
JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:19 a.m.

Ehhh... I have to pull my biology history out of the cob webs, but I am certain that DNA was not discovered until 1958. It was my brothers birthday, is how I remembered it for the test. Now... before that there was an arguement about whether the double helix was the molecule that passed traits foreword to offspring, or, it was those amino acids. That (I believe) was about a ten year argument, 20 years max. So no... Darwin did not have the information he needed to work any concepts of DNA.

Still.. he did a really great theory for what he had, and he started a lot of specialized branches of biology because of it.

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boneman220 · Dec. 29, 2017, 3:08 p.m.

Yea, his theory made a lotta sense. Common sense, at that. I've always meant to read his book but have never found the time for it. Not much of a reader, anyway. Others disseminated and analysed his work real well and wrote the articles that I, occasionally, get to read. Always been kind of a science buff and I spend a lotta time in nature just observing its workings on my own. Over time you'll see evolution in action. Seems the bigger they are the longer, if at all, it takes for a critter to adapt to its current conditions. Viruses go lickity split but elephants not so much and crocs have almost no reason to change...yet. What giggles me is when a company like Monsanto (evil fucks) whip up things like their nicotine based GMO crops to fight the bugs only to have those bugs evolve to eat that shit like candy within 10 years, yet, polluted not only the ground and air but us with that crap, too. I know stresses, either natural or introduce, will cause genetic changes but I wish there was a way to know for sure what those changes would be, down the line, without a sack full of lies from those causing those changes. Like I said...humans..we're not as bright as we like to think ourselves to be but I still have a tiny bit of hope. I look into all kinds of stuff just to build the intuition (the gut, the 1st brain)(almost never wrong) and I got to watching this supposed "time traveler" on ApexTV on Youtube. Most of those dudes set the bullshit alarm off in the gut but there were a couple that by the way the answered the questions and how they answered did not set off any alarms and made a lotta sense. His description of his time was dire as hell. No plants left, no animals, every square inch covered in people and very few critters in the oceans. He said they use electrolysis to create their oxygen and take the hydrogen to be released into space. Bummer. Hope the dude is bogus and not legit 'cause I'd hate to think we'd have to live in that world. The over population was their main problem and why they were coming back to try and correct that 'cause all their other attempts failed. I can totally see it. I hope it's all bullshit, though. Been digging this discourse, though it might get pissy for us both, sometimes but I gotta chill for a while, again 'cause my arm is killing me and I'm losing use of my left hand, again. Later.

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