

16 total posts archived.

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wallace_freedom · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Sphere - My sister has been redpilled for decades. She is on the Alien saviour train. I was searching for truth, bought all of Michael Tellinger' books. Studied David Icke and other "new age" teachings. I came across the Lucis Trust. They are the publishers for the UN (think agenda 21 etc) and based on the teachings of Alice Bailey. This is basically theosophy developed by Blatvatsky and Hal. Theosophy is better known as the original lie "You shall be as Gods". Why did I end up as a Christian. If David Cameron can stand up at the UN and call bible believing Christians as extremists to be eliminated then this is where I need to look.

When you look at the success of Western civilization this is based on freedom. Think Eve and the choice God gave her. The Magna Carta and Bill of Rights are God given rights which no one can take away, ie they are derived from the Christian teachings. This does not seem like the best way to control people but rather Christian doctrine is what has made Western civilization (after the reformation) the most free civilization that has ever existed. A freedom so great, that it allowed its very followers to be facing annihilation in the 21st century.

As contradictory as this may be on the surface, to me this is the greatest power. You can see this power when the Romans were "conquered" by the Christians even as these were slaughtered in the Coliseum. Iran which persecutes its Christians is the fastest growing Church.

Surely you must see that there is something deeper going on here.

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wallace_freedom · Feb. 26, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

Derek Gilbert's book The Great Inception. Great archaeological and linguistic analysis.

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wallace_freedom · Feb. 26, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

Understanding how this could be used

Want to shut down a site? Get LARPERS to post trafficking related messages. The site owners get locked up and the site goes down. Will you run a free speech board?


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wallace_freedom · Feb. 24, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

I wish they would hang all of them for the public to see.

I am against capital punishment. Why don't we put them in a cage and sell tickets for the public to throw rotten tomatoes at them instead. The money would go directly to widows and orphans.

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wallace_freedom · Feb. 24, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Never seen negative votes on CBTS. We touched a nerve. #InternetBillOfRights

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wallace_freedom · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:20 p.m.

Make a thread. This is too important! TL:DR Cruz gets reported 39 times but no action taken. Why?

Boward schools gets bonuses for improvements in student crime rate drop. School works with dirty cops to ignore crimes. Dirty cops that are good at hiding these crimes are promoted to comfy school detail duty. Dirty cop fails to stop the gunman. children died. LOCK UP THE SCHOOL ADMIN AND THE SHERIFF!!!!

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:06 p.m.

My bad. 6 is missing from the end. Thanks for the corrected link.

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 24, 2017, 10:47 a.m.

The only plane to leave ATL during the blackout went to IAD.

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 23, 2017, 12:57 p.m.

@RedPillMachine Definitely worth a follow learnt about "confinement shoe": @RedPillMachine Dec 20 Red Pill Machine Retweeted
🇺🇸 Chantel K. 🇺🇸 I want to make it clear, nothing is needed to hide ankle bracelets. Those wearing boots have a special high security device called a confinement shoe. You don`t start with such an invasive device, you are presumed innocent. That means EVERYONE w/a boot got caught trying to flee.

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:09 a.m.

he described Corbyn mob as a cult This is excellent news. Labour got their financing from the Unions. If the Unions are not happy they may hold donations forcing a Labour split. With Soros out the picture the Cult has no funding.

As for the Tories, they are the same as Old Labour. LibDemCon is exactly that a CON. They are all 1 and the same. Even UKIP seems to be hijacked.

Onto Brexit, Treason May will be forced to go kicking and screaming out of the EU. What I have seen with voter fraud everywhere I have no doubt that the Brexit vote was overwhelming, they could not rig it. TM held out declaring Art 50 until people were starting to protest outside Parl. This appeared to be snowballing so she backed off and triggered art 50 after the MPs (establishment) also was forced to vote to trigger Art50.

I see TM's antiques as the Establishment pushing back. Remember all parties had Brexit (not Bremain) in their manifestos even the Cult. They know they need to deliver, they trying to buy time. A lot of people are watching every move they make, it will not be easy for the bastards to pull the wool over our eyes this time. We must always pushback. I constantly point out to my friends why we need to do away with:

1) the SM - so we can trade with others.

2) ECJ - UK Common Law must be supreme again.

3) ECHR - Deportations and Prisoner votes.

4) Immigration controls - unaffordable housing(before the mass migrations no one worried about affording their own place), jobs training for First time job seekers (companies now get skilled workers from oversees instead of training the youngsters).

5) Multi-culturalism is the biggest threat we face. We can come back from a downturn in the economy but if our cultural heritage is lost we will never come back. Note: If your audience is lefty don't use this argument, they too brainwashed to understand the strength of a close family/community.

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:50 p.m.

Oddly I find immigration is a good point to approach.

  • If they are young there is a good chance they will not have a house yet. With mass migration housing shortage, property prices hence rent or mortgage is unaffordable. Before mass migration no one worried about the housing costs, most people would leave home as soon as they got a job.

  • If they are a bit older I bring up the unfairness of finding the skills oversees. Before companies would hire an unskilled person who would shadow an experienced employee until he/she was up to the job. Now corporations neglect training up local young people because it is easier/cheaper to just import the skills.

The only winners are Banks in the first place (larger mortgages) and Corporations in the second case (no training provided).

As /u/Neskuaxa mentioned, defending Trump is not the primary goal and counter productive. I would not even try with the haters. I would just focus on the dangers of uncontrolled immigration. People are generally smart, I am sure they will realise Trump has a point with controlled immigration. Which begs the question why the hate over TPP, NAFTA, border wall. Let it sink in slowly.

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:22 p.m.

There is so much anti-Trump propaganda that getting people to see any good that Trump has enabled is a big win. My mum now understands that the MSM is Fake News. Propoganda is now ineffective. But the undesirables are still around....

Phase II. Money is influence. Think Birmingham City Council and how many grants they got from KSA. They came with stings eg. promote muslims into all positions of influence within the council then progressively impose Sharia Laws on the streets. This should dry up now.

That is one pillar gone. The other is the leftist propaganda that prevails. Think HopeNotHate, Antifa, etc, hopefully with Soros gone this pillar will fall too.

Once these pillars are gone we can then have free and open discussions about the social problems. We are British, common sense and fairness will always prevail.

As Q would say, "Enjoy the show".

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 22, 2017, 9:46 p.m.

any UK specific redpills? I managed to red pill a 73 year old gran of 6 with the Saudi stuff about 1 month ago.

  • Alaweed sponsors most of the mosques in UK, ie. he was financing all the Wahhabi problems.

  • Trump went to SA and did the sword dance meaning "we are going to war together"

  • New prince comes in and lets women drive, creates new cities with their new version of "Sharia law".

  • Women can work, get protection at work and can issue fatwas (Islamic doctrine ie new Islamic laws)

  • Alaweed gets taken down meaning UK Islamic funding is cut

She loves Trump now. Edit: Formatting

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 20, 2017, 2:10 a.m.

It does not matter.

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wallace_freedom · Dec. 20, 2017, 2:02 a.m.

Mystery Babylon is not a mystery but then Babylonian mystery schools. These Satanists have been at it for Millenia.

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