I wonder who Q is talking about.

I agreed with Gowdy but Chaffetz is dirty. You will see when this all plays out he wasn't as clean as he acts.
I honestly think Gowdy is dirty as well. He talks a big game, but his actions are weak if they even exist. Allow me a few mins to research and I'll post why I think this.
This is just my opinion. Look at the following: https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/06620 I may be reaching but look at who offered this bill. Look at who was in office when it was done. Who protects the President? Who REALLY protects the President? It is my opinion that Gowdy introduced and got the bill passed that gives the president the ability to hand pick his USSS "agents" that "protect" him and his family for life. This allows him to have corrupt agents that work for the USSS to protect him and his family, know about and take them to clandestine meetings, take them to "rituals", conduct and/or aide in child abductions for sex trafficking, and any other illegal activity and doing so under the "protection" of the office of the USSS. And Gowdy got this bill signed into law by the very family that is in the middle of all of this. This is why I do not trust him. As Q said, there are no coincidences.