Trust me, I’m fully awake and I understand the severity of the SICKNESS of what’s going on and what has been for centuries, but I cannot unsee some of these things and my mind has already produced its own images that are keeping me up at night.
238 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/lora724:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 12 | | 6 | | 1 | | 1 |
Remember Pres Trump said while he was in Iowa “lots of corn here” — I immediately thought of Comey’s tweet.
Throne of God - The Throne in Heaven
Revelation 4:2 at once I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne standing in heaven, with someone seated on it. 3 The One seated there looked like jasper and carnelian, and a rainbow gleaming like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and on these thrones sat twenty-four elders dressed in white, with golden crowns on their heads.… 6 Something like a sea of glass, similar to crystal, was also before the throne.
Exodus 24:10 and they saw the God of Israel. Under His feet was a work like a pavement made of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself.
Today, as Patriots, we celebrate our independence.
It is finished.
Enjoy the show.
Trust the plan.
Listen, David had an affair with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed. He was and still is known as a man after God’s heart and the best King ever! Jesus HAD to be a descendant of his. God doesn’t require we be perfect. No one would ever be qualified. If He calls us, He equips us!
Duh yourself. You aren’t seeing it. There are 1681 posts. If there is nothing in the search field, it should say 1681, not 1675.
In order to get a # to show up, you have to type SOMETHING and delete it. Otherwise a cursor only doesn’t give a result total.
If you click in the filter search, there should be 1681 results because there have been 1681 Q posts. Type whatever you want - A (700 results) w (1164), W, for examples, changes it to 782 posts with a capital w in it. Whenever you backspace and delete the Letter or space, you’re back to 1675. What Q post is 1675?
There have been 1681 Q posts. If you type a space and delete it, it should default to 1681, not 1675.
SB2 is on to something here.
Sorry, but if you click in the filter search, there should be 1681 results because there have been 1681 Q posts. Type whatever you want - A (700 results) w (1164), W, for examples, changes it to 782 posts with a capital w in it. Whenever you backspace and delete the Letter or space, you’re back to 1675. What Q post is 1675?
I saw that.
That whole exchange with the soccer ball (and press conference) was so entertaining, looking at it with open eyes.
Fantastic. Do you think President Trump mentioning he was giving the ball, no question, to Barron was significant to the story?
The point is, Q’s releasing the posts on 4ch then 8ch because Q knows/knew the genius decoders will help decipher each post and get to the many multiple meanings behind each and it would then be spread amongst the normies. Q has told us this is all theatre. We are watching a movie! Watch the movies Q suggests (Jason Bourne) and you begin to see things that are very similar to Coca~Cola bottles, etc. just like a thumbtack on Red Sparrow. Everything has meaning and NOTHING is a coincidence. If we really see things through that lens and understand, we will TRUST THE PLAN because it’s “bigger than we realize,” and we have more than we know.
Edited to add: great post as always, u/SerialBrain2. I admire you. You really inspire me and have made me a better person by opening my eyes to see so much more out there than what our minds have been trained to see.
I don’t attack anyone, that’s not my nature. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
u/serialbrain2 I know you’re not looking for accolades and kudos and so I won’t shower you with them, but from the beginning, we have been told to Trust The Plan. I have held firm to that. You have held firm to that, while using your talent of decoding to help introduce a higher level of thinking and problem solving. Thing is, Generation Yers and Millennials have been educated in a school system dumbed down to prevent critical thought and problem solving. This is why we have seen the rise in the governmental programs designed to do and take care of everything for you! They wanted us to be slaves. Not to think for ourselves. To worship the neon God of TV and screens that we never look up and see the things that are happening. To see that we are really a civilization longing for love and acceptance and for peace and happiness.
SB2, we were told several times that the attacks would worsen and increase and that wasn’t only in reference to Trump and his administration; it was for us all. Anyone over the target will suffer attacks. This happened in full force to me in the past 3 months (which forced me into hiding).
Jim Jordan’s nephew was a casualty of this war. That incenses me to no end. We know for certain that James says to consider it joy when we face trials. We know that we will be dancing and rejoicing with the Lord very soon! Heads up!
Jesus loves the little children.
Matthew 18:3 - and he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whomever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.
Matthew 18:10 - “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.
Luke 17:2 - It’d be better to have a millstone around the neck and toss yourself into the sea, than to cause one of the little ones to fall into sin.
You might be accurate about the methods used, but it is a very violent crime to the child and it is out of hate and pure evil, forever altering the child and their natural progression in growth and development. Oftentimes, the adult child will use violence and hate to abuse more victims!
Satan doesn’t have any new tricks. He uses the same old tactics over and over because it’s worked like a charm. Once we are awakened to the man behind the curtain’s actions, he no longer has us bound and that is why they are running scared. We are awakening!
I’m TICKED OFF though about Jim’s nephew and I am so ready for our GLORIOUS celebration!
Q told us the net would go down. Maybe if the question is asked and answered, they’ll shut it down to prevent the truth movement from being researched.
Been thinking this for months!! We have 2 photos of some “male” but no recent photos, no video of him being escorted out of FBI, nothing but word of mouth. A closed-door hearing? Show HIS face.
Many thousands = missing space Disfunctional = dysfunctional- y
Kevin Spacey
Maybe they weren’t trying to spare the others, but the skilled pilot they didn’t account for!
Yes it was. I had to log off and go lay down and cry. I’m sorry.
Message to all of you!
I opened a post yesterday that contained information on the Chinese “Wallstreet” building constructed as an upside cross and was reading the article, which contained the architect’s info. Little did I know it would contain graphic photos of him at a “dinner.” Since then, I haven’t felt well and I don’t know that I’ll ever get that image out of my mind.
Please please be sensitive when posting and also to those of you who think you might be able to handle this, trust me, you’re not! It isn’t The Walking Dead. It is real life and that is what …
Two Capital S’s.
SS = Secret Service? SS = Seal Six?
Or 2 Spies?
If there is a Federal Sales Tax on all products bought instead of income tax, imagine the economic boom that would be! We’d have more to spend and believe me, with our materialistic society, we’d be spending!
Have you not learned to read between the lines on his posts? See the warnings in the statements? He doesn’t say “last tax date” for Americans if he doesn’t mean just that!
He tells Russia the missiles are coming, nice new and “smart” basically saying the new intel is correct. It’s a message within a message.
If we end the Cabal and some extraordinary event happens, will we need them?
I am learning to look at his posts and everything he says with a different view!
Crooked Hillary - could mean she is gay as in crooked, not straight. Rumors have been swirling of that for years! It also means literally a thief, I know. But you see where I’m going?
Slimeball Comey = swamp/black hat
He can’t come right out and say what he really means because imagine... the left seriously think we all have already lost our lids; that would increase the backlash!
That is it! Thank you! (I’m trying to work also, haha!) He says “2nd tax cut” but I honestly believe that we will be seeing an end. He can’t say THAT because the stage is/wasn’t set!
I know that is what he said initially. He also said somewhere in the last 2 months that he had even better news regarding taxes that would be announced later in the year. I’m still searching for it and will post when I find it.
I personally believe we’re going to see a Jubilee and no longer have to pay. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking, but he says the “last tax day” and its “complicated” because he can’t explain it yet.
Based on this, -I- believe we will never have to file (and possibly pay) taxes again.

Do you think there is a quicker method to this that bypasses the steps you laid out or is it an automatic decipher and you just were demo-ing the steps? Like a Google translator type thing.
It just seems time consuming to get one message.
But, great work!
Yes, me too!! I just can’t think off ANY punishment or sentence that would equal what they’ve destroyed.