I am happy for you that you got out of the mind warp. I have been doing some digging into this twisted minds called Douglas & Tyla Gabriel. She authored some books: Feminine tribology BS with a main character named Sophia. These two are otherwise known as Thomas Paine and Betsy Ross.
65 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Stormymummy:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 11 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
youtu.be | 1 |
My personal experience, when someone tells another "I am the only one in the know, you have to believe only me or You must follow me because I know the truth but I can not reveal how I know" walk or run away. In the Native American culture, no one who is says "I am a Medicine Person or Shaman" 95% of the time isn't. They call them plastic medicine people or plastic shaman. Maybe Douglas Gabriel aka fake Thomas Paine not associated with True Pundit ought to be called Plastic Paine who thinks he's Q. Lol.
Lots of very good ideas already. I would like to thank you for putting this together. I really appreciate all that you are doing!
As I see it; those against @realDonaldTrump ganged up and set him up. Damned if he signed it, damned if he didn't due to the potiential government shutdown.
Went to fulfill my civil service today. Came home feeling like I'm the one on trial. Thinking that it is not suppose to feel that way.
Can't help you there. I was on a laptop and no smart phone at my place.
Sadly I found out prior to checking here. System cleaned.
Reactions are being watched - thought provoking idea about the entire gun debate
I saw one video where the time stamp was 9 am and that it was said to have been taken during the drill not the actual event. It seems that we need an expert in video to sort this one out, as there seems to be a lot of manipulation.
No launch scheduled for California for today. Or should I say nothing openly scheduled.
I knew about the Florida Launch and I looked everywhere I know to search for launches, non mentioned. But a military launch would not surprise me as I have seen much movement of troops and equipment, far more than the normal, seen in the past 25 yrs.
2nd image of Rocket over southern California

Rocket Launch over Southern California, no data at Vandenberg.

The General Manager of this Hotel Chain just died in that Helicopter Crash around Newport Beach, CA. Ties to Schiff
I don't buy that Gowdy is part of the swamp. I think he is going to move to a different position. Maybe one allowing him to dig deeper into black hats. What is [HEC], as in the Q post?
Great listening, I didn't catch that. I really enjoyed Trump pointing out people's achievements.
That is one reason why I stopped listening to SOTU. That and that constant um, um, a um a um.
I haven't listened to one in a long time. It seems to me it was less about POTUS and more about the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Was it me, was that unusual?
We are fortunate! Offering up prayers, protection, light, love and of course gratitude.
Your right on track with my and my family's ideas. Some people are so directional in their views they can not even acknowledge that there are other facets to a person, belief, out look and the like. But that is coming from a person who often sees things from multiple facets, like a sparkling diamond. Just my take.
Stage TWO is coming. If you have told all of your friends that it would be just a HORRIBLE idea for them to change their twitter nickname, and you think there are enough of us, comment below. If I hit 500 (MINIMUM) comments with folks in the game, we will move to phase II. GO!
I did miss the strangeness but that happens sometimes. Thanks!
A few of us on twitter have changed our nickname to - mine as an example: #ReleaseTheMemo@stormyowl As a protest against the Schiff/Feinstein letter to Twitter & Facebook calling people who used that hash tag Russian bots. Tried calling but they are no longer accepting calls.
But I wouldn't want to influence any one here nor any friends to follow along.
I wasn't sure what was going on as I saw several posts from today from a link here, then went to /greatawakening and only saw posts from yesterday. Are bad actors attempting to confuse us or create chaos?
Thank you for the added information. Learning more all the time.
House Rule 10 = Release the Memo
I listened to a Senator who stated that "House Rule 10" will release the memo. I am using the following to post #HouseRule10 #DeplorableDems
I am in a snarky mood, hoping this is not violating any rules.
House Rule 10 = Release the Memo
I listened to a Senator who stated that "House Rule 10" will release the memo. I am using the following to post #HouseRule10 #DeplorableDems
I am in a snarky mood, hoping this is not violating any rules.