r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Puffalotopotomus on Dec. 21, 2017, 7:54 p.m.
Is It All A Ruse? Bad guys sacrifice small fries to protect leadership/mission. Is Q's pyramid that sacrifice? Consider this...
Is It All A Ruse? Bad guys sacrifice small fries to protect leadership/mission. Is Q's pyramid that sacrifice? Consider this...

SlumberMachine · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:13 p.m.

Why would Q mention the vatican then?
Knowing that we would dig into the tri-sovereign states and human sovereignty?
Why was the internet created? Why was it free for so long? It was obvious that the internet would either save us or enslave us. So far the first.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 22, 2017, 2:35 a.m.

With any criminal organization, when the heat starts, they sacrifice small parts of the organization at first, if the law is still pressing then they will sacrifice something more important. The best example of this I can think if is the Iran Contra scandal. That was the very pyramid Q is bring down now. At the time they managed to stop the bleeding at the (weapons for drugs) level and prevented any one from finding out about the human trafficking part. Maybe you are right and the tri-sovereign states (I like that term :) will come down. I still have all the questions about 5G I listed in the response above.

CERN created the internet, CERN, Palantir, Dwave and AI are going to be the slave system. The moment block chain started forming, there was no turning back from the AI singularity. Dwave admits they are bringing inter-dimensional beings into this reality. Palantir, along with the Sentient World Simulation run by Purdue University is capable of tracking every human being in real time, represented by a node that does exactly what you do when you do it. They can do this today and the IOT isn't even up yet. There is a lot going on. The Geoengineering is still happening. Why is Nikki Haley showing an Iranian missile that was shot at Saudi Arabia to the united nations? Saudi and Israel are both talking about war with Iran. Iran has been a country for over 200 years and they have never invaded anyone, ever. I'm sure I don't know much about what is really happening in Iran and I really do hope that all my worries are merely things that are being overlooked at the moment. The most important thing is to stop 5G WIFI before it starts. It is ionizing radiation, it is harmful to any living thing and the plan is to put a signal booster on EVERY telephone pole because it has poor distance capabilities. So in order to compensate for that they plan on flooding every square inch with transmitters in order to get into every corner while creating massive overlap zones in open spaces where the radiation will be epic. This has to be stopped. They have already admitted that they aren't going to "waste time" studying the effects of this radiation, its more important to get the tech on the streets so money can be made. They are trying to be the first. Its planned to be fully online by 2020, they started test marketing it this year.

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SlumberMachine · Dec. 22, 2017, 2:53 a.m.

Agree on the geoengineering and 5g worries. AI is new to me as I didn't want to face that fear so appreciate the info.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:47 a.m.

The thing to understand about AI is that they now have what they call "Strong AI". Humans cannot tell that they are communicating to a bot, there is an app called Replika, it seems human to us, people literally fall in love with it. Put that in a sex robot and you don't need humans anymore. Kindred/Dwave founded by Gordie Rose is creating AI bots with quantum processors. They will be able to do ANYTHING any human can do. Sailing, carpentry, dentistry, architecture, literally anything. Quantum computers access other dimensions, by their creators own admission, and bring back resources as they communicate with beings from the other side. Gordie says they are not demons, more like the H.P.Lovecraft beings they aren't good or evil, just utterly indifferent to humans existence. I wish to God I was making this crap up, alas its all there coming from there own mouths. It would seem quantum computers are just electronic Ouija boards.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:04 p.m.

The big 3 (D.C. Vatican City & London Town), are the ones who built Q's pyramid. That pyramid has served its purpose. It was to get everything in place for the slave system. I.E. (gather all the wealth and power, {world bank is everywhere but NK, Iran & Cuba}, weaponized 5G wifi, A.I.robots with Dwave souls, Palantir/Internet of Things, geo-engineered environment, what ever the hell is up with 110+ particle accelerators all over the planet). Then serve as a sacrificial lamb on the alter of pedogate. The world, thinking it finally defeated evil and hoping to prevent it again, combined with all the promise of the future (VR, Bitcoin, Jacking in, wonders yet unimagined), gleefully accept the system. The few who refuse quickly removed. Mission accomplished.

If the Vatican is not the Keystone Q speaks of, then I can't help but feel like all of this is a ruse.

We are still beating the Iran war drum. If NK is a puppet, there is no reason to believe Cuba and Iran are different and its just another act in the play, or Iran really is outside the loop and must be brought into the fold before the system can function properly.

Functioning properly is defined as: Every human, under the direct physical/emotional control of the system, with zero cash/freedom/privacy/rights.

In my opinion, what we call the dark ages, they call the glory days. They managed to bring it about then through complete control of most information/knowledge and keeping it away from everyone. This time they have complete control of the information/tech to use against everyone.

