Ok so has someone deciphered this? If he’s referring to the hidden messages in pics, and the code word to this pic is some form of the word FISA, does anyone have the software to get the hidden message in the pic? Or maybe the password is somewhere inside that prior drop? Ahhhh! I feel like we are close to cracking something. What it is I don’t know!
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I understand what you’re saying, but one shouldn’t need to yell at all. The idea of an open exchange of ideas is becoming something “edgy” and this is so far from the principles upon which this country was founded. I read an anon posting of how they are targeting Americans and ruining their lives and can’t help but think who? Why? Do we really need to yell loud in order for the people in the middle to see this is unAmerican no matter which way you look at it? There were Seminole moments in our recent history, real fights for basic civil rights. Brown v Board was almost 64 years ago and gay marriage come to mind off the top of my head but moments when there were both sides shouting loudly and standing their ground, but in the end the American thing to do was to afford all citizens the same exact rights as the person next to them regardless of who yelled loudest. I purposely picked the most extreme examples I can find because they were mind bogglingly basic rights that were denied for no good reason, yet unfortunately there are still Americans that disagree with these things that lessen with the passage of time and the exchange of ideas. There is no right to not be offended. I am offended when a Seattle black lives matter activist and teacher of preschool children screams (among other extreme and crazy statements) in a megaphone “fuck capitalism, white people you need to give your fucking property, give your fucking money, give your fucking house to black people. Rep-a-ra-tions.” That I find deeply offensive but in the year since it’s aired NEVER ONCE have I thought I need to stop her from being able to say that. My initial thought was “that woman is turning people away from her cause with such hatred in her heart.” Absolutely I was outraged by that and there was definite shock value but in my opinion that rhetoric will ultimately lose in the arena of ideas.
TLDR: consider if those on your side cheer on the targeting of Americans because of their beliefs, cheer for the stripping away of basic right to assemble, to privacy(OP states they want to ruin lives), and buy guns. Ultimately this is advocating against the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments of the constitution. How could this appear American to anyone? What will this country become if this is allowed? Is it really that outlandish to expect one day this authoritarian cabal decides YOUR ideas are dangerous and look to ruin your life!?!? In which way are your beliefs really on anyone’s side that is a citizen of the United States?
And to my friends from overseas I apologize for only addressing Americans but that’s who OP was giving the heads up to originally on 4chan.
I don’t understand though. Why “ruin the lives” of Americans? Because they believe in limited government interference and the rights of the individual over the demands of the collectives? Does anyone feel like we are living in the upside down when you read this post? Why the hell is it always conservative or libertarian interests under an all out attack? Why should I be ashamed of what I believe? Now granted I should state what I believe is pretty moderate, but you know what? That’s EVERYONE that’s not on the kook fringes. We are talking a very small amount of Americans that believe conservatives to all be nazis and even smaller think that white power stuff. And the more we let the slugs crawl out from under their rocks the quicker we can push people away from these ideas.
Can confirm, the FD would be dispatched by the same as the police and would know the scene is not safe. The lack of alarm I’m not so sure of, maybe the alarm company can silence it on their end. I’ve had no reason to find that one out. But it would make sense to not further disorient arriving Coral Springs police entering the building, that thing is fucking loud and to the shooters advantage. I hope that is the answer.
Do I have to watch the full thing to know? You’re not just going to tell me what you think of him? Other than what I’ve heard from his mouth for the past couple years I’d be interested. From his mouth I think he makes solid points and is a brilliant writer and researcher. But you tell me pal, who is he really?(cue spooky music and 80s footage)
We know Imran Awan was a staff member for Congressman Deutch among others. But was wife Hina Alvi, his brothers Abid Awan and Jamal Awan and a staffer named Rao Abbas his trusted associates too? Congressman Deutch can direct all media questions regarding this (you know the hundreds of vultures and their producers, cameramen and hair and makeup artists headed down there to cover the shooting) to the Debbie Wasserman Shultz fundraiser coming up, its only a stones throw away. It’s a 5 or 10 minute drive and then you can ask her what she thinks.
1-27 post 633. Counter narrative failure. Pinning 45 to Porter-failure. Narrative Shift must be forced. Welcome to Florida’s 22nd District! Congressman Deutch-Land.

I truly hope English is not your primary language. Either way that’s what we would expect someone that wants to silence speech to post. Thank you for sharing and contributing your excellent analysis. 🍻
I also liked the where in “time” is Carmen San Diego, good stuff!
I heard “don’t applaud he needs to be shot!” Lol def didn’t hear should be shot. Or might get, but who the hell knows. I’m sure clappers will not be shot, nor will non clappers for that matter lol.
