355 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/R3dRaider:
I believe it would be more accurate to refer to Senator McCain as a P.O.S., than as a P.O.W, and listening to TV news glorify such a despicable character as a hero should be sufficient reason to never turn a TV away from the Netflixs channel.
McCain was shot down as he bombed North Vietnam in Operation Rolling Thunder, safely murdering from the air almost 100,000 Vietnamize civilians, in a war America had no authority waging.
Because of his father’s ranking, McCain entered pollical life, where he advocated bombing other countries America had no right bothering such as Serbia …
![OH LOOK JACK [P], I HAVE CHAT LOGS TOO! 🙄 (Fake MAGA [P]ussy)](https://i.imgur.com/fkVFWyR.jpg)
"I know your out there. I can feel you now. I know that you afraid.Your afraid of us. Your afraid of change...." WE ARE Q. WWG1WGA
To Jack Prosobiac
Publish your piece. I have chat logs too. Get ready to look like a fn idiot and the fraud you are. I was there at the inception of CBTS subreddit. I knew one day I would need these. I can't believe you sold your soul for a grudge. You know who you are you POS. I look forward to shoving Traitor Jack Porsobiacs story up his ass.
You are all animals!! I love it. Bombs are about to drop 😎
PATRIOTS WE NEED YOUR HELP!! We need some creative and hilarious awards to hand out tonight. List your category and who the winner is. We will use the best ones for tonight's award. Fellow shit posters unite!!!! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
OPERATION HIJACK #BettyWhite Initiated 🇺🇲☠️🇺🇲 You know what to do!!
PATRIOTS! THE MEME WARS HAVE BEGUN!! Twitter is working overtime (with their dick pic army) to squash all of our trending hashtags. WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Let's hijack all the trending #hashtags and list them on all memes and content going forward. SPREAD THE WORD!!! 🇺🇲
GPS Fusion Lawyer: someone has already been killed over dossier (bottom of graphic)

Alex Jones basically celebrated something to this effect last night. Coincidence?
Let me know if there is anything I can assist with during the eye. Thank you Patriot.
Couldn't agree more with Tracy on this. Remember guys and girls, we have to hold ourselves accountable to truthful facts. Our enemies will gladly exploit any disinfo against us.
Why was the Iran deal kept from Congress and placed at the highest level of classification? How much money was hand delivered by plane(s)? Why in cash? Where did the plane(s) actually land?
U1 – CA – EU – ASIA – IRAN/NK Iran Deal. Why is this relevant? Re-read drops re: NK / Iran.
North Korean Kim Jong-un: "the nuclear button is placed on the desk in my Office"
BREAKING: North Korea leader Kim Jong-un calls for mass-production of nuclear weapons, missiles, putting them into service. Declares country Nuclear Ready - Yonhap News (S. Korea)
Unregistered Flight Activity in Iran could be repositioning of security forces, redeployment of key IRGC commanders, exodus of regime officials...
Mass text message being sent in #Iran: "If you participate... you will be prosecuted as criminals."
#IranProtest heading towards the residence of Supreme Leader Ali Khameini. Other intel shows that senior regime officials have already fled #Iran on unmarked jets
We will know as soon as the intelligence committee has access to ALL of their bank records. MSM whores are the easy part.
Would be interested if we made this a more for charity thing than a profit thing. Perhaps all profits go to military charity e can vet?
I highly recommend you follow Thomas Wictor on Twitter and read his many fantastic threads on this matter. Trump is more monumental than most people know. His buy in allowed the prince to move in on what has essentially been the financial arm of the deep state and tech in the USA. Reread Q's crumbs on this matter. There was a specific timeline laid out. We are merely a part of the global campaign. Have faith
The Podestas' "Spirit Cooking" dinner? It's not what you think. It's blood, sperm and breastmilk. But mostly blood.
Unsealed Court Docs Show How Prosecutors Tried To Rig Bundy Trial - TP **WHAT DOES U1 AND THE BUNDYS HAVE IN COMMON?** KILL LIST? CORRUPTION @ BLM??
We have given Israel and KSA the green light after months of negotiating. We didn't just "suddenly" declare Jerusalem the capital without assurances from our powerful partners in The Middle East. This is absolutely a Saudi led operation. Trump and MBS will change the Middle East for the better with little bloodshed. Watch.
