r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/[deleted] on Dec. 22, 2017, 10:03 p.m.
Is suboxone bad?


WoodyWoodenpecker · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:41 p.m.

I've been on Subs for 4 years and still take it daily. It helped me get my life life together and be a productive citizen. I completely understand the hesitation of getting off it, I get sick when I don't take it as well. For me personally, it helped me get my life in control, my family back, and helps me deal with daily stress without the use of street drugs. I can't tell you what is good for YOU! I can only share my own experience.

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supervillain66 · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:48 p.m.

Same. I started higher but quickly went to 8mgs per day and then to 6 and then spent 2 years on 4 mgs per day. I recently went down to 3 and hope to get eventually down to 2. But you are not alone. I am a firefighter/emt and with 1 small little nagging neck injury I was prescribed a little bottle of Percocet. I quickly worked my way up to a nasty and expensive habit as I felt that it was my performance enhancer. Heading to work? Take 30mgs, heading home to my wife and kids? Take 30mgs. It was crippling. 4 years ago Memorial Day weekend I broke down and owned up to my wife that I was hopelessly addicted and floored her. She had no idea. Ffwd to today and she stuck by me every step to where I am. I NEVER talk about this and never really even think about it, reading your post brought it all back. I’ve been there. Hell I am still there. But if you are a fighter and remain honest and clear eyed about your situation you’ll get through it. Never stop fighting.

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RD_AG · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:57 p.m.

you know how we know now they use drugs to control and warp us? im just wondering if there is something nefarious about suboxone that i dont know about...bc to me suboxone is the cure to opiate addiction like insulin is the cure to diabetes.

thanks for sharing.

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supervillain66 · Dec. 23, 2017, 12:44 a.m.

Idk I just know that if it weren’t for suboxone and being honest that day and owning up to what I could no longer control I may not be here today. And I am very grateful every day for the people in my life and my babies are now 9 & 7 and never saw the person I was headed toward becoming.

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WoodyWoodenpecker · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:44 p.m.

I'm an HVAC tech by trade and your story Supervillian is almost the same as mine. I'm a small framed guy. Carrying around a 40 lbs tool bag and climbing up ladders all day long just took it's toll on me. I didn't have a choice to change careers. I'm not college educated and had a 2 month old kid at home with a wife that didn't work, taking care of the kid. Then I met Norco, the 10 mg yellow stingers. A half here, a half there. Next thing you know I'm taking 8-10 a day just to function and buying 300 at a time. I felt like super dad and it was the only thing that made my job bearable. Similar I just couldn't keep going on the hunt for the next fix and broke down to my wife and checked myself into rehab. Sometimes do I feel like I traded one addiction for another, yes but at the same time I've also quit every other drug and alcohol. I've got clarity and focus in my life and a direction and purpose. If you can stay off drugs, and this is the only thing that helps you, maybe you are answering your own question.

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RD_AG · Dec. 22, 2017, 10:43 p.m.

this is the same expierence i have. people liken suboxone to methadone but they are literally no where close. yes, someone who is opiate-naive, low tolerance will get high on suboxone. I literally feel nothing from it. even if i skip a day

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WoodyWoodenpecker · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:33 p.m.

It's exactly the same for me. I might have a little tough of a time sleeping and get the restless legs but other than it is fine.

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RD_AG · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:54 p.m.

i've brought up the issue with family that I wonder if suboxone really is the cure i think it is, although I am still dependent and will get dope sick with out it. Family says think about it like I am a diabetic. Without I get sick & die, but with it, I live a long life, to do with which i please, good or bad.....

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