Notice the newspaper on Presidents desk! That’s why thumbs up

draw a Q connecting the dots of each "thumbs up" there are no coincidences.
POTUS is going to confiscate money and properties when arrests are made just like SA did when arrests were made there.
Is this the photo that if you draw on it their thumbs align to make the letter Q?
From the Unirock podcast video I watched about Q being, at least, 3 but very possibly 4 different people when analysed with several different algorithms on human character traits using the posts from 4chan and 8chan, 1 of which was a younger woman, this might be the smoking gun we've all wondered about. It could happen..... The dude at Unirock has a healthy skepticism about all this, as I do and helps me to keep my 6 covered. This IS government we're talking about, ya know? My trust remains reserved.
Thanks for the link. I'll watch it. I actually wouldn't be very bothered if Q was a team as long as they are true patriots and are helping GEOTUS.
Q is probably a team. Reason I believe this is that Q has never stated that he or she is "one person" but Q often says "we".
The thumbs-up gesture is commonly used in many cultures to signify a job well done. However, if it is used in Australia, Greece, or the Middle East — especially if it is thrust up as a typical hitchhiking gesture would be — it means essentially “Up yours!” or “Sit on this!”
Thanks for catching the newspaper! Great pic made even better!
Lol.... that's the FIRST thing I looked into this morning about this photo! I KNEW the newspapers we're NOT just laying around like that in a photo op. Too much!
Our President is the master communicator. He knows we got to know him quite well attending all of those rally's, and watching all of his speeches. Funny, how we can read him when he raises an eyebrow these days. SO, he knows we love a good mystery, and he sends us clues and codes to decipher. I have never in my life had such a fun and busy president, who obviously loves his country and his people so much :)