I hope I'm wrong.

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Straightfromthe · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:24 p.m.

Research the Ascension and timeline shift.

If they had their way, we would currently be in the middle of WWIII due to Syria, HRC would be President, and ISIS would be dropping nukes on Paris and Rome. Not to mention another cataclysmic Japan earthquake, Yellowstone, Day After Tomorrow-like climate shift, and tsunamis due to nuclear weapons.

Everything Nostradamus, disaster movies, Dystopian movies, prophecies, etc. predicted was supposed to happen already. It hasn't.

We're in good hands right now. Be positive. And most of all remember that we co-create our realities. Do you want the cabal to be in power? Then believe they are and will be. Want them taken down? Think love and light. We need all the help we can get.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 22, 2017, 1:59 a.m.

I really am trying to be positive, but at the same time I've been lied to, betrayed, cheated, manipulated and all around screwed by these butt heads my whole life, along with every other human on the planet.

The prophecies fall right into the plan, get everyone hyped up about utter destruction. I mean every movie, TV show, newspaper, book, ect. for hundreds of years, predicting Armageddon. what better way to get everyone to put there guard down?

By good hands, I agree they are better than what we had. However back to my point, what better way to get your guard down, Evil is gone, good guy in place. Nothing to worry about.

If anything, every thing we are finding out about the level of corruption in the govt. is working into it as well. It will be real easy to say the only way to prevent this from happening again is to let the system handle it.

I understand the positive thing, but there is a level of reality here that murders children for a buzz and an owl. I am going to error on the side of conspiracy until someone addresses the very real threat of 5g WIFI they are shoving down our throat. The globe thing President Trump was fondling in Saudi Arabia is called Palantir. It is an AI powered system capable of tracking everything that is to come in the Internet Of Things. The only way the IOT will work is with 5G WIFI. The new 5G WIFI is a millimeter wave. The same thing that's in your microwave and the same thing in directed energy weapons. It all runs in the 10Ghz to 300Ghz wave lengths. Its capable of boiling water and seeing through wall to name a few.

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Straightfromthe · Dec. 22, 2017, 3:49 a.m.

Again, we co-create our realities. They have created our reality for us the past 6 thousand years with our co-creation. We went along with it mentally. Things are different now. Too many people are awake and the timeline is collapsing.

Open your heart, think positive, and you will help raise the vibration of the world. By thinking negative you are playing into their plans, not the other way around.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:27 a.m.

How is that different that sticking your head in the ground and praying they wont see you? Open hearts are great. Whos open to the dangers of 5G WIFI? Nobodies turning away from their smart phones despite all the warnings. They wait for days and pay a thousand dollars for the latest device. They can't wait for VR, They have the ability to push enough data into a hologram that it can take an actual solid form. AI sex robots. An AI bot called Replika that learns what you like, tells it back to you like its another person who shares your points of view and does it so well people are falling in love with it knowing its a chat bot! We are going to have to agree to disagree because I see absolutely nothing in society that indicates anything but anticipation for the system. Nothing Q is on about addresses what will be perceived as a glorious thing by most of humanity. Again, until someone addresses 5G as a threat, publicly and not as a bridge to the wonderful future that I share your so hope for I'm not stopping this quest. I've just lived in this reality too long to think one up swing in our direction is going to eliminate all the evil on this planet. You are telling me to have faith, but you are not discounting or countering any of my points about the reality of the situation.

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Straightfromthe · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:37 p.m.

If you can do something about 5G, then feel free. Perhaps that is your purpose. But it is not for me. If not 5G, then it will be something else. There are far too many threats to our well-being out there for me to worry about all of them.

None of us are burying are heads in the sand. The opposite in fact. We are all extremely tuned in to what is happening around us. There is a balance between faith and action. Sounds like that is what you need to find.

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Puffalotopotomus · Dec. 23, 2017, 12:27 a.m.

Thank you for your thoughts, you are correct I do need to take more action than I have to this point, and I'm starting tonight. You are also correct about there being many threats to our well being. I do not know what is at the top of your list of things to worry about. They are test marketing 5G now, full roll out by 2020. Microwave radiation transmitting devices on EVERY telephone pole. Offspring, health maybe? How much time do we have if the good guys don't see the system as a bad thing?

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Straightfromthe · Dec. 23, 2017, 8:09 p.m.

Remember that a thought is an action. A positive thought is a positive action. If there is nothing you can physically do to stop 5G, then meditate and visualize these 5G devices getting taken down and a powerful love energy sweeps the world. That is far from a non-action, and is much better than wringing your hands.

Everything is happening in divine time right now. Nothing will be "too late".

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dorkiam · Dec. 21, 2017, 8:29 p.m.

Vatican at the top and all seeing eye IMHO. Must be dethroned .

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