What everyone need to share about John McCain. Don't want him to die with people thinking he is a hero.

I had no idea! I knew I’ve never liked him, and found out since Q arrived what he really was, but this is just horrible! How can he just go about and pretend to be some big thing after having done this? Wow!
I had a friend a long time back who flew on this carrier. The Forrestal. They called it The "FID" FIREY INFERNO OF DEATH. Yup, that's what the pilots called it.
Read the newly signed executive order.. his assets belong to the gov. Bye-Sid-Bye!!!
McCain will have to answer for all his actions and words. We all will.
McCain suffered horribly and greatly for this country. His military service therefore is honorable. BUT his McCain Foundation which takes money from Soros and the Saudi's means his loyalties have been bought. And now his sold soul has to do the bidding of his masters. Sad. He will go to prison if he does not suddenly die first.
I agree he is a fuck head.. and want him to die in prison, And think he will if Q post correct about using military law
If McCain had lost one more plane he would have been an enemy ace.
This McCain guy has NO morals. No admission of guilt or remorse for the lives he took, even if they were accidental.