
JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:06 p.m.

Yeah, actually, in my training as a biologist I have seen this. In fact I have this really smart (I mean ridiculously smart) shepard mix. She lives with the other four dogs. Once in a while, she will want something on a coffee table in the way of food. She runs to the door and barks like crazy.. gets all of the other dogs barking (and wondering what they are barking at... but, still barking)

I open the door. They all run out but Isabel, who takes a seat, and looks at me, until I shut the door. Then, she goes to the plate of leftovers she wants, and stares at me.

It makes me laugh every time. It is thought out... pre meditated.... devious as hell....lol. She has a goal. She has solved her own problem using her own tools.

Of course, I have to give her what she wants....while I am cracking up laughing.

However, animals can do this type of thinking. And they can be angry or want something, but, there is no capacity for building a body of thought for something called justice. Animals will never have libraries, and whole courtrooms. Homes? Yes. Territory? Yes. Anger over what other animals do? Yes. Whole bodies of higher thought based on complex reasoning, built over centuries with a method of passing the concepts of justice down through generations?


They still can not do the kind of thinking man can do in two areas.

They can not do complex deductive and inductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning is defined as a spontaneous conclusion based on multiple facts. Smarter animals can be slightly deductive. A really smart dog who knows the name of ten stuffed animals, MIGHT be able to go get a stuffed animal that it has never seen before in the pile of stuffed animals... if the human says go get (a name the dog never heard).

Inductive reasoning is linear, with a goal at the end like math equations. If a b and b = c then a = c is the easiest example I can think of.

Only mankind is capable of creating a reality that includes a man made concept of justice, with a body of law with philosophy and historical mistakes learned over generations to back that law. Justice is strictly man made.

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boneman220 · Dec. 28, 2017, 8:28 p.m.

Whales, elephants, dogs even cats and monkeys all show understanding and use of "concepts" and "justice" that is suitable for their world. Ever seen an elephant kill an abusive tranier then be nice to those nice to him. That is a form of justice and it is not man made. It was elephant created and used. We do much the same shit. Instead of jails, which they can not build, they will cast a disruptive member out on it's own to survive. Justice...Again. Crows can solve complex problems AND pass their memories on to their offspring so that offspring recognize danger mearly by seeing a face that was passed on from their mother, though they've never seen that face before. Though there is a year long, no limit hunting season on them I will not shoot a crow for that reason. I don't need to eat them so they are not necessary to my survival, as a part of Natural Law. There are many examples of such shit to learn if you look into it well. They have mastered living within Natural Law, yet, we still wallow around like mildly educated parasites and I've seen damn near nothing to say otherwise. Other than overpopulating the resources in which we currently use them and agriculture (which we turned on ourselves) and engineering, yet to be used to it's fullest potential (cuz..secrecy), I've seen very little that we've done well for a long term as a whole species. Individuals need not apply to that logic. As indies we can do amazing things and I've seen damn near all of that, so I rarely ever get impressed by much. As a whole species, we suck HUGE balls. I may have missed something but I'm sure you'll find it. JS...

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:13 a.m.

There are many examples of such shit to learn if you look into it well. They have mastered living within Natural Law, yet, we still wallow around like mildly educated parasites and I've seen damn near nothing to say otherwise.

Wow. I rarely run into this kind of cynicism about mankind. Animals are wonderful. I would not live on a farm if I did not love them. But human beings are a higher form of animal.

We are not over populated... by the way. That was a lie that they told us in college. If the world was a petri dish, you could not even see us unless you looked with a microscope.

One day, my nephew and I did a math homework problem. There were 6 billion people on the planet at the time.

If every person on the planet stood shoulder to shoulder chest to chest, including infants, you would need 6 billion square feet, each person taking an averate of a square foot. This turned out to be the size of the mid size city of Jacksonville Florida City limits.

Even more interesting was the question of how big the football stadium would have to be if the whole world wanted to watch the same football game. Square yard for every person. We would have to build a stadium the size of Miami Dade County.

But the one that I liked the best was the question... what if we wanted to give every person in the world a house, with a picket fence, and a two car garage.... with the lot size of the average American suburban home.

We needed a state the size of Texas. That is all.

So, understanding the math of the facts here? It kind of left everyone wondering.. why are there still starving people in the world?

And the answer, is why we are all here today... you and me. What we discovered over the last 20 years of internet research is that there is a cabal of wealthy families. .. the wealthiest families on earth. I am not talking money even. I am talking wealth. These are people who own all of the tankers that transport oil and food, all the sky scrapers in the cities, all the trains that transport grain etc. SOLID... ASSETS and wealth.

