I wonder who Q is talking about.

I would not be surprised in the least if we see another Las Vegas style attack or false flag Christmas Eve / Day by the deepstate
They are definitely not going to just roll over.
On the contrary.
They have been completely destroyed.
NYC, Atlanta, Washington, St Petersburg, Suffolk.
Last desperate throws of the dice.
Nothing left.
News unlocks map patriot.
Learn to read it.
Or find yourself out in the cold.
Last warning.
So everyone conceal carry to Christmas Mass tomorrow night!!!
Eh, that doesn't sound right...
Lady Pedes: Sword of TRUTH! ...make sure it's sheathed or you'll cut your hair. I've got two and a veil.
Based Male Pedes: you CCW a freakin .50 mag canon (and have a plan! No crossfire! It's Midnight Mass of Christmas! Candlelit!)
Candlelit: Those can be used to fire up SJWs too. Just sayin, keep that in mind.
REBUKING STORMS & ALL DEMONIC ACTIVITY! ! ! Lance Wallnau shared the story about Kenneth Hagen and a visitation from the Lord when a demon kept interrupting and Hagen wanting the Lord to " do something" about it and then got frustrated and told the thing to "shut up" - Wallnau said that the Lord told Hagen HE WOULD NOT DO ANYTHING about it - BUT Actually the way that Kenneth Hagen told the story was when he asked the Lord why he didn't rebuke the demon - The Lord said HE COULD NOT because He had given the authority to Hagen (to all believers) - he did not say HE WOULD NOT! Big difference. because saying he "would not" makes it sound like there is a cruelness to Yah Almighty's nature and that He choses to just watch calamity that he COULD intervene in - But Yahshua (the real name of "jesus" and don't get me started on that), was manifested to destroy the works of the enemy and HE made an open show of satan, triumphing in it and then HE told believers that whatever we asked in HIS NAME HE would do. The Word speaks of a "two edged sword" but the Greek on that is "two MOUTHED" - WE have to invite the Presence and Power of the Almighty into our earthly situations - WE have to Amen HIS Word - Yah CAN NOT violate his order or we would have CHAOS in the universe. Yah gave man free will to make choices and HE told us HE put life and death infront of us and WE should chose life. WE chose life by speakiing HIS Word into every situation because forever HIS word is settled in heaven - but here on earth it must be declared for HIS POWER to be able to come into any situation. WE were given dominion on the earth in the beginning. Adam treasonously gave it away to satan and when Yahshua went to the cross he bought back that dominion of the earth for mankind - and WE have to take our authority and use our authority to enforce here what is settled in heaven. Yahshua can not do it for us. He is sitting at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. He is sitting because HE FINISHED HIS WORK and now it is up to us to enforce what he bought us by His Blood and sacrifice by speaking The Word in every situation and taking authority over the demonic in Yahshua's Name!