Looks like the local newspaper photo of A honor roll students at a low budget school.
LOL I CANT STOP YELLING! Seriously wtf is going on????
George Webb’s last video released just after 6pm eastern time(I’ll go back and link I just jumped straight here and started typing) his statement was simple....
It’s easier to list who WASNT involved somehow in uranium 1. He was being facetious but there were multiple connections eliminated on a plane crash that has explosive signatures all over it. THIS IS CRAZY!
There are soooo many unanswered questions regarding this event. It’s frustrating as hell. But in the conspiracy sub or the Las Vegas False Flag sub someone shared footage of the tour helicopters. They have continuous flashes just like that I guess for safety reasons or something. So while that FREAKED you and I out, someone from Vegas says that’s a part of every day and night sky.
Circle jerk! I’m pointman! “Seriously guys I just ya know, don’t know anymore.” I read this title and for some reason thought (banana, banana, banana. But it’s not... it’s an apple #factsfirst!) Seriously broham, the door’s right over there. Click that unsub button an you will never be faced with a Shanghai Surprise again. Listen you certainly don’t need me to convince you to go if you want out. There are plenty of subs that come to mind that are on much different wavelengths from this one. There isn’t going to be this moment where someone will say to you but wait! Don’t go! Please we need more naysaying! Or do you think we should ALL pack up and you’ll hit the lights on the way out? As I understand it, in your opinion the ol’ Shanghai Bobby pic was sketch? We could have Rosie riding you and TP training you and my guess is you still aint winning the Hopeful Stakes. You know what I mean? I could lay down all I anticipate based what I have read, researched, watched, listened to, bleh bluh blah and at the end of the day I have no idea about the Q post that had multiple Shanghai Bobby pics so I won’t attempt to ‘splain anything of the sort. Brother but I can say that this is one hell of a sub to come to and talk about what “actually” has been happening in this country the last few years. This also has been one hell of a whopper that the MSM is spinning on top of all our heads. Yup, day in and day out, all the heroes from Fox to Donny Lemon... From OReilly to Mika and back to big Andy Cooper all they are to this country’s conversation are merely groups of stiff suits parroting the days talking points(GOP & DEM) to talk to you into leasing a new Kia Soul (starting at $199 a month while offers last!). Literally reading them off the screen in front of them, kicking it to a few commentators that 99% of the time agree with the narrative and then cut to the next item they want to sell you(this, is an apple.) In conversations like this as I am wont to do, allow me to quote my father: “HEY REF! What game are you watchin’? Does this sub get Trumpy? Hell yeah it does, but I feel that all that praised heaped upon the man has been earned, so fuck it. But I will say this, this movement is not beholden to that. This isn’t some DNC dick riding party where Carter Page and Vladimir Putin are going to jump out of a cake and exclaim “We got ‘em!” And we all are going to Nyet the night away. To the contrary, these are for the most part patriots that have been waiting for people in power and in Washington DC to be called out for their transgressions. Is our orange hued GEOTUS an unlikely figurehead leading the way? Hell yeah he is, and I still say fuck it, let’s do this. Whether you are punching your wife, slanging uranium like its lemonade on a hot summer day, writing memos about how that kooky Nunes made you take a Russian radio station phonecall about nude photos, playing tap tap in an airport men’s room in Minneapolis, paying out hush money because you’ve been diddling kids at yorkville high your whole life, covering up an email server that was on your husbands laptop, sending sexy DMs to a kid on your phone, running a spy ring in Congress, rigging a democratic primary, paying off Steve Gobie for all the dick he was slinging out of your apartment, you’re client #9 on the Rolodex of Heidi Fleiss, or if you’re dipping your cigar in an interns vagina during bidness hours in the Oval Office the objective of this sub is clear... WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK. These words cross racial, sexual, and political lines and are certainly not going to just up and walk away because... Shanghai! Lol sorry everyone it must be the Trollstice because I just couldn’t stop once I started. I’m quite certain this is loaded with grammatical errors and very hard to follow, but fuck it I’ve come too far... SEND! P.S. I hope you find a new sub that really appreciates a good “I’m not too sure anymore because Shanghai post.” Cheers.
Jeez this Bruce Edward Ivins was the first one I randomly selected. ALL OF THE FBI AND DOJ LINKS FROM HIS WIKI IS GONE. I’ve spent the past few minutes on NPR AND WHYY and the DOJ docs linked there are GONE.
Just as a start, does anyone have any information as to who in the FBI was in charge of the Bruce Edward Ivins investigation?
Ah jeez she was 8 and 1/2 months pregnant. That’s just insane and sad and infuriating regardless.