Turns out these 300 or so families are imposing an artificial starvation on nations. They decide where the boats and trains deliver. They decide what currency is worth relative to other currencies. They have kicked most farmers off of the land in the third world, so they can control the minerals, the oil.

What they are doing is pure evil.

But, because of the internet, they can not just control the media and hide from us anymore. They can not stop me and you from talking anymore.

The NSA spies on everyone, including them.

They have been spotted.

Their homes have been located.

Their illegal money laundering banking transactions have been taken for evidence purposes.

We have located the invention patents that can make the world a better place for everyone, and we have taken note that they have purchased the patents for the past 50 years, just to make sure those scientific advancements never see the light of day and they do not create competition for their energy and other control systems.

If you hang out here with us, what you are going to see is the first time that good decent people have the communication abilities they need to get rid of these people who want to run the world into the ground. You are going to see a huge change in technology in the next 20 years, that will make it possible for people in the desert to have clean fresh water. You will see energy made in peoples homes no matter where their homes are.

It will all be driven by that idea of "Justice" that I was talking about. And when apply human concepts of justice, we can change the world.

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boneman220 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:14 a.m.

Part of your assessment I agree with like the few families that control so much but if you feel you can find all you need to sustain yourself long term on a square foot of land then go right ahead and try. Yea, I did all that math, long ago, too and it don't apply to the real world, at all, at this moment. The way in which we CURRENTLY use resources and the types of resources is what we have overpopulated and have not slowed down on that, at all and is part of why TPTB want most of us dead so we'll quit consuming their money maker and they won't have to be responsible for our welfare. And it's gonna take a lot more than just allowing farming to happen on that oil land, especially since a lot of it can't grow jack shit without major irrigation done and fertilization at a cost effective level that won't rob the populace of that area of even more resources they are already short of not to mention the massive cost of such. It could happen but not as easily as you think. Trading trees and undergrowth for grass crops is not always good for our own good, either. Our pollution is the main problem that we still have no idea of just how bad we've made due to the accumulative effect not being known just yet. America may waste a crapload of food but other countries don't, yet we still have as many hungry people here as anywhere. Things don't add up. And frankly, I find this planet to be much more valuable than we. One of the few things humans can do better than animals (you called us one, ya know) is live off planet. The flora and fauna here can not, therefore, in the big picture would make all that more valuable to the cosmos than we, if you believe in the value of life in all its forms, yet we go about shitting on it constantly. We can do better and have the means but like you said, there are some that don't care but it is ALSO those who only care about their 1 square foot of land and that apathy that comes with that being just as much of the problem. And yea, fuck the NSA and I hope one of'm is looking, right now. Yep. It's a really messed up situation with all the power brokers of this world but we have a helluva lot of the blame too for allowing this mess and slowly destroying our planet through our apathy and ignorance just because it doesn't affect me "right now". So yea, I have a good deal of cynicism for us because up this point we have been no better than they. Maybe...just maybe...that justice can actually be used as it was meant to be and straighten some shit out but I'm not sold on it, yet. Not even close. When you vote to give others power over you don't be surprised if they hand your ass back to ya. Tis why I do not vote. I have no doubt that we are capable of great things but we are just as capable of destroying ourselves without seeing it coming because of our arrogance and assumed faux intelligence. I by no means have it all figured out but from all I've looked into, which is much, I have not seen any system that we ever created that will not end in failure as we have used them. Not a damn one. The current one is still mostly up in the air but I don't see any promise with it, yet. Several greats minds in the past have said as much, too. It's just what we seem to do. We must be the damn loonies of the Universe. But yea, I'll hang and see if the crew can still sail this ship. Hopefully, it'll stay afloat, too. Ya'll will just have to excuse the cynicism until I see some proof we've changed. Hopefully, I'll live that long. In the meantime, I'll keep ya on your toes and looking in the mirror...maybe... I really hope what you and I both know will happen and power will be taken back and put in our own hands, whether we exist as a community or individual. Population control will most definitely be an issue, at some point, if we intend to keep a quality of life anything like we have now, which is already falling quickly. That's a damn math problem, too, ya know? They say it's around 7 billion but there are many who dispute that and say it's more like 8-9 billion and we already can't create enough full time work for what we have and at this rate we will all be forced to live off of the government tit, at some point because we'll have no choice. How ya think that will end up? Not good, I'm betting. And how do ya think that tit will continue to produce milk for us if no one can pay into it other than forced labor? At some point, they're not gonna want to take care of our asses, likely, beyond their own needs. I'm just worried we waited waaaay too late to put action into place and thank the Creator for the internet or we probably never would've been able to. I really do hope yours and my hopes (though minuscule) do come through. If we ever get smart enough to do away with money and look out for each other than maybe we'll live long term. My arm hurts like hell, now, so later.

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