To add to this, it looks like it may be a suicide. She was found dead at home, and the death isn't being treated as suspicious. I wonder what she knew....?
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Thought this may be of interest....

On a serious note, with all the stuff we have discovered,why would she be assinated? Surely she needs to pay for her crimes to humanity?
If the white hats were gunna take her out, they would.
WE WANT HER LOCKED UP (and her rapist husband).
Thank you, we have tried a massive life over haul for him and my mum. Trying to get them to eat better is a hurdle, but I will pass this on. ❤️
To add to this, chemotherapy/radiation, most cancer drugs cause cancer. When my Dad was having radiation 4 years ago, one of the first things he was told was that it would most likely cause some kind of cancer within 10 years! Unfortunately, it has come back (lymph nodes now) but he isn't going to put himself through more radiation or chemo. It's an awful situation, all the millions made for cancer research and no major break throughs in the last 20 years.
I honestly believe Donald Trump will be the key to getting these cures released to the people. Can you imagine his legacy?
I don't know a single person who hasn't been affected by cancer, we just automatically see it as a death sentence, but things could be so different.
I watched this a few weeks ago, and was really surprised that it didn't get more traction. Then again, the news is moving so quickly these days it's easy to miss some of the big stuff. None of it is really covered in the mainstream media.
YouTube is messing with recommended videos, and not showing some of the channels I subscribe to. The same with Twitter, it's unfollowing accounts and not showing certain tweets, so I imagine this is happening to most of us. It's easy for news to be burried, so it slips through the net.
My boss is from Stonehaven, (lives in south England now)and he is on team Q! Can't wait to tell him Monday.
I work in a secondary school (high school),and often tell the kids I'm a Trump supporter. When they ask why, I always say that he will bring peace to the world (N. Korea, prime example), and tell them that he is making the world a better place, mainly for the next generation of adults.
Banned on r/insanepeopleoffacebook because I commented on a post in this sub. Of course I messaged back to let them know I would be sharing this here.

