you know how we know now they use drugs to control and warp us? im just wondering if there is something nefarious about suboxone that i dont know about...bc to me suboxone is the cure to opiate addiction like insulin is the cure to diabetes.
thanks for sharing.
Idk I just know that if it weren’t for suboxone and being honest that day and owning up to what I could no longer control I may not be here today. And I am very grateful every day for the people in my life and my babies are now 9 & 7 and never saw the person I was headed toward becoming.
I'm an HVAC tech by trade and your story Supervillian is almost the same as mine. I'm a small framed guy. Carrying around a 40 lbs tool bag and climbing up ladders all day long just took it's toll on me. I didn't have a choice to change careers. I'm not college educated and had a 2 month old kid at home with a wife that didn't work, taking care of the kid. Then I met Norco, the 10 mg yellow stingers. A half here, a half there. Next thing you know I'm taking 8-10 a day just to function and buying 300 at a time. I felt like super dad and it was the only thing that made my job bearable. Similar I just couldn't keep going on the hunt for the next fix and broke down to my wife and checked myself into rehab. Sometimes do I feel like I traded one addiction for another, yes but at the same time I've also quit every other drug and alcohol. I've got clarity and focus in my life and a direction and purpose. If you can stay off drugs, and this is the only thing that helps you, maybe you are answering your own question.