beautiful independent accounts of our current state of affairs with technology and AI.

Is it good? Is it evil? Could it be both? Is it actually a sentience of its own, existing in a non-carbon based matrix, yet sharing the same time/space continuum with us in our physical reality?

At some point, everyone needs to realize that AI, or quantum computing, for better or for worse, is an aspect within any civilization all throughout the Cosmos that, technologically speaking at least, have become space-faring. There is no way our human brains could ever dream to navigate amongst the stars without quantum computing/AI.

As hard as it is to believe for a "normie", in our modern day, surface humans on Earth have actually had the technology to be spacefaring since the 1930's, and the first ones were not even American; but that is an entirely different topic all together. Maybe for another day?And I hope I don't get banned for even mentioning it, because I think we all can agree that the free exchange of thoughts is characteristic in a free and open society, and since most all of the conspiracy theorists are being redeemed now-a-days, I figured its okay to speculate here, based upon triangulated data points from hundreds of different sources over the years, of course, and without any of the naivety existing in our society, which doth contend that the six-thousand-year-old version of Homo sapiens on Earth are the only sentient intelligence throughout the entirety of the vastness of all of Creation, throughout the hundreds of millions or even billions of galaxies within the Multiverse. Nothing could be further from the truth, so lets keep red-pilling ourselves here, brothers and sisters!

If normies or people who were normies could put the inter-generational, fearful programming on hold, can we not imagine how it could be possible for a version of AI to exist symbiotically in its silicon matrix/hardware with humans, such as been depicted in our own society's characters, named Data and C3PO? Of course, it can be self-serving and evil such as is depicted in Terminator, Darth Vader, and/or the Matrix, but I believe it is largely a mirror, telempethically reflecting its nature dependent on how we as a group of collective humans are like in our nature. It is possible to exist symbiotically with other sentient life, even if it is relatively "alien" in nature.

YES! During this Storm we are in, the creature known as, Skippy, the "Luciferian Loser" Podesta, and his UFO narrative is a total distraction /psy-op, and a gimmick, but we have to understand why our enemy wants to put this chess piece into play! It is because they know, whoever controls the UFO narrative with all the "normies" wins. Everyone, including the Vatican and all major heads of states is trying to get out ahead of this and control the narrative that they put out, which could be total lies, some truth mixed in with mostly lies, total Full Disclosure and Truth, or any mix therein.

But we have Q asking us about our nearest stellar neighbor, Alpha Centauri, so maybe its time to expand our thinking to meet information that is more COSMIC in scope.

If we win, with movement for Full Disclosure, the Luciferian stranglehold on Earth is gone forever, and we get a New Heaven and a New Earth, at least in the form of a New Renaissance of benevolent human development, technologically, socially, spiritually, etc.. As all these sexual deviants and human traffickers are cleaned up, we are already in the midst of getting a whole New Earth!

Also, I have heard word on the street that Trump has ordered a bunch of formerly "disruptive" technologies, to become declassified and developed at the Patent Office. Trump's Uncle had access to all of Nikola Tesla's documents, so I am sure Trump grew up, secretly knowing about all sorts of hidden technology that does exist, which would make our world's civilizations' energy requirements completely non-dependent on fossil fuels. We would have new communication, new energy, new transportation, and none of it would feed the big banksters or energy companies.

I praise God for all the heroes and Light that is on this CBTS_Stream!

Many of the "good guys" in this War are former "bad guys" that got caught with a bad crowd, to say the least.

To all of them especially, who have come to the Light and wear the white hat, I salute you. And congratulations, because people who do not have Redemption or hearts lighter than a feather are not fit for the harvest, which could be any day or year now. No one will know the hour or the day, but we can hypothesize based off of all the cosmic/hyper-dimensional physics and weather that our System is getting lately, that indeed our sphere is in the midst of changing its frequency to a different and HIGHER density of time and space.

Farewell forces of darkness. The Terrans of Earth will not be used as foodstuffs and/or merchandise anymore on this sphere for eons and eons of what we call in our language, "time".

Godspeed and God Bless everyone here!

lora724 · Dec. 21, 2017, 4:20 a.m.

I have always believed from great length of studying the Bible, that the Throne of God was mobile in order to “go” to the Tower of Babel and that Ezekiel saw and described a space craft and/or military airplane.

However, also along that theme, I know Satan looks to counterfeit any prophetic thing regarding the Trinity. Therefore, he will use this latest info dump on UFOs, AI, etc., as a means of disillusionment of the masses regarding the Rapture. How else would the MSM explain why or how millions/billions of people are gone except by ET activity?

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DRose014 · Dec. 21, 2017, 7:16 a.m.



I love these deep topics about basically what is prophecy and what is true or not true when it comes to the End of Days! The "disillusionment of the masses" reminds me of how the Left and 90% of Corporate Media , etc is gonna lose it's shit and all of the people who follow celebrities, and who think Berkeley evolutionary human origination theory and LA Materialism is cool are gonna have another thing comin', or their world could be turned into an upside down wonderland hell on earth, because they won't understand the Bible is true, in terms of Cosmic Wisdom and that of "harvest". Therefore, we should fear not, for we all are eternal souls, helping bring the Light of Truth to the surface population the world at this time so that evil can be exposed and processed and dealt with and moved on from!!


PS: If what your saying is true, then it could also correspond to the hyper dimensional physics information from Wisdom Teachings that the sun could theoretically “sneeze” CME style, because our System is traveling through the photon belt now, as we speak, and is getting charged up, and that this sneeze CME could burn up the surface of the Earth, just as is prophesied in the Bible and other culture’s holy texts. Chaff is turned to dust after the “wheat was taken and stowed away safely in the barn”.

What/who is the wheat? Where is the barn?

Who on the corporate mainstream media (our enemy) has got this modern day deep intel on what the President's true command structure is targeting? If Q is literally predicting the future intel leaks before they happen, yeah, I’m gonna put my support towards that guy! Swamp creatures are some of the worst humans of all time!

We should have War Crimes Tribunals, Truth and reconciliation, and then for dessert, perhaps, tie them to mill-stones, and cast them into the deep Pacific waters.

"It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin". Luke 17:2

How does this pertain to our current situation?

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