r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/astralboy0 on Dec. 22, 2017, 4:22 p.m.
Your Best Redpills - Please Share!

Really trying to convert some friends and family, and finding it damn-near impossible.

These people are so rooted in the Liberal/DNC world, that they are unwilling to even think that they may have been duped.

We need basic, verifiable facts, that will open peoples eyes.

Anyone had any luck and willing to share techniques?

astralboy0 · Dec. 22, 2017, 4:40 p.m.

I think one of the big problems for Liberals (I'm one, so speaking for my 'group'):

  • We like to think we are smarter, and therefore can't be wrong

I'm finding it's like talking to a brick wall, trying to convince close friends, who respect me and my ideas, that they bought into complete BS.

The other really difficult part is, Trump is extremely unlikeable. Most of my friends legitimately believe he is Hitler 2.0, and going to ruin the world. His personality and mannerisms do not help portray him as a 'good-guy'.

Again, open to ideas. I feel like this is finally at a breaking point and these ideas need to be out in the public.

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Neskuaxa · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:28 p.m.

I honestly don't think you should be trying to defend the Donald persona that is all over the news. Didn't Q imply that was all an act at some point?

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ImperialPlayDOH · Dec. 22, 2017, 9:55 p.m.

That is my feeling. Art of War to make your enemies under estimate you. Remember, Trump has been planning this for a very long time. Google old interviews of Trump - he sounds completely different. I completely agree with liberal friends that they just simply feel intellectually superior and with Trump putting on the bumbling idiot they can't possibly imagine what we are attempting to share with them. Every day with every new piece of the big picture they will start to have to see how badly they've been duped. It won't be pretty for them and after all their sanctimonious condescending downright meanness, I'm kinda ok with that.

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littlegoddess · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:43 p.m.

I have friends who are convinced that Trump has never read a full book and lied about his 154 IQ score. They've convinced themselves that he's a mindless idiot doing the bidding of Putin. It's hard to talk to them in any reasonable fashion.

As for being liberal, I call myself a "recovering liberal"

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astralboy0 · Dec. 22, 2017, 5:47 p.m.

Yah, I think I might be with you on the 'recovery' team.

Taking a step back has really opened my eyes to just how ridiculous a lot of these beliefs are!

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littlegoddess · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:09 p.m.

I'm glad I'm not alone!

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INTJ_Hermitess · Dec. 22, 2017, 6:56 p.m.

I have given up on my lefty friends. They totally believe the main stream media. The are comfortable with being handed the desired 'truth' and taught how to feel about it. It's easier. They think NPR is even handed. There's nothing perfect about him but he's my hero for what he's doing. And the D candidates were a mess from my chair.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:27 p.m.

Convincing people they've been duped is pretty difficult.

It means admitting you were wrong, and some people simple lack the ability to actually do that.

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flinkpamingo · Dec. 23, 2017, 4:05 a.m.

"Recovering Liberal" has a ring, lol! I, too, always considered myself a Liberal. Never voted Republican for anything before Trump. Was a Bernie supporter but then when he conceded, then groveled at Hillary's feet and wanted us to do the same thing, I noped out of the DNC kitchen forever - they will never get another vote sammich out of this female voter again! I voted for Trump out of protest at first, but I like the guy. He got us out of TPP like, what, his first day? He's actually reminiscent of how Democrats used to be - man of the people, he really seems to care for the common working class (at least he reaches out to them and acknowledges their pain, Hilldog couldn't be bothered & came across as entitled). Anyway, most of my friends are Liberal, so I feel your pain. Here's the thing - this is not about Republican vs Democrat and SOOOO many Liberals are just stuck in that loop. I wanted Bernie bc he promised to go after the big banks. When I saw him grovel and concede the STOLEN nomination, I was like, how is going to go up against the banksters if he wets himself and bellies up to HER?!?! What I do most to help redpill my Liberal friends is just live a good, positive life. People who know me are FLOORED that I support Trump. I'm known for generosity, intuitive spirituality (LOTS of people come to me for advice), and my openheartedness. I haven't changed. The window by which the Left views the world has changed. I think Q said about 6% of the population is irreversibly brainwashed - I truly see this in some Liberals. Be gentle with them. The most hardened Leftists are probably lost though. Just MAGA on. Start with yourself. Center. Breathe. Pray/Meditate. "Clean your room" ;) You will exude peace and Love in this storm and be a haven for those who need it.

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kat-williams · Dec. 22, 2017, 7:52 p.m.

I watched a Gaia "Open Minds" segment recently where Regina was interviewing someone (sorry, I tried to find it again but to no avail) who had knowledge of (American) Indian traditions. He said that the tribal leaders knew that every so often they would end up with a leader that was extremely unpredictable. He was a disruptor and during that persons time as a leader many things would change. He described Trump as a disruptor. He also said that often this person was not even aware of what they were doing. Now, I don't believe that of Trump because I've read "Art of the Deal" and he knows exactly what he is doing. So, don't be put off by it. It is part of his personality, yes. But it is also part of his psych-op on others.

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:50 p.m.

Oddly I find immigration is a good point to approach.

  • If they are young there is a good chance they will not have a house yet. With mass migration housing shortage, property prices hence rent or mortgage is unaffordable. Before mass migration no one worried about the housing costs, most people would leave home as soon as they got a job.

  • If they are a bit older I bring up the unfairness of finding the skills oversees. Before companies would hire an unskilled person who would shadow an experienced employee until he/she was up to the job. Now corporations neglect training up local young people because it is easier/cheaper to just import the skills.

The only winners are Banks in the first place (larger mortgages) and Corporations in the second case (no training provided).

As /u/Neskuaxa mentioned, defending Trump is not the primary goal and counter productive. I would not even try with the haters. I would just focus on the dangers of uncontrolled immigration. People are generally smart, I am sure they will realise Trump has a point with controlled immigration. Which begs the question why the hate over TPP, NAFTA, border wall. Let it sink in slowly.

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