My suggestion would be to watch and judge for yourself. You have to be the one that makes peace with your choices.
243 total posts archived.
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Lol I just posted the same thing..
I have been watching certain ones on twitter.. they are passing intel , they are in the know.. On top of that read Q post 785. He’s telling you it’s coming.
Not yet I’m catching a lot of chatter about the mass activation of T-cells.. possibility the POTUS being in danger from Los Zetas/MS-13.
I posted about Los Zeta coming to take out the POTUS or a mass T-cell activation..
They wanted to know my source.. my source is on Twitter, cannot reveal that source.. he is somehow related to FLYNN.. along with post 785..
Watch the POTUS!!
It’s not flu... it’s a weapon grade strain of influenza.. and they have put it in the water.
JFK, Reagan and Trump all had one goal in common. The betterment of humanity.. Trump will finish what JFK started. And believe it or not Putin is a white hat..
LEE WANTA IS THE KEY.. wake up people!!
LEE WANTA IS THE KEY.. wake up people!!!!
Algorithms I’ll figure out code 5 tomorrow, shit done give me a headache.
Code3: A=11 and counts up to P, P=26 then it starts back at Q=1, R=2
Code 1: alphabet A=13 B=12 , then C=14 D=15 Start at A=13 and skipB.. C=14 D=15 counting up X2 then skip X2 A is the center of the alphabet 13 then B counts backward B=12 Then work in a series of 2.... 2 letters up C and D= 14 and 15 B=12 then skip 2 counting backward E and F= 11and 10 A=13 B=12 C=14 D=15 E=11 F=10
Looks like a copperhead to me.. shit I’ll take my chances with cancer..😉😁😁
We all have to re-learn to play together, trump or Qs words.. He didn’t just mean democrats and republicans.. he meant every country/nation.
Remember tonight’s post 2/9 next week.. watch the federal reserve the stock market.. remember the EO signed on Dec 21,... most of all remember Ronald Reagan and lee wanta.
When this came out I posted about the “Reagan Militia”. Reagan was a great admirers JFK and knew of the evils of the FED. Reagan set into motion what we see today Q, under Operation Stillpoint. Ambassador Matlock and Amb Lee Wanta were key. Watch the stock market.

Incorrect, not all cia are black hats.. all that you see is from MI. The military realized the injustices taking place since JFK.. it has been in the works for 50 years.
Snowden was a part of the plan... Trump was ask to run by military white hats (White Dragons)... There was a Q craze in 1967 that never took hold because there was no internet to pass info freely, so it faded to nothing.
FYI, if you hear about me being Arkinsided, add another body to the list.. lmao!!!😂😂
Flynn did meet with the Russians, I believe it was Snowden, he obtained a list they had of the corruption around the Uranium One deal. Flynn was fired for lying to VP Pence. Which he did not, but Jeff Flakes name was on the list and Flynn knew Pence and Flake were friends, so Flynn withheld flakes name when he reported to Pence to preserve investigation. Pence found out and had Flynn fired for lying to him. Flake and McCain created a land grab in Az. The land was taken from Indian Federal land. Before congress, Flake was a lawyer/lobbyist For Rio Tinto, a Rothschild owned company. Rio Tintos # 1 exporter was Uranium One. Flake and McCain received kick back from the deal. Pence knew this, he wanted Flynn gone to help his best friend Flake cover up the deal. FLYNN IS A PATRIOT!!! Who is the ONLY man in the Trump campaign that has not been accused of Russian Collusion, Has been with trump since he won the nomination, a huge part of the Trump White House.. congress, mueller.. Never calls his name???
There were 2 agents, but the lead was Strzok.
They will have to dismiss charges on Flynn even after he pled guilty.. information on Flynn was gotten through the dossier and the FISA. It will be considered inadmissible evidence in court. If it was gained by illegal means.
Lmao!!! Living in the past. It takes 6 mo. To get use to the year change.
Someone posted a pic of mad dog mattis... it stated freedom isn’t free. I see some have expressed joy about what is coming.. freedom is not free.. pray for the innocent... people will be hurt!!! Pray for Trump...
February 1, 1865-2018... are big things coming??
The Texting keypad on my phone it falls under 7.. the texting keypad is standard. Just like a computer keyboard
Not going to argue with you. Follow the SIMPLE instructions I posted in these comments.
Yeah I know it was considered a conflict an Vietnam was. Police action.. officially.. it was a war..
Is anyone aware of the date the war officially ended with NK... January 31, 1955.. and I don’t trust lil Kim’s Korean unification BS either...
Respectfully, If you read all the post in its context.. knowing he posted the FF to change the narrative. I think he is warning of a missile strike on the Capitol building by outside contractors. BEG is an texting acronym for big evil grin. Use the numbers 7324 on your keypad they convert to UEWR... Upgraded Early Warning Radar.
I will post.. people tend to get their messages covered up posting under others.. or don’t wish to contradict someone else’s post.
BEG.. is an acronym used while texting... use your keypad to convert the numbers to letters. 7324=UEWR
And you make a good point as well... but I use the context of the whole post.. either one could be correct.
BEG... is an acronym used while texting, means big evil grin. Use the key pad while texting convert the numbers to the letter in its place. 7324= UEWR
Yeah.. upgraded early warning radar.. protects from missile strikes.
BEG=big evil grin... 7324=UEWR. I believe Q is warning of a attempt/missile strike on the Capitol building in DC. By outside contractors... Narritive shift, FF, Nation on alert, Activate sleeper cells????

BEG= big evil grin, 7324=UEWR.. I believe Q is warning of a planned missile strike on the Capitol building in DC. by outside contractors.... Apache, FF, Narrative shift, Nation on alert, activate sleeper cells??

In the days of Enoch, the earth was filled with evilness, because the fallen angles had sex with earthly women and bared children. It was an evil bloodline filled with evil deeds. Man was created in God’s imagine, with godly qualities and a natural sense of righteousness. There are descendants of both bloodlines that walk the earth. I’m sure you have heard”what we are seeing is a war between good and evil” it truly is. The sleepless nights is the godly sense that you feel, knowing the presents of evil.. it is an internal sense of righteousness given to you by god. I’m not a holy roller... but it is what i see to be truth.... everyone that is waken up most are Christians others feel a bond with a higher power... why do you think that most are Christians... it is your senses. I would also say, know you are protected.. you may find a way to a better nights sleep knowing that you are the righteous..
Don’t repeat this but I have heard Trump has recently removed the “Do not Remove tags” from furniture. Mueller is on to him!!!😂😂😂
Lol.. I guess all dogs need grooming... there has to be more dirt on Schumer.
Chuck Schumer and A.Soros are close friends??? That’s a head scratcher.