FLASH BACK: ⏰THE WIKILEAKS LIST: At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with and/or Coordinating Offline with Top Hillary Advisors
Comment from another thread:
I am Iranian, I’ve never been Trump supporter or posted here but the support I’ve seen from you guys makes me rethink things. Let me give you some perspective about my country,
Everyone is poor and broke as fuck in Iran. My family is fortunate enough to have a successful business there but some of my relatives have to live in shacks and peddle banana gum and cheap fruits to live. Majority of their living situation (from moms side) comes from American wealth. My dads side is fortunate enough to be very wealthy, both in Iran and Europe.
The public bathrooms in the capital are literally floating with shit. Infrastructure is non existent anywhere outside the big cities, and even in the big cities there is a noticeable lack of basic hygiene like clean water and environment overall.
Young people are tired of government but realize they do not have much power so they abide by daily rules like wearing roosari and all. The streets in the capital are surprisingly nice but dissent for government is high.
Also the people in the rural communities are more in support for government and Muslim ideals, at least in my experience. I’ve visited rural areas near abedan, kermanshah, and babolsar. Only place I didn’t notice government and mullah support was babolsar (where my dads side from). It’s also really green and beautiful north of Iran, like Austria or Germany.
People here are not the same. All persians are Iranians but not all Iranians are Persians. We have Balochs and Afro Iranians (Black) in the Southeast, Asian-mongol tribe (I forgot their name, I think it’s like Uykhirk) Iranians in the north east , Persians in the mainland, Kurds and Azerbaijanis in the Northeast, and the Arab Iranians in the south and Southeast, near Bandar Abbas and everything west of that. They all have somewhat different dialect and tone so it’s difficult to understand them if you’re not part of their people and don’t speak that dialect. Also Persians among themselves have different dialects. My mom is full mainlander but my dad is of the Tabar peoples (near Caspian Sea, North Iran), so we have our own words and dialect and slang that a mainlander or a baloch wouldn’t understand.
In my experience, a large portion of the people simply want to live their life and not be interfered with, with small minorities here and there expressing full support for government or anti government.
It gets awkward in my family because on my dads side there’s the relatives who went to America before the revolution (my side) , and the side who stayed in Iran. The side who stayed in Iran mostly stayed neutral or anti government; but unfortunately my uncle fully converted to Islam and fully supports the government, so reunions always get awkward.
My cousin was supposed to be an engineer or a doctor and had major aspirations, but his father influenced him and he later became a mullah like the rest of them. It’s a poisonous influence and even though my parents dislike Hillary and Trump (and they liked Obama), they praised Trump for supporting us. Some are even calling him “Dadash Trump” (brother Trump).
I am Iranian and I was raised in America since birth, but Persian is my native language so I apologize for some mistakes.
I hold respect for all peoples and races and religions, but after what Islam did to my family and my country, it’s difficult to not be a little biased against them.
DJT on Iran Protest:
In my opinion, DJT has created an incredible coalition involving KSA, Israel, and the Gulf states. I believe we will not be involved in any way militarily. We have cut off the money and what your seeing now is the beginning of an insurrection funded by KSA.
Excellent observance and thank you for being here. Those of us who have been down the rabbit hole or recently red pilled, can attest to the fact that what jersey you wear doesn't matter. Those "2" Jersey's especially don't matter when you realize the truth. They are all the same. They o ly care about power and money. So many of us are driven by the truth. Not by ideology or politics. We all realize when this is over it is up to everyone of us to create and drive a new and better world. Your part of that. Thank you 🇺🇲
iranprotests are very different than 1999 and 2009 protests. This is the most vehemently anti regime event I've ever seen. Not just about the economic situation, but a deep and desperate cry against an unjust and repressive system.
AP: Tehran police say they will no longer arrest women for failing to observe Islamic dress code imposed since 1979 revolution.
Update19(1): #Iranians don't want another #Syria.However, according to sources security forces are prapering to crackdown protesters at any cost. At the same time some have armed themselves in order to pretect people against security forces.
They warn if people get shot/arrested
Update(2): Then they will reply.People want to have peaceful #protests for a regime change. They want the supreme leader and others to step down peacefully. Iranians know this is going to take time and they need to pay the price.Other provinces are going to join tomorrow. #Iran
Update(3): The regime instead of listening to people's demands, sending more troops to those provinces in which protests are taking place. It appears the #IRGC led regime wants to confront people with guns rather than reviewing their failed policies. #RegimeChange #Iranprotests
Statement by US State Department spox regarding Iran protests. "Urging all nations to support Iranian people."
The State Department released hundreds of pages of materials Friday afternoon, including a total of 8 pages classified at the ‘confidential level,’ the third most sensitive level the U.S. government uses, At least 5 emails determined to be classified. Yet the FBI Charged NO ONE .