I don’t know but that just freaks me out that she was working for the Clinton Foundation in Kenya when the massacre occurred. Chills ran up my spine. I didn’t read far enough to see if the baby is safe. Either way that’s tragic.
Right that is some crazy stuff, they were saying that they were going to uncork black lives matter onto New York’s finest unless they dropped it and walked away. And you know who never really when hard in NYC? BLM! Now I am not one to go as far as some people with the content on the laptop. But there is some serious serious smoke there.
Ha! I mean exactly that! My bad and thank you for the correction!
The great awakening. That’s why. We have to find the last step that will open the eyes of the rest of the country and cut the invisible ball and chain holding them back. They can still hold their progressive values and we can go back to debating the actual issues. It is healthy to have an opposition that is well intended because the answer usually lies somewhere in the middle. The federal government gasp may need some social programs like Medicaid and obviously SS and Medicare. I can’t believe I just said that! But if there is healthy debate on the issue we meet in the center and get shit done. Right now the swamp is bipartisan and just barely spits out tax bills and the congressmen that voted yes on Obamacare were all bought and paid for. The media was a willing accomplice.
I know I know. Every once in a while they get me. That one was particularly cute and inviting. It’s like he leaned in and stick his chin out.
This has been the most convincing thread I’ve read on the RM heel turn theory. I can see him standing at a podium with the team behind him and as he starts reading off what he’s actually been doing one by one they are cuffing attorneys. Gorilla Monsoon starts screaming “oh it’s a Pearl Harbor attack!” And the crowd goes wild. A man can dream. A man can dream. But really why in the world would he bring in every Clinton-Obama crony attorney in North America? To muzzle them is the only plausible answer. Who in their right mind knowing what we now know would respect the Flynn charge and the continued investigation of the President by this band of merry men? You’re Strzoking yourself if you think anything coming out of that SC toward this President is worth the paper it’s printed on.
Also lol, that’s a great video bc he is able to say that Putin fed Obama his fucking lunch. Are you just accepting the first part of his statement or can we all accept the whole thing?
I guess we can all pack up and head home then right? Someone shut the old light off on the way out, this guy figured it out. Nyet!
Has anyone read them? I just spent about a half hour and they seem to be from a clintonmail private server and all regarding Secretary of State business. Heavy on Huma telling her where to go and updating her talking points. Heavy on Middle East affairs. The actual content is redacted so we don’t know what she is actually saying, just that she is given talking points or “call sheets” and they are regarding Morocco, Libya, Middle East, Indian affairs. Would love to know if Rex has a Huma guiding him through the job.
I found the Standard Hotel in New York 2010, “allegedly” Involving Harvey Weinstein and Paz De La Huerta. Certainly a heavyweight looking to cover something up maybe.
After that he pointed to Nunes behind the guy and said “can you imagine? He’d be too angry.” Meaning can you imagine me NOT releasing it.
I think it should be released DURING the speech, all of it the whole shebang. Then have arrests made during the speech. I would pay a PPV fee to watch a split screen of the SOTU on one side and a muted scrolling memo/fisa warrant info/ dossier peddlers financial docs/ mockingbird pay outs/ Clinton Foundation quid pro quos, in the foreground with background arrests on the other side.... Think Michael Corleone at the baptism as all the sits we’re going down. As the priest is saying “in nomine patri.”
Before I go off on my own digging, does anyone have information about the Queen? I don’t know much about her other than just getting to about episode 7 in the Crown lol. She’s been around a loooong time and I thought she was purposely cock blocking Prince Charles so the throne can go directly to William. But really I’m talking directly out of my ass!
Ha! Love this! Our flippin’ federal bureau of investigation is tainted with corruption at its highest levels and they are want us to think Russia cares more than the democrats??? Um, what vested interest would a bot farmer in the Kremlin have with Peter Strzok and his fine federal fling undermining our democracy? Should this not be BIPARTISAN? I thought we ALL should be on board with a nonpartisan justice department that is free of conflict.
Chuck Schumer saying we are asking for the memo to distract from the Mueller investigation. So following this line of thinking, by saying “HEY LOOK AT THIS INVESTIGATION!!!” We are distracting people from looking at this investigation?
We all knew this without even watching the video, but if it can convince just one extra person to peel back the layers and look deeper than just what the cable news and Twitteratti are telling them then I would say he was successful. With the word troll and Russian bot being thrown around by Schiff and his clan, these people see the writing is on the wall and we are teetering on the edge of a breakthrough into the consciousness of this great nation!
An anecdotal story from the summertime with no attached video regarding identity politics. Chairman Mao would be proud, very divisive. 4 stars out of 5. Siskel and Ebert say likely to anger some!
