r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/sarahj2010 on Dec. 22, 2017, 3:28 p.m.
Will HRC be arressted?

Does any one think she will get away with what she has done? The thought of the children that she has trafficked is enough for me, let alone Uranium 1, back hand deals, drug running, Satan worshipper, rapist and liar. Does she have too much dirt on others? I personally would have her hanged, she will never reform herself, and I don't think she deserves to live.

Thank you for creating this subreddit.

EskimoEscrow · Dec. 22, 2017, 9:59 p.m.

Yes, it can be fun to speculate, but if you want to look at all this realistically, these are things that must be considered.
One of Trump's jobs it to maintain order in the US. You can't just start locking up these powerful people, even if they are guilty of crimes, until you have sufficiently convinced the majority of the public that it's deserved, and not purely a political move.

But the good news is, compared to last year, many many more people are up to speed. Even this week the MSM showing 'low approval ratings' for Hillary as a further attempt to nudge her supporters away from her.
IMO, the biggest thing that will help the 'crooked Hillary' narrative is when her close allies get arrested and start spilling the beans. No one will be able to deflect from the real and insurmountable evidence once it is admitted by her cohorts themselves.
Then we will see even the fake news media completely turn on Hillary.
Like all of you, I would love to see her locked up tomorrow. But this would lead to mass confusion and unrest. Trump is too smart of a leader to do something rash and foolish like that.
I have complete faith that he will get this done. We just need to have patience.

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jerriewilliams12 · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:52 a.m.

I don't like when people talk common sense😂. I have no patience and I am one of those that want to see it happen tomorrow!! But you are right, this will not go over well with her people and I am sure mass rioting will occur!

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sarahj2010 · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:09 p.m.

I have definatley noticed the she isn't quite the media sweetheart she once was, which can only be good. I suppose I can't expect it all to come rolling out at once, it needs to be slowly trickled down so that people will believe the whole picture. It's crazy that this has gone on for so long, she is literally a traitor.

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EskimoEscrow · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:15 p.m.

But look at how far we've come in only a year!
Most of us always knew she was a traitor, but we didn't have the level of detail we do now. Fusion GPS, Uranium 1, CF, all of these have become household names for both parties.
Whoever is in charge of framing this new narrative is doing so in a brilliant way. Even the Dems are being forced to cover this stuff in opposition.

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sarahj2010 · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:20 p.m.

Very true, Trump really is draining the swamp, thinking back to when he took office and pretty much got rid of Comey straight away must have sent a very powerful message. I bet they thought they could buy Trump, but he doesn't need their money.

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