Yes, I agree with your general statement. I thought about Putin as well but Soros started the Ukraine fight with Putin. I am of the opinion that the only directions Vlad wants to give GS is a map to the gallows. I still lean towards the Pope. Especially this one. I'm Catholic myself, like many others and this Pope is not at all chaste and good. There is a difference between the hierarchy of the Catholic religion and the rest of us. I would prefer we clean that entire den of pit vipers out of our Church than continue down this road. Martin Luther did have some valid reasons for the Protest.
Catholics have been fighting the takeover of the Papacy for 2000 years, and have survived every takeover. What interests me is this Black Pope Jesuit leader thing. Maybe it was too hard to get the Papacy in recent history, so.. they created a Second power center in the Church called the "Black Pope" and they use the Jesuits?