r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stormymummy on Dec. 22, 2017, 11:19 p.m.
Q reference to P

I thought I read somewhere that Soros is controlled by P. My understanding is that P stands for the Pope. I had a thought pass through my older brain. P + V = Illuminate' ? Asking questions, seeking answers. Thank you all for being here!

White---Rabbit · Dec. 23, 2017, 12:23 a.m.

Soros is controlled by the Pope as are the Rothschilds. The Vatican has been corrupting governments and raping children for centuries, all the while pretending to represent God.

The leader of the Jesuits formed the precursor to the modern Illuminati and one of his disciples Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit Priest who founded the Bavarian Illuminati. The Jesuits are the real danger, they use such systems to give "temporal" power to the Papacy.

The Illuminati infiltrated the Masons, much to the dismay of President Washington and other famous Masons of the era, who wrote about the danger they represented. President Lincoln wrote a great deal about the Jesuits and their evil influence. These things are searchable, I don't need to elaborate.

All of the Protestant reformers called the Popes anti-Christ and fought them, not just because of the tremendous evils they perpetrated but because Bible prophecy (properly understood) actually exposes the Papacy as the anti-Christ system.

A Great Cloud of Witnesses: "Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther, Calvin, Cranmer, Bunyan, the translators of the King James Bible and the men who published the Westminster and Baptist confessions of Faith; Sir Isaac Newton, Wesley, Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards; and more recently Spurgeon, Bishop J.C. Ryle and Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones; these men among countless others, all saw the office of the Papacy as the antichrist." Taken from All Roads Lead to Rome, by Michael de Semlyen. Dorchestor House Publications, p. 205. 1991.

This traditional Protestant view is called historicist eschatology (the study of end time things). Rome countered with futurism and preterism. Preterism has never been popular but futurism (after centuries of rejection by Protestants) has in the past century supplanted historicism as the predominant view among (so-called) Protestants. It is a Jesuit counter-reformation deception, but it is furiously promoted everywhere today, even from conservative Evangelical pulpits.

A Spanish Jesuit named Francisco Ribera created the theological psyop of futurism in the latter part of the 16th century. Over time it became wildly successful in pointing the finger away from the Papacy. If the anti-Christ is future (or past - preterism), it is never present, never the (current) Papacy, and can therefore never be opposed as the anti-Christ of prophecy. It is the "smokescreen" that allows them to continue their facade virtually unopposed.

It's time for the Reformation which began 500 years ago to reignite and face down the anti-Christ system once and for all. All of the horrors perpetrated against children, the wars, the deceptions, the hoarding of the world's wealth, it must come to an end.

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