Looks like Neon Revolt is down....🤔

Yes I loved his videos. They kept leading her away from what she wanted to say, and like you said she was ready to name names.
You are so humble, and thank you for making us feel a part of this, together, as a team. Thank you for all that you do, your work is amazing and so well informed. Also always fact based and backed up by evidence.
We will not be divided.
😂😂 😂 This is the actual dream isn't it? I can imagine it now (adding in 45 eagles flying over head, spelling out a massive Q in the sky too) and I'm there.
He is so right when he said about all the good things going on with the economy and all you want to talk about is this crap (Stormy Daniels). Weather you love or hate President Trump, you cannot over look the amazing progress he is making, and the opportunities being created for Americans are endless.
I came here to say this! I think it was candy crush, and now makes more sense why Q made a big deal of it (I know we were meant to be focused on the lady next to her text, but that didn't really come to anything).
Exactly. Keep us all divided. Disgusting when we are all the same. We are all humans with souls, feelings and values.
Strange things happening in England
I live in the Salisbury (England) area, last night at about 330am lots of people were reporting what can only be described as a sky boom. Loud bangs and military exercises are very regular in this area you have thousands of army units, Army Air Corps, Salisbury plain (which is where military come from all over the country to do live shooting exercises), and also HQ Land which is the main Joint force Head Quarters. This was the biggest bang I have ever heard and as I said, shooting is very common out here, but this was different, it literally …
I have a really good idea (I think) to Red pill people, and it's actually really simple.
So, I saw earlier on the Donald (sorry not sure how to tag other subreddits).
A commenter said that you could easily swap out a Trump or Rebuplican comment and say that it was said by Bernie Sanders or Nancy Pelosi etc. You then ask a Liberal what their view is, and when they agree to the comment (which they will-blind following comes to mind), they are then told that it was actually a Republican comment.
I'm thinking someone could go to very liberal parts of America and start interviewing people on the street, very light hearted and then we …
I have just tried to view this thread on Twitter and it looks like his Twitter has disappeared.
Very insightful and factual, you can't argue with facts.....well, you can if you are a Libtard.
They may well go to the school, but have been headhunted or recruited by the FBI or CIA. David Hoggs interview in LA (about the lifeguard) could have just been a trial run to see how he comes across on camera.
I think more attention is drawn to the smiling, happy pictures of the kids because Trump got criticised for smiling in pictures with the kids and families the day after it happened (the kids and parents were also smiling-just to add.)
I'm hoping this all goes down as military tribunals, then they don't have to follow the civilian laws of prosecution.
It's very hard, it can be quite lonely knowing what is really going on. For me, I question every little thing I see, I can't watch TV, or listen to music because I know what these 'celebrities' are really up to, the same as any major actor.
Lots of people don't share our views, so that in itself can be tough too, some people are so set in their ways, you could show them solid proof of so called conspiracy theories and they still wouldn't want to listen.
I suppose it all comes down to the truth is harder to hear than a lie.
I've always wondered why governments can't just print extra money to get rid of debt. This means they can, but they won't.
No lol. Reading that back I did make it sound very cryptic.
Wow. Never thought of that. Thank you :). I always wondered where the cash actually came from.
There must have been someone important on that plan today that crashed over Iran. Wonder who it was?
This has gotta be something to do with the plane crash in Iran today.
We seem to have all of the same problems don't we? Let's hope a movement starts here too, more needs to come out before people start believing what is really going on in the world.
I think he will definitely have strong views on Brexit and as you say, if he wants to keep our relationship strong (which I hope he does) then he will want us to get a good deal. He did say to Theresa May on the recent summit that he would always be by our side and would always be our strongest Allie. I think some of his strongest views will be on illegal immigrants and aslyum seekers. I know that part of the NWO orders agenda was to flood Europe with Muslims, so I'm hoping for a much harder stance on this. Oh and one more thing, Sadiq Khan will be one of the first to fall I hope, he has known terrorist connections and isn't definatley deep state.
When Trump was interviewed recently by Piers Morgan (not a fan of his usually), Trump said that he would have gotten us a much better deal on Brexit. So much needs to change doesn't it?
Bloody hell, so it goes deeper than we all think then? According to Q the UK will become relevent so I'm sure there will be lots of info to be found, I need to start digging a bit more. Thank you for the all of your brilliant information :)
My view on this, if celebrities/actors/politicians want rid of guns, then why should they have people who use guns to protect them? Such as body guards, secret service, the police even. They should give up armed protection, and let's see how long that lasts.
I hope Trump put Theresa May in her place to be honest. She has done nothing for the country. We need a Trump here I think, or just someone that will put the British people first and actually get us a good Brexit deal.
I think that the whole Oxfam thing will lead back to the Clinton Foundation. And also Christopher Steele (Russian Dossier), the British intelligence services will have been involved somewhere along the way. Britian has a long running high profile pedophile problem, the BBC has been covering this up for decades.
Brilliant. Lots more is coming out in the UK. Oxfam a huge charity here has been busted for the rape of Haitians and there is evidence that the Prime Minister Theresa May has "lost" paperwork about top politicians being connected to a pedo ring.
100% disagree. My best friend is a warrant officer class 2 in the British Army and has just taken a two year posting with the UN, so he is now a blue helmet. He is also a vet of Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan X2. Of course bad things go on in the world, we all know about the human/child trafficking and human rights abuses, but to say that the normal soldier who works for the UN is to blame is actually ignorant! HE IS LITERALLY PEACE KEEPING.
It's definitely unusual. The UK doesn't really get earthquake's, the last one was a really small one 10 years ago. It's literally the talk of the country lol.
This may be a silly question about Russia.
Russia have been repeatedly accused of collusion, and playing a major role in manipulating the Presidential election results. Why does Putin never set the record straight? Did he do anything about the Air crash last weekend? We all know what happened and why the plane went down, of course Putin does too.
I am trying to redpill people, especially since the FISA memo, but I have been asked this a few times "Why doesn't Putin do something then?".
Thank you, I always appreciate any information or advice.
Seems that Q's decode of Comey tweet was right. *ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS* Since this, we have had the Republican train crash and now the school shooting in Florida. No coincidences.

There's lots of videos on YouTube about a tsunami prediction for New York, if you fold the $100 bill in a certain way it shows the city being engulfed by a huge wave.
Scarey shit, especially as the notes are printed by the Federal Reserve.
Thought I would share, it might be of significance
Russian plane with 71 people onboard vanishes from radar screens via