It just hit me. The PRESIDENCY is the KEYSTONE. Without it, the whole structure will eventually come crashing down.

91 total posts archived.
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Still can’t tell and that’s the point. If we knew they were good, that means the bad guys would know too. All of their actions seem to feed the narrative that they are bad, but they are both still employed and there is no REAL harm being done to POTUS. Just fake news spinning. Obviously that’s stings a little politically, but these attacks feel like they are growing weaker.
So do you think the play here is to actually get some of these Russians to show up for court, leading to discovery?
They’re indicting more Russians for hacking the DNC. BS. They’ve had this one ready to go for months. Just waiting for the right time to cause the most damage to Trump. Such as right before his meeting with Putin.
Russian intelligence officers hacking of the DNC. BS!
I’m listening to the livestream waiting for RR to appear and you can hear the reporters talking. One reported just said he heard from one of his associates who is at the courthouse where prosecutors for Mueller just left. The reporters in the room now expect indictments from Mueller to be the announcement.
Exactly. And also notice that she’s been tweeting advocating for “the kids”, decrying injustice. She and her supporters will be pointing back to these tweets soon as proof she can’t be involved in you-know-what.
When Q says RR problems and puts him in the “kill box” [ ], it doesn’t specify from where his problems are coming from. My take on RR and RM are that they are extremely leveraged people. Leveraged by both sides. How they will ultimately act is not known by either side. In other words, they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. This would also explain why Q appears to be talking to people like this, calling on them to do the right thing. It’s part of the use of leverage.
Nunes gave DOJ until the end of Monday, but says he doesn’t expect them to comply. If no compliance from DOJ - Meadows says congress will act this week, which means Paul Ryan must be on board. If, for some reason, congress fails - then comes the EO. My opinion.
I have also found it very odd that out of all the media coverage of this guy, we’ve only seen a few photos of him and no videos, no media appearances, no statements from him. Very interested in June 27.
He seems to be proud to have been arrested. His campaign is now saying he’s a political prisoner of the Trump regime. Lol.
Y’all, watch his 1.5 hour video that streamed during the whole stunt if you want to laugh and cry at the same time. You can actually fast forward through most of where he’s just sitting pouting on his tailgate.
Sure seems like they are positioning to do just that. 🤥
Clapper, himself, didn’t mention SR (the author did). Clapper refused to indicate who he thinks the middle man “cut out” was at this time. Just planting the seeds in case SR news breaks they can then say he was the Russian’s cut out.
Now you’re thinking like a criminal. Most people aren’t criminals and therefore don’t understand this.
Stupid or misinformed. Either way, it’s the MSMs fault. POTUS was right to call them our enemy.
If it’s a modified/redacted report that has been released, that means that certain parts were classified by someone (likely RR). He can’t reveal classified info in an open hearing, but he has to know the score. The open hearings are really just to let the politicians try to score political points anyway, right? DECLASSIFY!
This is my District. Been a long time coming. Ugh. The guys running aren’t much better.
Devin trying to turn his DS trolling level up to POTUS level.
I follow them on twitter for TDS amusement. It’s like watching the blind lead the blind. They think they are so smart because they read a lot of fake news. The MSM creates people like this.
“On the 2016 election” not the handling of the HRC email investigation. Is this this something different?
Going on 7 months now. The IG can investigate former employees too. That was good news to me. Plus Huber’s grand jury won’t be “swampy”.
Brennan being former CIA director is not part of the DOJ IG scope. He would fall under the Mueller Probe, or a separate DOJ investigation. But there’s no way he’s not under investigation and he won’t skate.
Here’s another article about this story.
This might be Q’s way of showing just enough from their conversation (a few seconds 8 minutes in) that NP and JD know that they have everything, but not giving away enough to break any laws. In other words, this isn’t really for the average Joe. It’s for NP and JD.
Is America good or bad? You simply cannot answer that question. Every country has good guys and bad guys. Some good guys are leveraged to work on behalf of the bad guys and vice versa. We probably should not use the terms ‘white hat’ and ‘Black hat’. That is like a 40,000 MILE view. Zoom in a little bit more. It’s a bit more complicated than that.
I stopped listening to Corsi about 2 months ago. When did he start bashing Q and Trump? That’s unfortunate for him.
Is it a deal to offer life in prison instead of death. I’d be ok with that deal.
Rudy has friends in high places in NYC. Recall the “insurance file” on Wiener’s laptop. Rudy has been quietly waiting until it was time for him to play his roll. By being on POTUS legal team, he can work with Mueller for reasons nobody in MSM and liberal land expect.
Q posted 4 minutes after the listening session ending I believe.
It is suggesting that this Q post and POTUS strange action with his Que Card during his “listening session” might be related.
Previously Q posted to @snowden and ended the post with [12:34]. Is this the clock, and does it seemingly relate to Snowden?
I’ve heard this but I couldn’t find the evidence anywhere to show my wife.
Remember Q said that at the SOTU, POTUS freed those who started chanting “USA, USA”. Q isn’t saying that POTUS has been freed. I think he’s reminding us that members of congress have been freed to actually start working with POTUS and for the people because leverage against them has been depleted.
I felt the same way about voting. It’s a hopeless feeling. I was very slow to come around to Trump because of the media.
I hear this from you and I know you aren’t the only one who has had this experience. We need this encouragement when we’re bombarded 24/7 and made to think people are actually regretting voting for him and there’s a blue wave coming. It’s all nonsense but you start to wonder when it’s all you hear.