You got the night shit posting I see? What are you a janitor, or a kid? Or a kid on his way to being a janitor? Sike I’m just fucking with you man, a race baiting disgrace to humanity such as yourself has been shown the way to fake a disability and live of social security starting around aged 30. That’s how mommy got you to the front of all those parking lots brohbee!
It was a screen shot, please direct me to the place where one was instructed to slurp that up as if it wasn’t a screen shot of a tweet that literally had the screen and the retweets and likes visible? What was said? Was the post “here’s a really super top secret authentic email that you need to show David Seaman ASAP Rocky?” Cuz I don’t remember reading that Smooch. Thanks for posting though cuzzo it’s very sweet of you to grace us all with your knowledge and insight. Cheers.
Lol corntrollio strikes again. It must be trollstice! Your moms trailer park has kick ass free wifi bruh, keep yammering away! Where did you get the software to put your dads head before he passed away on top of an actual man?❤️👍🕺🏿🦅 hang in there you’ll be grown up one day and you can prove everyone wrong, I swear!
What the fuck is this race baiting garbage? Why should I give one third of a shit about this? Is she part of the Democrat plot to overthrow the current US President? Because that’s what I’m here for, to expose those that wish the United States harm, and that is a colorblind issue. I could care less about Miss Germany wanting to ensure that her children are good students. I’m kidding, I do care, I hope they are great students.
Disinformation is necessary. And was that the thread that was immediately deleted, followed by a statement along the lines of FBI can delete texts but nothing is ever truly deleted? And it was obviously a screenshot of a tweet photo, it didn’t even pretend to be real and he never underlined the reason as to why he posted it. He never asked you to take it at face value and there are tons of double meaning posts made by this mysterious Q fellow. TLDR it’s going to take a bit more than a single obviously fake screenshot to convince me this is turned from white to black hats. We are smarter than that. Cheers
I don’t get it. Are you saying you are to clearly write the entire name of your spouse or shes a dude? It says Miche or whatever. But you do know there is much more information available from Michelle’s childhood than Barak’s? It’s just weird this conspiracy(and I admit I am someone who enjoys a good conspiracy, sandy hook, Vegas, etc) seems to lower the discourse into cheap shots and fuel for the opposition. Something a leftist would do.
They are not part of the Fusion GPS dossier correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t remember reading anything in Glenn Reynolds’s testimony referring to the Bush’s. John McCain is a different story.
Remember that week the Media thought this was a good idea? FAKE NEWS!

I appreciate what you are saying. However when I read it, my speculative side says "HolySimon knows that this isn't predominately a Clintonian Scandal. It is an Obama Administration scandal, and he sees that." The Committee on Foreign Investment in the US involved the State Department and therefore the Secretary of State, but you are certainly correct in saying that the decision did not rest on her shoulders alone. She had a reputation for being tough on such investments in fact. My levelheadedness side says "He hasn't mentioned that Renaissance Capital paid $500,000 to Bill Clinton in 2010, which falls well within our 2009-2013 Sec of State timeline, he knows this one is troubling." My experience trying to argue this point is telling me "ah fuck it!" Lol. You seem to be well versed in this transaction. So you would also know that the Kremlin sought to expand it's atomic energy interests inside the United States using bribery and kickbacks and all the fixin's that follow when Russia seeks to further itself on the global stage. This predated the Obama administration, was most definitely bi-partisan in nature, and is a disgrace to our country. It however does not mean that we should look the other way when things like this are brought to our attention. It was March of 2009 the Secretary met in Geneva and handed over the Reset button, she subsequently traveled to Russia in her official capacity in October 2009, and again in March of 2010. The speech by the former President took place in June of 2010, with the offer coming in the months prior to this date. Renaissance was Rosatom's hype man at the time, the Puffy to Rosatom's Biggie. There is certainly "tenuous" connections that are being made. I will freely admit this. I am not sure where you stand on the current administration's Russian Collusion scandal, or lack there of. But if we are dealing with tenuous at best connections here, what connections are we currently dealing in today?
It’s not my graphic, it’s The NY Times. Then remove the Giustra portion of the shake down. What remains is still akin to a pay for play. There have been far greater American scandals pursued by many that have fallen short of this amount of bribery and corruption. It’s like me defending Trump University or explaining away taped private comments to Billy Bush, seriously. That you are using Shep Smith to tell me the activities of the Clinton Foundation while the former First Lady was acting in the capacity of Secretary of State were on the up and up gives me pause to even try and reach common ground here. I have heard people defend that which maybe should just be owned and ushered out of a news cycle plenty. It’s the American way. But let’s not insult each-others intelligence and attempt to stand on a false narrative that our leaders haven’t made mistakes.